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Universal acclaim- based on 348 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 21 out of 348

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  1. Dec 12, 2019
    this is an album that requires repeated listens because, many of the songs don't seem like much at first. but, as the relistens pass, every song begins to seem like a revelation as they prove to be much more intricate and detailed than they initially appeared, with some of the most gratifying progressions in the history of the genre. Basically the first 7 songs are perfect and the rest isthis is an album that requires repeated listens because, many of the songs don't seem like much at first. but, as the relistens pass, every song begins to seem like a revelation as they prove to be much more intricate and detailed than they initially appeared, with some of the most gratifying progressions in the history of the genre. Basically the first 7 songs are perfect and the rest is still immaculate.
    'Boxer' stands head and shoulders above the rest of The National's catalogue and, considering their track record, that says a lot.
  2. Dec 6, 2017
    Hard to believe this is now a decade old, "Boxer" is the excellent follow up to The National's fantastic 3rd album "Alligator". This is pretty close to a 10 out of 10 when compared to the work of their peers but probably a bit too similar to "Alligator" to get full marks. "Fake Empire" and "Mistaken for Strangers" are two of the greatest tracks written in the last 20 years, if not ever.Hard to believe this is now a decade old, "Boxer" is the excellent follow up to The National's fantastic 3rd album "Alligator". This is pretty close to a 10 out of 10 when compared to the work of their peers but probably a bit too similar to "Alligator" to get full marks. "Fake Empire" and "Mistaken for Strangers" are two of the greatest tracks written in the last 20 years, if not ever. "Slow Show", "Green Gloves" and "Guest Room" are all fan favourites that are to be found here as well. If possible, it's a mellower album than Alligator and it could do with one or two more up tempo tracks like the aforementioned "Mistaken for Strangers" but this is me being very picky here. "Boxer" is an absolute gem of a record from a band to be treasured. An album that still sounds amazing 10 years on and no doubt will still sound as good in another 10. Expand
  3. Sep 14, 2017
    This is tremendous, amazing, outstanding, lyrically and musically, an instant classic for music and certainly best album of 2007 and best album from the band,
  4. Mar 9, 2016
    As always and expected from The National, a really amazing and outstanding album. I'd definitely recommend it to all fans of the band or everyone who liked the other albums as well. If you're new to The National, buy it. Now.
  5. Sep 21, 2014
    The slow-burning masterwork of a band at it's creative peak, both totally comfortable with where they are, and yet still pushing their own creative abilities and perfecting their craft. A perfect listen from start to finish.
  6. Jun 20, 2013
    I consider this album as a milestone of post-new-wave sound. Furthermore Matt Berninger's voice is outstanding, absolutely unique. Undoubtedly their best album!
  7. May 1, 2013
    Quite simply, a masterpiece of modern music. Deeply affective, darkly humorous, and as human as music can possibly be. Honestly the best album of the 2000s.
  8. Apr 12, 2013
    Far better than its predecessor in terms of arrangements: these songs are truly flawless.
  9. Mar 10, 2013
    Boxer represents The National at the height of their artistic abilities. Matt Beringer's soft, baritone voice is what propels this record to exceeding heights. Every track stands out, and the drumming is beyond fantastic, some of the best drumming I've heard in a long while. From the minute this album starts, to the moment it ends, it epitomizes the perfect blend of alternative/indie rock.Boxer represents The National at the height of their artistic abilities. Matt Beringer's soft, baritone voice is what propels this record to exceeding heights. Every track stands out, and the drumming is beyond fantastic, some of the best drumming I've heard in a long while. From the minute this album starts, to the moment it ends, it epitomizes the perfect blend of alternative/indie rock. All In All, The National make an artistic statement with this record, and they only exceed these standards with their next record "High Violet" B+ Expand
  10. Dec 1, 2012
    The album reflects the ideas and philosophies of a grown up man and his emotions are displayed in such great depth with some amazing music you haven't heard before. Yes, the album has a serious tone and it carries its own melody which is unique and depressing somewhat.
