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Mixed or average reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 45
  2. Negative: 17 out of 45
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  1. Nov 18, 2018
    I thought this was a really solid album. there are a few misfires but more works here than doesn't
  2. Nov 19, 2018
    Really shows how much MGK has matured since his early days. Still mixing up different genres in his songs, keeping his original flow in songs like "The Gunner" and introducing a new side of himself in songs like "27", "Habits", "The Break Up". He also made two big hits in collab with pop singers Camila Cabello and Hailee Stanfield. Really 10/10 artist evolution right there, not giving upReally shows how much MGK has matured since his early days. Still mixing up different genres in his songs, keeping his original flow in songs like "The Gunner" and introducing a new side of himself in songs like "27", "Habits", "The Break Up". He also made two big hits in collab with pop singers Camila Cabello and Hailee Stanfield. Really 10/10 artist evolution right there, not giving up on his old style, while adding a new modern, yet unique vibe. Expand
  3. Oct 5, 2017
    WHAT THE HELL IS MACHINE GUN KELLY DOING?! I know he can do better than this! Just watch his Double XL cypher and tell me THIS is what he's been reduced to! With laughable production, just AWFUL flow and lyrics, and a guest appearance from a former Fifth Harmony member, this is truly unacceptable from one of my favorite white rappers. 1/10
  4. Aug 10, 2017
    One more loved album of MGK. Especially "27" and "Kiss the sky" song. That's showing that Kells is writing from his heart and the music he puts out are the parts of his soul. He did really great job with this album.
    Слушаю Келлса со времен Half Naked & Almost Famous, и, на мой взгляд, Bloom вышел тоже по-настоящему классным. Келлсу всегда есть, что сказать, поэтому лирика, как всегда,
    One more loved album of MGK. Especially "27" and "Kiss the sky" song. That's showing that Kells is writing from his heart and the music he puts out are the parts of his soul. He did really great job with this album.
    Слушаю Келлса со времен Half Naked & Almost Famous, и, на мой взгляд, Bloom вышел тоже по-настоящему классным. Келлсу всегда есть, что сказать, поэтому лирика, как всегда, насыщенная. Он поэкспериментировал со звучанием - и получилось здорово.
  5. Sep 23, 2018
    this album is directionless and just plain awful. the production on some of the early tracks is really promising at first but as soon as MGK hops on ruins the whole song.

    Favorite Tracks: Bad Things
    Worst Tracks: Kiss The Sky, Can't Walk, Rehab
  6. Dec 9, 2018
    A terrible album, with a terrible sound, I do not see anything beautiful in the lyrics, it is a failure of the century

  7. Mar 25, 2021
    The album is terrible, and his voice is just irritable, The sounds and music sucks
  8. Apr 11, 2021
    I'm not sure why some people hate this album, but i'm guessing they don't like MGK in general and likely support "has-been" Eminem.
    Bloom has many great songs and overall it's stronger album than his previous works. Vocals are great, songs are well structured and as expected, very good production.
    Best tracks: "Kiss The Sky", "The Gunner", "27", "Habits" Weakest tracks: "Can't Walk",
    I'm not sure why some people hate this album, but i'm guessing they don't like MGK in general and likely support "has-been" Eminem.
    Bloom has many great songs and overall it's stronger album than his previous works. Vocals are great, songs are well structured and as expected, very good production.

    Best tracks: "Kiss The Sky", "The Gunner", "27", "Habits"
    Weakest tracks: "Can't Walk", "Moonwalkers"
  9. Jan 31, 2019
    The best Machine Gun Kelly album. It has so many songs that are addictive and is a good sounding album overall
  10. Jul 14, 2019
    Aight ik some few people thinks im stupid for rating it 10/10 but i really love this album its addicting and he aint bad lyrically and he is really talented with the fact he can do so many styles and i have listened to it so much so it would be a lie not giving it 10/10
  11. Jul 24, 2020
    It’s a good album! I like how he’s doing a different thing! It’s very nice!
  12. Oct 9, 2020
    Um álbum com músicas bem trabalhadas, organizadas e limpas. Repleto de ótimas participações, um prato cheio para os fãs
  13. Apr 25, 2021
    The sounds of the song sounded promising but did not go well with MGK voice they were awful together
  14. Oct 31, 2021
    Bloom was pretty good album in my opinion it is 2nd Best Project in Discography.

    The Best Tracks on Bloom were: •27 •Rehab •Bad Things(with Camila Cabello) •Let Her Go •Kiss The Sky(My Favourite Song on the Album) •Go For Broke(Feat. James Arthur) •The Gunner •Trap Paris(Feat. Quavo and Ty Dolla $ign) •At My Best(Featuring. Hailee Steinfeld) But the reason why I gave this project a 7 is
    Bloom was pretty good album in my opinion it is 2nd Best Project in Discography.

    The Best Tracks on Bloom were:
    •Bad Things(with Camila Cabello)
    •Let Her Go
    •Kiss The Sky(My Favourite Song on the Album)
    •Go For Broke(Feat. James Arthur)
    •The Gunner
    •Trap Paris(Feat. Quavo and Ty Dolla $ign)
    •At My Best(Featuring. Hailee Steinfeld)

    But the reason why I gave this project a 7 is because it also had some of MGK's Worst Songs One of them being Track 9 "Can't Walk" in which MGK Use a Super Boring Delivery for pretty much the entire track expect in the being of the 2nd Verse and then later on in the verse he switches back to the boring ass delivery another song in which I think is kinda bad (but not as Bad as Can't Walk) is Track 6 "Golden God"

    But Beside from those 2 Bad Tracks I would say Bloom was a pretty enjoyable listen.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jul 7, 2017
    From a glimpse of his rock star lifestyle to transparent parables of his quest for inner peace, Machine Gun Kelly crafts a well-rounded effort that is likely to raise his stock and push his name back into the conversation of respected rappers. Bloom is an effort that’s just short of a comeback, but is very much a step up for Cleveland’s finest.
  2. Jul 7, 2017
    While Bloom isn't as thrilling as his debut Lace Up, fans of 2015's General Admission will appreciate the familiar blend of pop-savvy rap and the occasional guitar riff. Even though MGK assumes a dark and brooding energy for much of the album, the efforts toward introspective maturity are admirable.
  3. 70
    Bloom feels less like the work of a persona than an authentic attempt at sorting out a sometimes messy life--far from perfect, yet perfectly compelling.