• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jul 27, 2004

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. This album just may signal the beginning of an exciting new era in rock music.
  2. Mojo
    This time [COF] have tempered their voluminous superfuzz with scenic bliss. [Oct 2004, p.101]
  3. Uninhibited and hushed in all the right places, it’s safe to say that Comets on Fire have hit their stride.
  4. An album that is both abundant in depth and variety, as well as in terrifying walls of noise and gaping chasms of silence.
  5. The wild humor and slash-and-burn methodology of Comets on Fire have outlived any pretense to trend; Blue Cathedral makes a strong case for the permanent re-emergence of undiluted psychedelic rock.
  6. What the band lacks in originality (not to mention coherence and subtlety), it more than makes up for with committed chops and indefatigable energy.
  7. Blue Cathedral's shifting textures and long, sub-orbital freak-outs signify no lull in purpose for the Comets on Fire. It does signify a step towards a maturation of sound for a band now with three releases under its belt - specifically, a perfect place to be.
  8. Spin
    One of the best psych-rock records of our young century. [Sep 2004, p.117]
  9. The trick to their aural freak-out is not too different from those in the past; it hides in the arcane black box manned by Noel Harmonson. The echoplex, with its Möbius strip of tape loop, warps the guitars and yowls like parallel sheets of Mylar and sheets of acid, focusing the entire band into ray-gun pulses that match the pounding of Utrillo Belcher.
  10. Sometimes bludgeoning, always regal, Blue Cathedral is a calcified, hippified holy place.
  11. Wild, unfettered and bone-shatteringly loud, "Blue Cathedral" will stir any fan of extreme guitar mania.
  12. This is great stuff, and a significant advance over both of Comets on Fire's previous albums.
  13. Comets on Fire have also learned to harness their dynamic range, an important step for a band that pummels the listener with a seemingly unending freakout.
  14. Under The Radar
    To hear this album is to feel like things are falling down on you, and although that can be wearing after a while, there's not much to complain about. [#7]
  15. While that band has yet to make a record comparable to the sludgy majesty of their live show... Blue Cathedral practically explodes from the speakers.
  16. A masterwork that music fans will be listening to for some time in the future.
  17. Take some metal and stir in some prog, sludge, and psych rock and basically you've got yerself Comets On Fire.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 28
  2. Negative: 7 out of 28
  1. Alex
    Aug 26, 2006
    Dense sonic noise not for your average pop fan, Blue Cathedral is some truly psychedelic music backed up by fierce instrumentation. If Led Dense sonic noise not for your average pop fan, Blue Cathedral is some truly psychedelic music backed up by fierce instrumentation. If Led Zeppelin or Cream had made it to see the Shoegazing era, they may have recorded an album like this. Full Review »
  2. XianB
    Feb 13, 2006
    Comets On Fire is the greatest rock'n'roll band on earth! And Jaki is jus right, even if it's not him.
  3. JakiLiebezeit
    Aug 6, 2005
    It's seems like people either love or hate this album. But just for the record, i'm right.