• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 1, 2016
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 38
  2. Negative: 2 out of 38
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  1. Jul 2, 2016
    This album has the most amazing and intricate combination of sounds. I just started listening to it last night and was compelled to buy the entire album. This album also sets a very interesting mood. When I listen to it, I can imagine myself in an elegant beachfront villa, with all the delights that life can offer. If I ever reach such heights, this music will be accompanying me there.
  2. Jul 1, 2016
    Maxwell, as usual, showcases his talent as the last true R&B crooner. Never waning from his loyal fanbase as showing he takes the time to make music from his heart and experiences, he is trying to cement his legacy as one of the greatest artists of all time. We can only hope he doesn't take seven years for his next masterpiece.
  3. Jul 7, 2016
    It's different. It's an album for SUMMER. I guess in the next project we'll have the usual Maxwell back.
    But it's not bad. He's more experimental than the previous.
    Best songs are "Lake by the Ocean", the very sexy "1990x", "Lost", "Of All Kind" and "Listen Hear". The second half of the album is better.
    I understand the disappointment but frankly it's not bad. Just different.
  4. Sep 9, 2016
    Fairly different than the previous album, but still a solid work. There were some songs I personally didn't find enjoyable in the first half of the album, but the second half didn't disappoint.

    Standout tracks: 1990x, Lake by The Ocean, Of All Kind, Listen Hear
  5. Aug 27, 2016
    Quinto álbum da carreira de Maxwell (e segundo da trilogia que começou em 2009 com BLACKsummers'night), blackSUMMERS'night não é um trabalho com a mesma genialidade de Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite, mas ajuda o cantor a manter uma carreira extremamente regular e vigorosa.

    blackSUMMERS'night é um seguro, competente e coeso trabalho R&B contemporâneo com bons toques de neo soul, funk e soul
    Quinto álbum da carreira de Maxwell (e segundo da trilogia que começou em 2009 com BLACKsummers'night), blackSUMMERS'night não é um trabalho com a mesma genialidade de Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite, mas ajuda o cantor a manter uma carreira extremamente regular e vigorosa.

    blackSUMMERS'night é um seguro, competente e coeso trabalho R&B contemporâneo com bons toques de neo soul, funk e soul tradicional. Talvez o principal erro da produção capitaneada pelo próprio Maxwell e co-produzido pelos parceiros de longa data Hod David e, em duas faixas, com Stuart Matthewman (da banda Sade) seja o fato do álbum soar mais R&B tradicional do que algo que possa ser intitulado como neo soul. Não que isso seja algo ruim, mas pelo histórico do artista era esperado algo realmente ousado. Felizmente, o talento de Maxwell é tão grande que blackSUMMERS'night navega por essas águas de maneira suave e tranquila e ser perder a sua personalidade: romântico, sensual e completamente envolvente do começo ao fim. Com batidas calorosas e instrumentalizações perfeitas, o álbum é a trilha sonora ideal para longas e apaixonadas noites de amor. Do começo ao fim, o artista convida a quem escuta o álbum para se deixar levar pelas suas crônicas sobre amor, paixão, perdão, sexo e perda sem precisar de grandes arrombos de criação nessa parte. Sempre contido, sincero e com uma beleza elegante, as faixas mostram que a áurea de "gentleman" de Maxwell continua intacta, apenas mais madura. Outro ponto de critica é o fato que, apesar do ótimo trabalho, Maxwell parece estar com menos brilho vocalmente do que em outros trabalhos. Mesmo assim, o cantor tem ótimos momentos como em Lake By the Ocean, 1990x e Of All Kind. Além desses momentos, blackSUMMERS'night tem inspiradas faixas como Listen Hear, Hostage e, a melhor de todas, Lost. Mesmo não sendo o melhor álbum da carreira de Maxwell, o álbum é, com certeza, o melhor de R&B do ano até agora e merece ser escutado.
  6. May 8, 2022
    Here he goes again ,coming with some prestine R&b that serenades and comforts you with its crooning. He stands unmatched yet again.
  7. Jul 2, 2016
    Such a long time between albums and its a pity since Maxwell is a quality artist. But I did really look forward to this album. Although it maybe my fault for wanting, yearning for another Urban Hang Suite. Which this album is not nor could it be. That being said Maxwell still has his great voice and crooning voice to listen to. But the music he chose for this album is not my favorite. ISuch a long time between albums and its a pity since Maxwell is a quality artist. But I did really look forward to this album. Although it maybe my fault for wanting, yearning for another Urban Hang Suite. Which this album is not nor could it be. That being said Maxwell still has his great voice and crooning voice to listen to. But the music he chose for this album is not my favorite. I really couldn't feel much of it as it seems he has said these things before- but in better fashion. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Uncut
    Aug 5, 2016
    The breadth, scope and sheer suppleness of black SUMMERS'night makes one wish Maxwell worked a whole lot faster. [Sep 2016, p.76]
  2. 90
    Very few albums are worth such a long wait, though, but blackSUMMERS’night is one of them--it’s an album that should live forever, purely because it sounds so detached from time.
  3. Jul 14, 2016
    This is still an intrinsically Maxwell record, but he navigates familiar tropes through friction and distressed noir-soul, the cohesiveness of the record all the more commendable as a result.