    Clearly the best album of 2000s.
  11. j30
    Jan 26, 2012
    Amazing album. The dark, soulful LP from the Brooklyn based band is one of my favorite albums from 2007. Matt Berninger's low, crooning voice and Bryan Devendorf's bruising drums carry this album to great heights.
  12. Jul 3, 2011
    just amazing. best album of them.
  13. JonnyR.
    Jul 13, 2008
    It seems as though the National intentionally leave off some of their best material from their albums.
  14. JonB.
    Jun 23, 2008
    Yes, I like this album even more than Radiohead's Rainbows. Best album of the year.
  15. CalvinD.
    Jun 4, 2008
    no bad songs on this one, but in a whole, it's just very boring. some people may refer to this as "cohesive"...every song's structure is the same, and since they're alway building up on one single line, it's time to hit the forward button after 2.5 minutes into each song. mistaken for strangers is a good example of how good a song can start and how boring it can no bad songs on this one, but in a whole, it's just very boring. some people may refer to this as "cohesive"...every song's structure is the same, and since they're alway building up on one single line, it's time to hit the forward button after 2.5 minutes into each song. mistaken for strangers is a good example of how good a song can start and how boring it can become. the drumming is to loud the whole record through too. Expand
  16. Jackpot
    May 16, 2008
    This is a workmanlike performance by The National. There isn't anything here that blows my mind, but the majestic closer, "Gospel," comes close; it's like a darker version of "Boy with the Arab Strap"-era Belle & Sebastian.
  17. BobD.
    Apr 13, 2008
    mad mad good. after being introduced by "mistaken for strangers," i used to think they're were too many slow songs on here. but now i relish this album for its somber mood. a slow grower, but highly recommended.
  18. JohnD.
    Mar 13, 2008
    Its a thing of beauty, a gorgeous sonnet in a storm of denial, a feeling, a mood beyond the crowd.
  19. NiallS
    Dec 17, 2007
    The Real album of the year!
  20. FrancescM.
    Dec 15, 2007
    It's a very special CD. Not original at all, but special.
  21. JoeDoe
    Dec 14, 2007
    It's an absolutely great album! I've heard them for the first time on got radio just a couple of hours before. And yes, I already have the album.
  22. TBone
    Nov 22, 2007
    After having this whole album in my playlists for a few months, I have to say, the only song I could really pull is Slow Show. Theres a lot of hooks in all of these. Pretty good.
  23. LinusG.
    Nov 20, 2007
    "We expected something, something better than before, we expected something more" is not something you can say about this album. Perfect. Best sing-a-long of the year.
  24. BarryP.
    Nov 18, 2007
    On first listening the opening tracks impacted immediately and then I thought it tailed off. When I went back to it I started listening more and more to the second half of the album and it just keeps growing. I will now choose to listen to the last couple of tracks like Ada as much as Fake Empire. Patience rewards and I think this will eventually be regarded as one of the great albums of On first listening the opening tracks impacted immediately and then I thought it tailed off. When I went back to it I started listening more and more to the second half of the album and it just keeps growing. I will now choose to listen to the last couple of tracks like Ada as much as Fake Empire. Patience rewards and I think this will eventually be regarded as one of the great albums of recent years. I think it has more depth than Alligator. Expand
  25. MC
    Nov 13, 2007
    Excellent. Honest lyrics, great music. I especially love the drumming, as well as the overall mood of the album.
  26. CarlosA.
    Oct 24, 2007
    One of the best in the last five years. Fresh, harmonic, deep. As much you listen it as much you will discover and like it. It can take time but in the end you will love these guys. Don´t forget Alligator, another surprise for me after listening Boxer.
  27. booms.
