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Universal acclaim- based on 286 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 286
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  1. Nov 25, 2022
    It's Ellie's best work so far, powerfully and sadly she writes in a pretentious and satirical way of her career.
  2. Aug 24, 2022
    She really did try but unfortunately due to her limited range even her extremes are extremely mediocre
  3. Nov 25, 2021
    Another amazing album by Ellie Goulding, her vocals never disappoints and the lyrics are great too
  4. Nov 25, 2021
    After five long years waiting, Ellie Goulding delivers an amazing album, just as great as the first two
  5. Nov 24, 2021
    I love the both sides of this album, Ellie Goulding's voice is amazing and I also love the lyrics here
  6. Nov 22, 2021
    I love this new album, I know that Ellie Goulding's voice is not for everyone but I love it
  7. Aug 24, 2021
    This album is definitely best album ever her writing her songs everything is just perfect
  8. Jun 20, 2021
    This album shows a very vonerebole side of Ellie every song has a totally unique feel.
    In my opinion it his her best work to date.
  9. May 25, 2021
    Ellie's 2020 LP is a very mixed bag. There are some GREAT pop cuts on this record, but the others are ruined by awful production and vocals. The features are also surprisingly good.

    FAV TRACK: Worry About Me
    LEAST FAV TRACK: Wine Drunk
  10. Jan 27, 2021
    Enjoying the album more now than when I listened to it during the initial promotion launch.. which reinforces my sole complaint.. the Ellie Goulding production machine can be overdone. It is 'over produced' and what could have been great then drifts into trite, tough. Like the inedibility of a rubbery steak. Surely Ellie can hear this herself.. or perhaps her love for EDM and time withEnjoying the album more now than when I listened to it during the initial promotion launch.. which reinforces my sole complaint.. the Ellie Goulding production machine can be overdone. It is 'over produced' and what could have been great then drifts into trite, tough. Like the inedibility of a rubbery steak. Surely Ellie can hear this herself.. or perhaps her love for EDM and time with Calvin Harris have blown her ear drums. Less would have been so much more and this could have been...well perfect... which makes it a slightly disappointing and irritating listen overall. Once more with feeling comes to mind. 'Love I'm Given', 'Tides', 'Wine Drunk' 'Slow Grenade' are examples of this gloss that is so glossy its plastic. Who doesn't hate a wasted opportunity! Choose another producer next time Ellie, someone with some dynamic subtlety. Expand
  11. Jan 1, 2021
    Album of the year!!! Ellie volta suas origens de uma forma simples, sincera e madura. Após 5 anos de espera, ela trás de volta seu mistério e suas letras profundas e tocantes. Ela é genial!!!
  12. Dec 5, 2020
    Start (feat. serpentwithfeet) - 7/10
    Power - 8/10
    How Deep Is Too Deep/ Cyan - 7,5/10
    Love I'm Given - 9/10
    New Heights - 6,5/10
    Ode to Myself - 7/10
    Woman - 7,5/10
    Tides - 8/10
    Wine Drunk - 6,7/10
    Bleach - 8/10
    Flux - 8/10
    Brightest Blue - 8/10
    Overture - 7/10
    Worry About Me - 7,5/10
    Slow Grenade (feat. Lauv) - 7,5/10
    Close to Me - 8/10
    Hate Me - 7/10
    Sixteen - 8/10
  13. Nov 26, 2020
    wow im surprised!! i expected something like lazy & generic pop album but ellie said no **** you r getting a masterpiece. love love love the lyrics they r so relateble and production is so different too. her vocals ugh love herrrrr she is underrated ;(
    Fave: Flux
    Least Faves: Close To Me, Hate Me
  14. Nov 2, 2020
    This album is an amazing work of art that really portrays the powerful talent that Ellie Goulding harnesses in song writing. The instrumentals magically match the lyrics being sung and it creates a very emotional experience that every listener can relate to. Anyone who says otherwise about this album is on crack.
  15. Sep 23, 2020
    It is really hard to enjoy at the first listen, but with 2 or more it turns into an awesome experience!
    The first part of the album is more personal and ''alternative'' than the second one, which makes the album more interesting and fun to listen to. My favorite songs are: ''Close to Me'', ''Tides'' and ''How Deep is Too Deep''.
