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Universal acclaim- based on 184 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 184
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  1. Feb 22, 2020
    ¡¡ Album Of The Year !!
    Best: Super duper party people, Life of the party, June Gloom, Regulars, Learning in public..........
  2. Feb 24, 2020
    Amazing cohesive album! Allie X deserves waaaay more recognition. I love the concept of this album!
  3. Feb 22, 2020
    The Canadian singer Allie X's evolution is notorious on the album "CAPE GOD". This album presents us with a strong woman who is not afraid to innovate and expose herself, since in it we see Allie X opening secret doors and showing us the two pains and a dark side that makes us want to dance while we cry. Allie X is to be congratulated for such courage to launch "CAPE GOD", this album thatThe Canadian singer Allie X's evolution is notorious on the album "CAPE GOD". This album presents us with a strong woman who is not afraid to innovate and expose herself, since in it we see Allie X opening secret doors and showing us the two pains and a dark side that makes us want to dance while we cry. Allie X is to be congratulated for such courage to launch "CAPE GOD", this album that deserves to be listened to and appreciated by everyone with good taste and critical sense. I am ambitious when stating that "CAPE GOD" deserves to be remembered in the music awards ... GRAMMY. Expand
  4. Feb 23, 2020
    this is what we all needed. She deserves Album Of The Year or something.
  5. Feb 24, 2020
    cape god is allie x’s representation of maturity and artistic growth and also a relatable record for many people out there in the world. in here, she presents her best lyrics ever, varying and wandering through many topics but still remaining fun, heartbreaking and honest. truly one of my 2020 favorites.

    favorites: devil i know, regulars, sarah come home, rings a bell, love me wrong,
    cape god is allie x’s representation of maturity and artistic growth and also a relatable record for many people out there in the world. in here, she presents her best lyrics ever, varying and wandering through many topics but still remaining fun, heartbreaking and honest. truly one of my 2020 favorites.

    favorites: devil i know, regulars, sarah come home, rings a bell, love me wrong, susie save your love & life of the party.
  6. Feb 21, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  7. Feb 22, 2020
    Cape God is a tray with all allie's feelings exposed and dissected to the listeners, completely original and honest.
  8. Feb 22, 2020
    Her best album, the collab with mitski is awesome, and the production of the album is from another world Thank u allie for this.
  9. Feb 22, 2020
    1. fresh laundry - 10/10
    2. devil i know 9/10
    3. regulars - 9.5/10 4. sarah come home 11/10 5. rings a bell 10/10 6. june gloom 9/10 7. love me wrong 10/10 8. super duper party people 9/10 9. susie save your love 9.5/10 10. life of the party 9.5/10 11. madame x 9/10 12. learning in public 10/10 overall - 10/10!! faves : sarah come home, fresh laundry, learning in public, rings a bell,
    1. fresh laundry - 10/10
    2. devil i know 9/10
    3. regulars - 9.5/10 4. sarah come home 11/10
    5. rings a bell 10/10
    6. june gloom 9/10
    7. love me wrong 10/10
    8. super duper party people 9/10
    9. susie save your love 9.5/10
    10. life of the party 9.5/10
    11. madame x 9/10
    12. learning in public 10/10

    overall - 10/10!!
    faves : sarah come home, fresh laundry, learning in public, rings a bell, life of the party.

    allie x at her best!
  10. Feb 22, 2020
    I love Allie X music ! This album is so good and a I think that she can reinvent herself in every album that she drops.
  11. Feb 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is definitely the best album of Allie X ¡ Album Of The Year ! . . Expand
  12. Feb 21, 2020
    The most beautiful sound that i heard this year. The "Love Me Wrong" production and the vocals are amazing, the Synthesizers of "Super Duper Party People" are just legendary!
  13. Feb 22, 2020
    This album is simply amazing, loved everything in it. Congratulations Allie X
  14. Feb 21, 2020
    'Cape God' sets an exciting atmosphere right in its first song that keeps on going for the rest of the tracks and make you listen to it in a different way without wanting to do anything else. "June Gloom", "Love Me Wrong", "Susie Save Your Love" and "Madame X" are the absolute sand-outs for me. Great album, very cohesive and immersive. It´s just like a trip.
  15. Feb 25, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before.
  16. Feb 22, 2020
    Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show stopping. Spectacular. Never be the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before.
  17. Feb 22, 2020
    ESSE ÁLBUM É EXTREMAMENTE PERFEITO! todas as musicas são ótimas recomendo muito.
    album of the year!
  18. Feb 24, 2020
    One of the most excellent pop releases I’ve heard in years. The lyrics are smart, specific, and relatable. The production is sumptuous. And here more than ever, Allie proves that she has an incredible voice and is a force to be reckoned with in the world of underground pop. Fave tracks: Fresh Laundry, Regulars, June Gloom, Super Duper Party People, Susie Save Your Love

    Least fave tracks:
    One of the most excellent pop releases I’ve heard in years. The lyrics are smart, specific, and relatable. The production is sumptuous. And here more than ever, Allie proves that she has an incredible voice and is a force to be reckoned with in the world of underground pop. Fave tracks: Fresh Laundry, Regulars, June Gloom, Super Duper Party People, Susie Save Your Love