    Oct 18, 2007
    i was blown away initially by this release - on subsequent listens i find myself getting more uninterested and bored of this album. Some great songs dispersed amongst filler
  28. BrissaR
    Oct 9, 2007
    Alligator was more upbeat and there was a greater variety of songs/tempos. Boxer is more contemplated and the songs drift into each other, i.e., it's more monotonous. If you are a fan of the National than you should buy Boxer but don't get your hopes up too high.
  29. Elli
    Oct 9, 2007
    I had such high expectations for this album. This is a good album but nowhere as magnificent as its predecessor, "Alligator." This album takes a while to appreciate and it has a slower pace than "Alligator." My favorite songs are "Fake Empire" and "Slow Show."
  30. WadeT.
    Sep 27, 2007
    There is a difference between releasing an impressive album and an engaging album. Engaging records create fan bases by becoming a part of the listeners day to day life. Impressive albums are a lot like looking at a painting in an art gallery that you visit one in awhile, you look, are impressed, then move on, not thinking about it much afterwards. The Boxer by The National is impressive, There is a difference between releasing an impressive album and an engaging album. Engaging records create fan bases by becoming a part of the listeners day to day life. Impressive albums are a lot like looking at a painting in an art gallery that you visit one in awhile, you look, are impressed, then move on, not thinking about it much afterwards. The Boxer by The National is impressive, but since purchasing it based on my finding of their myspace page I haven't been able to come back to it. The reason is The National hit a lot of triples on The Boxer, good tunes, impressively constructed, but don't have that moment that plants a melody straight into your brain. The National are talented, competent performers with a great core sound, but Boxer largely veers away from those epic moments needed that pronounce great songs. Start A War is the best example of this, with a simple acoustic guitar starting a tune that seems pushing toward a large climax, The National never take the song where you as a listener want it to go and you're left with a disjointed effort, much like the entire album. Expand
  31. JustinB.
    Sep 21, 2007
    Not as good as alligator, but, what is? this is a very good album.
  32. WillC.
    Sep 19, 2007
    An outstanding album that is equally as good as Alligator. I love 'Squalor Victoria' and 'Apartment Story'. I'm seeing them live in the UK in November for the first time and I can't wait.
  33. ChrisK
    Sep 11, 2007
    Their previous album: Alligator was the band's pinnacle. I found the album quite monotonous. Definitely over-rated, and a step back if you know their earlier work.
  34. LucasC.
    Sep 11, 2007
    Good Lyrics... Good Album.
  35. Shes_soLoose
    Aug 31, 2007
    I was left half-cold by the much acclaimed Alligator: I never could really get into it. Boxer is different, though. It took me just a couple of spins to be drawn into it and I absolutely love it. Standaout tracks: Brainy, Slow Show and Guest Room.
  36. BillS
    Aug 29, 2007
    Very, very nice work. Great melodies, and lyrics. Vocals remind me a bit of John Cale. Not meaning to dismiss all the other strengths, but the thing I like the most about the album is the drum work. The only thing holding the album up a bit is the production.
  37. Scott
    Aug 22, 2007
    Any lyrics that have to do with "baking pies" or "make a cake or something" and refers to untarnished kids as "pink" and "ruffians" deserves an A in my book. The singer takes me back to the old days swooner singers wearing maybe a silk shirt and sippin some vodka. Not the best band ever but definitely a gem amongst the million crappy indie records available this year.
    Aug 16, 2007
    Album of the Year. Hits every high, low, and in between dynamic at a level of aesthetics, few artists achieve. Reminds you that basic songwriting is all it takes to achieve stellar hights in the realm of recording. The production of every song is perfect, and honestly, i think this album is more compareable to OK Computer than ANYTHING else I've heard since. That's not to say Album of the Year. Hits every high, low, and in between dynamic at a level of aesthetics, few artists achieve. Reminds you that basic songwriting is all it takes to achieve stellar hights in the realm of recording. The production of every song is perfect, and honestly, i think this album is more compareable to OK Computer than ANYTHING else I've heard since. That's not to say it's at the same level as the best album ever made, but it's one of the few records within spitting distance, I'd say. Expand
  39. Muz
    Aug 14, 2007
    I agree totally with what Raindog 1972 said. Midlake's latest was the last album which floored me, now Boxer has done it too. Awesome album.
