
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Sep 17, 2019
    A fine piece of work from a criminally-underrated talent.
  2. Aug 9, 2019
    It’s difficult to shake the feeling that the likes of the upbeat ‘Brass Locket’ or the barely-there ‘Hunting Dog’ that this is territory Regan has already long since claimed, and that as good as he is at it, the law of diminishing returns is bound to kick in eventually. Instead, what we need more of is the likes of ‘Glaciers’, all implied menace and thick atmospherics.
  3. Aug 26, 2019
    At its worst, the effect is soporific, but if you're looking for a comforting, cushiony soundscape, Cala is good company. It's when Regan opts for crisper, more invigorated sounds, though, that the album really shines.
  4. Mojo
    Aug 9, 2019
    Succinct and entirely self-preformed, Regan's typically poetic sixth album conjures a singular, almost meditative mood via fingerpicked guitars, backwards-recorded instruments and subtle textures. [Sep 2019, p.95]
  5. Aug 9, 2019
    Regan is an excellent songwriter; a fact made evident throughout Cala as well as his fantastic past releases. The production work on this record has a distinct purpose, and every instrument and electronic element is used to maximum effect without sounding overbearing. Yet, there's a lightness to the album that, while immensely attractive to some listeners, could grow stale over time for others.
  6. Q Magazine
    Aug 9, 2019
    At 10 songs and 35 minutes, Cala doesn't over stay its welcome, making its hypnotic pull all the greater. [Sep 2019, p.116]
  7. Aug 13, 2019
    Cala is a record that, at its strongest, reaches astounding levels of beauty and emotional fragility, but at its weakest, is just a fading shadow of its most powerful moments.
  8. Aug 9, 2019
    Cala is a beautifully crafted addition to his collection. The record will appeal to those who enjoy soothing melodies and imaginative lyrics, as the Irishman continues to follow his own wonderful path.
  9. Uncut
    Aug 9, 2019
    May be Regan's finest 35 minutes to date. [Sep 2019, p.33]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Oct 13, 2019
    "Cala" is another hugely impressive offering from the Bray man. His debut album, released well over a decade ago, was so good it bought him"Cala" is another hugely impressive offering from the Bray man. His debut album, released well over a decade ago, was so good it bought him enough credit to last the rest of his life. Since then he has been incredibly consistent, producing great work without necessarily hitting the genius level of his debut across a whole album. "Cala" follows this pattern, a superb album in many ways without ever capturing the magic of "The End of History". Album number 6 opens up with 3 songs that are right up there with some of the best material Fionn Regan has written to date. "Collar of Fur", "Head Swim" are similar in style, intricately delicate finger plucked guitar with spell binding lyrics that emanate a real joy. "Riverside Heights" is more reflective but equally captivating. "The Ocean Wave" lost me and I did feel there was a noticeable lull in the middle of the record. It's not that the songs aren't good, just that they don't hit the very high standard Regan has set for his work. The final third of the album captivates again with penultimate track "Glaciers" a particular standout. This is an immensely talented songwriter and if this were to be the first Fionn Regan record you heard you'd likely be most impressed. Next to his back catalog, "Cala" simply fits in nicely. Full Review »