
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mar 16, 2020
    These songs may sound fun, upbeat, and lovelorn, but there's a dour and utterly realistic undercurrent that makes Cape God Allie X's most relatable and human effort to date.
  2. Feb 21, 2020
    ‘CollXtion I’ posed Allie as an exciting new songwriter, but this record fails to push boundaries in the same way.
  3. Feb 21, 2020
    Cape God does such justice to the patented Allie X sound, refining and mastering it to the extent that it makes all that came before it feel like a proof-of-concept for this project. Pulsing keyboards clashing against string instruments and met with intoxicating vocals, Cape God sees Allie X reach her final form.
  4. Feb 21, 2020
    Cape God has an experimental edge to it that makes it one of the most delightfully weirdest albums of the year.
  5. Feb 24, 2020
    The album is both challenging and rewarding. On songs like Fresh Laundry, Allie X’s vocals are often treated with high-gloss effects that steal the personality from her voice. It’s not until final track Learning In Public that you hear her unvarnished, which by then sounds jarring. It often feels like she’s doing too much with too much.
  6. Feb 27, 2020
    When Hughes tries out more rote pop songs, Cape God can get a little dry. ... Still, the sad world of Cape God is an alluring one, and Hughes’ vocal range is its unequivocal linchpin.
  7. Q Magazine
    Feb 21, 2020
    Cape God might be an awful place to visit, but the tunes are great. [Apr 2020, p.114]
  8. 90
    Allie X's debut, 2017's CollXtion II, was a fun, if simplistic outing, but Cape God is an album undeniably made by a woman truly forging her own path however she sees fit. Not to mention championing the wickedly bright future of avant-garde, ascendant music.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 184 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 184
  1. Feb 22, 2020
    The Canadian singer Allie X's evolution is notorious on the album "CAPE GOD". This album presents us with a strong woman who is not afraid toThe Canadian singer Allie X's evolution is notorious on the album "CAPE GOD". This album presents us with a strong woman who is not afraid to innovate and expose herself, since in it we see Allie X opening secret doors and showing us the two pains and a dark side that makes us want to dance while we cry. Allie X is to be congratulated for such courage to launch "CAPE GOD", this album that deserves to be listened to and appreciated by everyone with good taste and critical sense. I am ambitious when stating that "CAPE GOD" deserves to be remembered in the music awards ... GRAMMY. Full Review »
  2. Feb 24, 2020
    Amazing cohesive album! Allie X deserves waaaay more recognition. I love the concept of this album!
  3. Feb 23, 2020
    this is what we all needed. She deserves Album Of The Year or something.