  40. Rasec
    Aug 14, 2007
    Thank you for the music!
  41. Jim
    Aug 7, 2007
    Perfect album start to finish. There is not a weak track on it. I did not think they could out do Alligator but they did bigtime!
  42. ChrisP
    Aug 5, 2007
    Best album of the year and in the top 10 of the decade. Buy it immediately.
  43. JaddyP
    Aug 3, 2007
    The strangest thing about this album is that there is nothing remarkable about it but somehow it is a very remarkable album. The individual parts are all nothing spacial. The drum are OK and the guitar work works well but it isn't outstanding. The vocal are nothing special. However the sum of all this is a music that is well structure and grows and grows and grows. Pleasant surprises The strangest thing about this album is that there is nothing remarkable about it but somehow it is a very remarkable album. The individual parts are all nothing spacial. The drum are OK and the guitar work works well but it isn't outstanding. The vocal are nothing special. However the sum of all this is a music that is well structure and grows and grows and grows. Pleasant surprises all round. I highly recommend this!s Expand
  44. PhilM
    Jul 28, 2007
    This is a stunner. I agree wholehearetdly with "The Onion" review above. At first glance, this seems dullsville. But this album gets right uner your skin with a constant stream of gorgeous, subtle, warming melodies that is not currently letting anything else near the headphones. Album of the year!
  45. WookieC
    Jul 27, 2007
    It seemed that after Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers and Alligator they couldn't get any better. They could.
  46. Epic
    Jul 26, 2007
    A lackluster effort especially after there last two albums. A huge borefest throughout.
  47. Epic
    Jul 26, 2007
    A lackluster effort especially after there last two albums. A huge borefest throughout.
  48. Raindog1972
    Jul 25, 2007
    This album scares Midlake's record last year...I had to force myself to stop playing it for a week because I was an addict...a wonderful, moody piece...
  49. WoutS
    Jul 25, 2007
    Brilliant album!
  50. SteveH
    Jul 25, 2007
    Boxer came from seemingly out of nowhere, and stole my heart. This is one of those precious, precious finds that works its way irrevocably into your core, and stays with you, quite probably for life. For me it's on par with Turn on the Bright Lights and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, albums that define what music IS and why I love it so. The National are one of the pre-eminent (and criminally Boxer came from seemingly out of nowhere, and stole my heart. This is one of those precious, precious finds that works its way irrevocably into your core, and stays with you, quite probably for life. For me it's on par with Turn on the Bright Lights and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, albums that define what music IS and why I love it so. The National are one of the pre-eminent (and criminally under-appreciated) musicians of our times. Expand
  51. ZacharyM
    Jul 24, 2007
    This is the best album of the year so far. When I saw The National live this past year, they seemed like an 'above par' band that could work on a few elements as they mainly played songs from their 2005 release Alligator. But Boxer, consisting of more intense moments, more raw emotion (that isn't emo, but is a mature relational emotion), has been a nonstop listen for me all This is the best album of the year so far. When I saw The National live this past year, they seemed like an 'above par' band that could work on a few elements as they mainly played songs from their 2005 release Alligator. But Boxer, consisting of more intense moments, more raw emotion (that isn't emo, but is a mature relational emotion), has been a nonstop listen for me all summer. When I saw them live in Seattle last month, they had a poise and a confidence that I've seen in only a few bands. The Boxer is a masterpiece, an folksy rock epic, and a true rarity. Expand
  52. cwb
    Jul 24, 2007
    so far, I wouldn't put it in the same (masterpiece) class as Alligator, but this is still a very strong album, and as every review seems to say it will, it IS growing and growing on me. "slow start" and "start a war" are undeniably great. I love this band. and will see them for the first time in september. cannot wait! if there's anyone here digging on this album that so far, I wouldn't put it in the same (masterpiece) class as Alligator, but this is still a very strong album, and as every review seems to say it will, it IS growing and growing on me. "slow start" and "start a war" are undeniably great. I love this band. and will see them for the first time in september. cannot wait! if there's anyone here digging on this album that hasn't heard Alligator, wait 'til it gets its jaws around your ears! Expand
