
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. For teen-pop (despite what Annie Leibovitz would have us believe, Miley is only 15, after all), your kid could do worse.
  2. It’s a lackluster album, floated by two or three strong singles.
  3. While the slow-into-snappy single '7 Things' is an obvious attempt at a follow-up, and although much of the disc tends toward the same mildly punky pop (much of it co-written by Cyrus), there's an unwelcome familiarity to the hooks, a sense that Breakout is actually just a mash-up of moves tried and discarded by Lohan/Duff/fill-in-the-Disney-diva-of-your choice.
  4. My guess is that Breakout isn’t fun enough or accomplished enough to really excite any segment of her fan base; rather, it’s just enjoyable enough and shows just enough flashes of maturation and skill to halt doubts regarding Cyrus’s future in the entertainment industry.
  5. Q Magazine
    Harmless fluff. [Nov 2008, p.114]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 266 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 47 out of 266
  1. Sep 12, 2011
    Best album by Miley. No autotune and absolutely great vocals. She's really confident in the pop-rock. The best songs are Breakout, 7 Things,Best album by Miley. No autotune and absolutely great vocals. She's really confident in the pop-rock. The best songs are Breakout, 7 Things, Fly On The Wall These Four Walls and Hovering (the last one you find it in the deluxe edition) Full Review »
  2. Jul 16, 2016
    As a tween, I loved the album, and even as a young adult now, "Breakout" is still enjoyable. It is, perhaps, my favourite album released byAs a tween, I loved the album, and even as a young adult now, "Breakout" is still enjoyable. It is, perhaps, my favourite album released by Miley. It has stand-outs like "7 Things," "The Driveway," "Goodbye," "See You Again," and "Someday." Overall, still enjoyable, even if some of the songs do seem a little juvenile to me now. Full Review »
  3. Jun 10, 2015
    The album is very beautiful, I love the lyrics and rhythms that are very catchy, to be 16 years old at the time, it was good writer,honestlyThe album is very beautiful, I love the lyrics and rhythms that are very catchy, to be 16 years old at the time, it was good writer,honestly this album Full Review »