    Least fave tracks: none. Not one skip.
  19. Feb 22, 2020
    Simplesmente tudo que os gays queriam. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  20. Feb 22, 2020
    a cohesive album, and presenting very well the artistic identity of the singer! rings a bell one of my favorites. so in love with this songs
  21. Feb 24, 2020
    A few moments of interest cant save this project from a lack of focus, Allie X has a lot of ideas on Cape God, not all of them good; and together they make for a jarring experience.
  22. Feb 23, 2020
    Completely lacking individuality. Majority of the album sounds the same (like its trying to be Bad Liar by Selena Gomez). Unpleasant voice, cliched lyrics, predictable melodies. Mitski stole the show on that duet. Not good. Massively overrated by her fans.
  23. Feb 26, 2020
    Canada's most authentic yet unknown pop goddess, Allie X, produces YET another brilliantly dark and twisted album of radio-friendly goth pop bangers even if the tempo has downshifted. Fresh Laundry, Devil I know and Regulars, in particular, stand out as ear-worm inducing hits. Why she isn't as big as Gaga or T-Swift is beyond me...
  24. Feb 28, 2020
    This album sounds amazing. Definite recommendation. Best Tracks: Regulars, Sarah Come Home, Rings a Bell, June Gloom, Super Duper Party People, Susie Save Your Love, Life of the Party; Worst Tracks: Love Me Wrong
  25. Apr 24, 2020
    Such a great album . I'm so impressed by her music . Love me wrong , june gloom and madame X steal the show for me
  26. Feb 23, 2020
    É impressionante como Allie X conseguiu transformar um álbum de 12 músicas e um Photoshoot impecável em uma passagem para um mundo alternativo onde podemos nos conectar com sua palavra.
    Allie X é uma lenda viva
  27. Mar 17, 2020
    I was tired of listening to main pop artists so I decided to look for something fresh to add to my playlist. I suddenly saw that Australian singer Troye Sivan had collaborated with a female singer whose existence I was somehow ignoring. That's how I came against Allie X and how this project blew my mind.
    "Cape God" is the first project I hear from her and it is fabulous. The album has a
    I was tired of listening to main pop artists so I decided to look for something fresh to add to my playlist. I suddenly saw that Australian singer Troye Sivan had collaborated with a female singer whose existence I was somehow ignoring. That's how I came against Allie X and how this project blew my mind.
    "Cape God" is the first project I hear from her and it is fabulous. The album has a cinematographic atmosphere that reminds me of the sound Lana del Rey had back in the day or Fleurie's; that's a compliment, tho. Even though I enjoy a lot this kind of sound, the album sounds a little bit monotonous to me. I don't know, maybe I need to listen to it once again. What I've enjoyed the most has been the lyrics. Allie's messages are smart and relatable and its production is exquisite. To sum up, I have enjoyed "Cape God" very much since it presents us a strong empowered woman who is not afraid to innovate and expose herself who is able to make a record filled with crying-dancy tracks. It that a thing? Well, now it is. I am grateful to have discovered this young and fresh promise of indie-pop-alternative music. I am looking forward to hearing what she has to offer us. I will definitely recommend it to all my friends!
  28. Feb 29, 2020
    I think some of y'all giving 10/10 need to come down to Earth a bit. There are quality pop songs on here. "Love Me Wrong" is an absolute 10/10 because of how hauntingly beautiful it is. I wish Allie showed more of her range like that throughout the whole album. This could have been her "Titanic Rising" (Weyes Blood) but some of the tracks here are not as in-depth that everybody is hypingI think some of y'all giving 10/10 need to come down to Earth a bit. There are quality pop songs on here. "Love Me Wrong" is an absolute 10/10 because of how hauntingly beautiful it is. I wish Allie showed more of her range like that throughout the whole album. This could have been her "Titanic Rising" (Weyes Blood) but some of the tracks here are not as in-depth that everybody is hyping about. There are different styles she toys with but some fall flat, especially "Life of the Party." The tracks that were great include "Love Me Wrong," "Fresh Laundry," "Devil I Know," and "Super Duper Party People." She has potential but she needs to be consistent with the songwriting. Expand
  29. Feb 29, 2020
    segue uma linha tênue entre composição e produção, é sombrio e divertido.
  30. Feb 21, 2020
    Definitivamente el mejor proyecto de su carrera, consagrandose como una gran exponente para la musica Pop, y demostrando que merece mucho más de lo que tiene. Ha logrado traer un sonido bastante fresco, muy variado con letras bastante profundas y personales, sin duda un inperdible de este 2020 con joyas como 'Regulars', 'Rings a Bell', 'Love Me Wrong', y 'Madame X'
    Gratamente sorprendido.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 16, 2020
    These songs may sound fun, upbeat, and lovelorn, but there's a dour and utterly realistic undercurrent that makes Cape God Allie X's most relatable and human effort to date.
  2. Feb 27, 2020
    When Hughes tries out more rote pop songs, Cape God can get a little dry. ... Still, the sad world of Cape God is an alluring one, and Hughes’ vocal range is its unequivocal linchpin.
  3. 90
    Allie X's debut, 2017's CollXtion II, was a fun, if simplistic outing, but Cape God is an album undeniably made by a woman truly forging her own path however she sees fit. Not to mention championing the wickedly bright future of avant-garde, ascendant music.