
Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Despite her best rebellious efforts, Miley's just not (yet) that thorny a girl.
  2. At times Can't Be Tamed feels perfunctory, getting the job of showing Cyrus is growing up without making her too mature for her still-young fan base and little else.
  3. It's a Top 40 record of a high order, packed with electro-pop hooks and big Kelly Clarkson-style shout-along choruses. Cyrus' 17-year-old ire--however genuine it is--just adds spice.
  4. It's hard to escape the feeling that, in seeking to establish a more individual identity, Cyrus has become more generic. This is compounded by the fact that the songs just aren't strong enough to overcome the customary production.
  5. Her new album isn't half bad. Of course, that means it's also only half good, but Can't Be Tamed is full of the catchiest Top 40 hits money can buy.
  6. There's nothing raunchy or attitudinal here, just blustering dance-pop numbers and mushy ballads that owe a debt to Lady Gaga, minus all the flesh, spunk and bonkers stilettos.
  7. A lot of its songs are ballads that ooze sap like an abandoned sponge.
  8. When you get right down to it, not only is Can't Be Tamed a confused statement of a record, but it's a pretty boring listen as well, as Cyrus hits on tired old pop trends (AutoTune? Really?) as a way to deliver her quasi-edgy new persona to a much more intelligent mainstream audience.
  9. Throughout Can't Be Tamed Cyrus seems checked out of her vocal performances, singing with neither the tween-queen enthusiasm of her Hannah Montana material nor the confrontational energy of 2008's Breakout.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 383 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 67 out of 383
  1. Sep 2, 2012
    If you really listen to all the songs of the shows the world so much love!All your review is just base on your hatred towards Miley!If you really listen to all the songs of the shows the world so much love!All your review is just base on your hatred towards Miley! Hate you people! Full Review »
  2. KevinG
    Jun 23, 2010
    she is acting like a complete whore in this video and she is just trying too hard to have sex appeal and she just doesnt because she is still she is acting like a complete whore in this video and she is just trying too hard to have sex appeal and she just doesnt because she is still a minor. Full Review »
  3. Jun 20, 2011
    This is just a bad pop record. Bad production and bad vocals. The album does have some highlights with songs like "Liberty Walk", "ForgivenessThis is just a bad pop record. Bad production and bad vocals. The album does have some highlights with songs like "Liberty Walk", "Forgiveness & Love" and the infamous "Can't Be Tamed" but other than those tracks the album is just so-so. Full Review »