• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Dec 21, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jan 20, 2011
    For fans of mid-tempo 90s R&B hungry from something new, Keyshia Cole is about as close as it gets to Real Love.
  2. Dec 21, 2010
    Cole is a multiplatinum star who had a hit reality show and recently became a mother. But the Oakland diva's fourth album is by no means a celebration: Cole is a heroine who thrives off tales of conflict, betrayal and survival.
  3. Dec 21, 2010
    There are no upbeat pop-oriented songs, and stylistic diversions are not part of the program, either. It is something of a refinement of Cole's first two albums, and yet it involves a revolving door of songwriters and producers.
  4. Dec 20, 2010
    Keyshia Cole tries for a slow burn but rarely ignites on her fourth album, Calling All Hearts.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 63
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 63
  3. Negative: 50 out of 63
  1. Dec 8, 2014
    this **** is not R&B and she sold herself to try to make sucess worldwide, her worst album ever, i love keyshia cole but this album is toothis **** is not R&B and she sold herself to try to make sucess worldwide, her worst album ever, i love keyshia cole but this album is too bad, i'm sorry Full Review »
  2. Nov 17, 2011
    One of my favorite R&B albums of 2010. Cole's voice is phenomenal as always. The standouts were "Long Way Down", "Sometimes", "What You Do ToOne of my favorite R&B albums of 2010. Cole's voice is phenomenal as always. The standouts were "Long Way Down", "Sometimes", "What You Do To Me", "Last Hangover" and "Take Me Away". Full Review »
  3. Nov 11, 2015
    Só o 70 da rollling stone pisa na cara desses cocodilhos com mau gosto que deram nota baixa pra rainha. Que lixosos. ÁlbumSó o 70 da rollling stone pisa na cara desses cocodilhos com mau gosto que deram nota baixa pra rainha. Que lixosos. Álbum maravilhosooooooooooooooooo Full Review »