  53. CharlieP.
    Jul 22, 2007
    This album has to be the most overrated album of the year. It's boring. boring and more boring. monotony is not music people.
  54. JimK.
    Jul 14, 2007
    Perfect album, not one weakness. This is the band to like right now imo, forget the Shins.
  55. BrianA.
    Jul 14, 2007
    Just not as intense as the previous release
  56. Dan
    Jul 11, 2007
    I just got this album, and it has literally blew me away - right from the first listen. Outstanding!
  57. PhilipB.
    Jul 10, 2007
    Excellent album. Get's better with each listen and hasn't gotten old yet.
  58. JamieS.
    Jul 3, 2007
    Excellent album, such a progression from the stuff before, perhaps a little more subtle than previously, but definatly the quality is there. A wonderful listening experience!
  59. LS
    Jun 30, 2007
    Superb Album. A bit calmer than Alligator, with the tracks more like the calmer Daughters of the Soho riots etc. An absolute must.
  60. AndyB
    Jun 29, 2007
    that they haven't been hailed as the greatest band writing today only proves what floats and what doesn't.
  61. AndrewT
    Jun 29, 2007
    A very good album after 10 listens. After the first two spins I would have given it a 2, one for the piano and another for the drums. Around 8 or 9 spins it suddenly moved to a 7 and by the 10th listen is rose to an 8. You have to move to a different dimension to appreciate the album. I can see why some people think it is utter $£"? since this is what i originally thought.
  62. danielb
    Jun 29, 2007
    The album fails to stand up to the impossibly high standard set by the first four songs on the record, but that's ok because 99.9% of music fails to stand up to the remaining songs on this record. Truly moving.
  63. georgeb.
    Jun 27, 2007
    those guys can sing
  64. MattE.
    Jun 27, 2007
    Lucky, what the f@## are you talking about? Berninger doesn't sound remotely like he's trying to sound like Bob Dylan. Have you ever heard Bob Dylan? Dylan is nasally. Berninger has a deep voice. You could say it's trite and total crap, but the Dylan slam doesn't compute.
  65. mattb
    Jun 24, 2007
    i realized that i was in love with my girlfriend while listening to this album
  66. pg
    Jun 23, 2007
    gorgeous!... and heartbreaking..... and comforting..... yet it still never get's cheesy and it kinda rocks! beautifully done.
  67. RobertG
    Jun 22, 2007
    Definitely in my top 3 albums of 2007. I'm not sure I like it as much as Alligator, but Boxer gets better with every listen. Great album.