  16. Sep 20, 2020
    Although Brightest Blue is a cohesive and well-written album, it contains some unnecessary parts which weakened it. Things such as the last minute of the first track "start" that seems like a different song and therefore makes it lose the potential it has. One other example is how Goulding included the track "Wine Drunk" which, even though is cohesive with the other tracks, seems a littleAlthough Brightest Blue is a cohesive and well-written album, it contains some unnecessary parts which weakened it. Things such as the last minute of the first track "start" that seems like a different song and therefore makes it lose the potential it has. One other example is how Goulding included the track "Wine Drunk" which, even though is cohesive with the other tracks, seems a little bit out of place. Despite these minor details, the album has amazing songs which allow the audience to connect with Goulding while enjoying the great lyrics. Furthermore, It would have been great if she included some tracks that connected more with her "Delirium era". Expand
  17. Sep 4, 2020
    undoubtedly ellie brings us one of the best albums of 2020 a powerful comeback was worth waiting five years simply sensational
  18. Sep 3, 2020
    Worthies (7/16):
    - Start
    - How Deep Is Too Deep
    - Bleach
    - Brightest Blue
    - Worry About Me
    - Close To Me
    - Hate Me
  19. Sep 1, 2020
    Ellie Goulding siempre nos ha dado increíbles conceptos en cada uno de sus álbumes, y este no es la excepción
  20. Aug 31, 2020
    Brilliant album it has a very outstanding production and every single song sounds so unique and Ellie's vocals are on point
  21. Aug 29, 2020
    A brilliant album by a brilliant artist. Ellie never disappoints in her albums.
  22. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum increíble, sin duda uno de sus mejores trabajos. Se ha superado Expand
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    Thank you Ellie for this really good album. The sound is great, the tracks flow away like water and they got their own identity both with the other album tracks and taken alone. Power, Love I'm Given and title track are outstanding. Maybe the lyrics are a little too basic, but production and voice are really good. I love it.
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    Just art. Masterpiece of the year... The bops and the slow songs... everything seems perfect. Congrats to Ellie on her best project till date.
  25. Aug 28, 2020
    El álbum es sumamente hermoso y perfecto El trabajo en la producción de las canciones encaja totalmente con las letras Y el trabajo vocal de Ellie es simplemente perfecto como siempre.
  26. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is so so incredible. You can really feel everything that has been put into it and you feel all the emotions and sounds. Incredibly well put together with all the songs and with the interlude songs too! We wanted almost 5 years fir this album and it was definitely worth the wait. It has some absolute bangers but also calm and more chilled songs and all of them are very powerful.This album is so so incredible. You can really feel everything that has been put into it and you feel all the emotions and sounds. Incredibly well put together with all the songs and with the interlude songs too! We wanted almost 5 years fir this album and it was definitely worth the wait. It has some absolute bangers but also calm and more chilled songs and all of them are very powerful. The lyrics hit hard and the vocals are insane. wow. Expand
  27. Aug 28, 2020
    Maturity. This whole album offers so much variety. Ellie is at her most vulnerable with tracks like Woman and Flux. But somehow she managed to add some positivity and optimism track like the title track, Brightest Blue. Double sided album doesn't really work that well, but this one does; and it's beautiful. My fav work that Ellie has ever put out so far! Cheers to her best album yet!
  28. Aug 28, 2020
    Good Album she’s one of the best singer my top3 in album 1 love I’m given 2 power 3 bleach
  29. Aug 11, 2020
    Melhor álbum da ellie goulding, amei todas as músicas. Ellie te um dom de trazer qualidade, e merece ser divulgada como uma rainha.
  30. Aug 3, 2020
    Ellie realmente mostrou, na qual me fez lembrar a cantora Jonna Lee no projeto 'iamamiwhoami', faixas bem trabalhadas, ellie no seu ápice de criatividade, destaque para as faixas 'Hate Me' 'Close To Me' e 'Wine Drunk' realmente impressionante como ela nos trouxe um lado diferente do que estamos acostumados na rádio, algo mais experimental e desafiador.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Jul 23, 2020
    Brightest Blue's main disc is Goulding's deepest emotional journey yet, a triumph of empowerment and self-discovery.
  2. Jul 22, 2020
    While Blue is thoughtful and beautiful, it’s a drag to sit through. The interludes have more personality than the full-length songs.
  3. Jul 21, 2020
    For the most part, she doesn’t have the chops or soul of contemporaries like Florence Welch, who sings of similar subject matter with a real torch, and who shares a collaborator in Joseph Kearns, who produced almost every song on Brightest Blue. At Kearns’s behest, the album takes a relatively new tack for Goulding, trading the garish for the palatable, but it’s no less grating as a result.