  68. christianb
    Jun 22, 2007
    slowburn, spine-tilingling beauty
  69. TJ
    Jun 21, 2007
    Amazing Album. Better than Alligator
  70. FionaV
    Jun 18, 2007
    It's just ace and keeps on getting better and better
  71. andrew
    Jun 17, 2007
    Boxer just made my personal list of 10 greatest albums of all time. I may be jumping the gun on this one a little, seeing as how I have only had the album for a few weeks, but every time I hear Berninger's voice softly contemplating the meaning of our existence over a lovingly played piano that emerges into a lush cacaphony of brass, guitar and drums, I can't imagine that I Boxer just made my personal list of 10 greatest albums of all time. I may be jumping the gun on this one a little, seeing as how I have only had the album for a few weeks, but every time I hear Berninger's voice softly contemplating the meaning of our existence over a lovingly played piano that emerges into a lush cacaphony of brass, guitar and drums, I can't imagine that I would ever become enough of a heartless bastard to knock this album off my list. I remember thinking when I first heard Boxer and Alligator (the preceding album) that they were like 'bright lights' interpol meets the hold steady, toeing the line between being too esoteric to understand for more than a fleeting moment or being so bombastically story driven that you would have to be completely removed from the music to not realize how the songs were connected. Now though, I have just come to be able to appreciate Boxer for being the incredible, soulful gem of a record that it is. Expand
  72. Darnell
    Jun 15, 2007
    The National score big points here. The drumming throughout this disc is exceptional, and guitar work is from the Edge school of rock. Vocals are reminiscent of Leonard Cohen with a more modern slant. The energy on this album is at times restrained, allowing the music space to build into a wondrous wall of bombast. See Mistaken for Strangers. This album has surpassed Alligator as my The National score big points here. The drumming throughout this disc is exceptional, and guitar work is from the Edge school of rock. Vocals are reminiscent of Leonard Cohen with a more modern slant. The energy on this album is at times restrained, allowing the music space to build into a wondrous wall of bombast. See Mistaken for Strangers. This album has surpassed Alligator as my favorite, but that is splitting hairs. Expand
  73. marcopolo
    Jun 14, 2007
    a piece of s##t ...
  74. ShaunB
    Jun 12, 2007
    Some decent songs here and there but none of them are really great, not memorable. I still don't know how this has an 85 on metacritic, considering there's been better albums that have come out in 07 that deserve that kind of grade (Of Montreal, Feist, Field Music, Andrew Bird, to name a few).
  75. Lucky
    Jun 12, 2007
    Not my kind of album, I find it very boring. The lead singer is trying way to hard to sound like Bob Dylan and he's not good enough to sing like him.
  76. tanner
    Jun 12, 2007
    very thoughtful setlist and great all-around show. I'll stump shamelessly for The National any day.
  77. J.K.
    Jun 11, 2007
    I thought that Alligator was brilliant, but this is twice is good. An urban masterpiece. It sounds like my heart as a late 20 something.
  78. TristramC
    Jun 8, 2007
    These guys are in Minneapolis tonight. I came on to get tickets. It sold out. It sold out because as good as Alligator was Boxer blows it away. I was just foolish enough to believe these guys were still my little secret. Only better cd i've heard from this year is Copia by Eluvium. Quietly, one of the best tracks of 2005 was '...Soho Riots' off Alligator. Elsewhere on that These guys are in Minneapolis tonight. I came on to get tickets. It sold out. It sold out because as good as Alligator was Boxer blows it away. I was just foolish enough to believe these guys were still my little secret. Only better cd i've heard from this year is Copia by Eluvium. Quietly, one of the best tracks of 2005 was '...Soho Riots' off Alligator. Elsewhere on that album that moment wasn't even touched. On Boxer they are everywhere. The National are compared with Interpol quite a bit and I can hear it but imagine if in place of Interpols angular rigidity there was Leonard Cohen's fluidity & lushness. Yeah. Its great. Expand
  79. Jonnym
    Jun 8, 2007
    absolutely sublime...the national are the band that arcade fire wish they could be
  80. GuyH
    Jun 8, 2007
    This album is simply superb. 'Alligator' was good but this sounds like a perfectly formed album. By far the best album I have heard this year - The National should now be considered as members of that elite group of truly special bands.
  81. andy
    Jun 7, 2007
    Their past albums took me some time to get into but this one was immediate. Only a few throw-out tracks mixed with seven or eight gems.
  82. TylerM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Begs to be listened to repeatedly.
  83. kevk
    Jun 6, 2007
  84. AlekseyI
    Jun 6, 2007
    Simply the best
  85. BrunoJ
    Jun 5, 2007
    This album is absolutely SUPERB...
  86. GMan
    Jun 4, 2007
    Deep, rewarding, an ultimate sucess. This will appeal to the "Bob Dylan" in all of us. Though not a huge fan (but a fan non the less) of the latter, the rich lyrical content within the surpurb structures of these 12 songs are rife with intricate revelations and specullations - stories through and through. The beats handed down on the skins are truely admirable. Definite Top 5 for 2007, no doubt.
  87. jessem
    Jun 3, 2007
    These guys are amazing...It's taken me months to get into every one of their albums, but the payoff is staggering. With this album, they've even begun to self-reference their own work, creating this mythology that's incredibly engaging and powerful.
  88. alex
    Jun 2, 2007
    best band in the world right now by a long distance makes their second masterpiece.
  89. ArthurD
    Jun 1, 2007
    A pretty sound effort but not a patch on "Boxer". The new songs are a lot better played live which makes me think the production was maybe a bit tame. "Mistaken For Strangers" is easily the best of the bunch, but it's not anywhere near the standard of "Mr November" or "All the Wine" from their last CD. As for the muppets who have "reviewed" the album without even listening to it, do A pretty sound effort but not a patch on "Boxer". The new songs are a lot better played live which makes me think the production was maybe a bit tame. "Mistaken For Strangers" is easily the best of the bunch, but it's not anywhere near the standard of "Mr November" or "All the Wine" from their last CD. As for the muppets who have "reviewed" the album without even listening to it, do us a favour and sod off over to Amazon. Expand
  90. rosen
    May 31, 2007
    album of the year.
  91. Waugh
    May 31, 2007
    Xo oX and Ed Leisurewear are both idiots.
  92. SharonC
    May 30, 2007
    This album is absolutely amazing - one of the best I've ever heard.
  93. nathalie
    May 29, 2007
    this is the most beautiful album i have heard all year.
  94. GregM
    May 27, 2007
    Some of the best drumming around
  95. TimB
    May 27, 2007
  96. natej
    May 27, 2007
    Immense and beautiful
  97. DylanS
    May 27, 2007
    'Meh', defines my feeling for this CD, another disc by The National that's poorly crafted and overrated. It's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but it sure doesnt promote cheery memories.
  98. Mark
    May 27, 2007
    Good album...
  99. TheNational
    May 26, 2007
    awesome full stop
  100. AlexM
    May 25, 2007
    I discovered Alligator last year and immediately fell in love with it. I was actually really worried that the band might have created an insurmountable piece of work, so when it became apparent after about 3-4 listens that they had indeed done it again with Boxer, I was beyond thrilled. This is a The National album from beginning to end, and is easily the band's most cohesive and I discovered Alligator last year and immediately fell in love with it. I was actually really worried that the band might have created an insurmountable piece of work, so when it became apparent after about 3-4 listens that they had indeed done it again with Boxer, I was beyond thrilled. This is a The National album from beginning to end, and is easily the band's most cohesive and consistent effort. It's definitely more subdued, but there is a tension in all of these songs, largely due to Devendorf's skilled and ear-catching drumming. Berninger's playful lyricism is in full effect here, as is his infectious and pleasing baritone. The orchestral touches in the last third of the album are wonderful, the brass is a very warm touch, and this is just a brilliantly put together album. There are no blazing rockers like "Lit Up," "Abel," or "Mr. November," but this album doesn't need them. It's a controlled, anxious, confident, perfectly produced, and beautiful work of art. Those who say that this is a band you fall in love with are exactly right: once you get it, so much of what else is out there just doesn't sound as good. Great songs, great musicianship, great lyrics, great melodies, and a great album. It's going to be tough to top this one at the end of the year for me. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. The National hews too closely to established formula on "Boxer," content to revisit previously explored territory without expanding its sound.
  2. Here, most gestures remain a bit too consciously panoramic—elegant enough for comfort but often not chancy enough to be breathtaking.
  3. A patchy, flawed effort.