• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2007
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Universal acclaim- based on 974 Ratings

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  1. RyanL
    Oct 31, 2007
    Britney knows what she excels at and she delivers it here on Blackout. Most every song is a get out of your seat and dance groove. Those looking for personal, introspective lyrics have come to the wrong place. Maybe on the next album.
  2. Mike
    Oct 30, 2007
    Very well produced. Overall a really solid dance record.
  3. DamionR.
    Nov 1, 2007
    People have to put aside absolutely everything that is going on in Britney's life and just focus on her music right now, as it is the only thing that matters and the only thing that people have the right to make their business and critique...and her new album, "Blackout," is the best album Spears has put out to date. Her debut was cute from beginning to end, and the subsequent albums People have to put aside absolutely everything that is going on in Britney's life and just focus on her music right now, as it is the only thing that matters and the only thing that people have the right to make their business and critique...and her new album, "Blackout," is the best album Spears has put out to date. Her debut was cute from beginning to end, and the subsequent albums have produced some of the best pop singles of the last ten years, but were filled with filler. "Blackout" is her first album that is filler-free and every track is strong. From the excellent comeback single "Gimme More" (which would be doing better if people would stop playing personal tabloid and just enjoy it for what it is), to the brilliant "Piece of Me," the Gwen-Stefnesque "Toy Soldier" to one of her best recordings to date, "Heaven on Earth." Britney, I wish you all the best with your stuff, but professionally, you're return is welcomed with open arms. Masterful. Expand
  4. MagnusS.
    Nov 26, 2007
    Still, and not surprisingly so, I have yet to be more amused at something than at the STUPID people in here who in doing what they do best, squabble, twist and turn the average review score by their useless voting and commenting. F First of all, let me praise all of you that can actually resent to judge an album based on it's quality and not based on the amount of drugs inhaled Still, and not surprisingly so, I have yet to be more amused at something than at the STUPID people in here who in doing what they do best, squabble, twist and turn the average review score by their useless voting and commenting. F First of all, let me praise all of you that can actually resent to judge an album based on it's quality and not based on the amount of drugs inhaled and/or injected prior to recording. Next, let me LAUGH at you useless dogs which qualify yourself to speak badly of a woman you barely know: How in earth do you know how much involvement Britney may have had in the album? If you want to squabble anymore about this and as a consequence of this give poor Britney a 0, please do this on gossipmsn. There's lots of fools like you there. As Rob B excellently states: "Her Music????" What are you people talikng(?) about. She doesn't write a thing. She's a product" I am sorry. Let me be like you. Britney's vocals are not as good as they used to be and therefore I give an 8/10 based on good, light-headed and entertaining music that will indeed rush clubs as alot of other average club music has done. Nicely produced. Expand
  5. Patrick
    Nov 5, 2007
    I don't know why MetaCritic lists this album as "61". The album has got GREAT reviews, practically across the board. This album is not a disappointment, it's a party from start to finish and only ONE song "Hot As Ice" I would consider filler. Pop album of the year!
  6. J.M
    Mar 24, 2009
    Overall there are a lot of great tracks on the album, but when listening you get the feeling she just doesn't care about the music anymore.
  7. Sep 5, 2010
    i think this is her best job, in her worst moment, gimme more (single) is powerful and had the "it's britney B***h" that become in a unforgetting line
  8. Sep 13, 2010
    Britney's comeback album definitely was great but lacked some of what her previous albums had. On "In The Zone" Britney did a song with Madonna and it was the best. Black out is good Standout tracks: "Gimme More" "Why Should I Be Sad" and "Piece of Me"
  9. Apr 23, 2015
    Depois de um período conturbado em sua carreira, Britney volta 4 anos depois do seu último lançamento, ”In The Zone”. Entre este período, Britney Spears simplesmente casou, separou, teve filhos e passou por um momento delicado em sua carreira: teve toda sua vida exposta e era constante flagrada se envolvendo em polêmicas e muita confusão. Spears nos traz muito mais que nós poderíamosDepois de um período conturbado em sua carreira, Britney volta 4 anos depois do seu último lançamento, ”In The Zone”. Entre este período, Britney Spears simplesmente casou, separou, teve filhos e passou por um momento delicado em sua carreira: teve toda sua vida exposta e era constante flagrada se envolvendo em polêmicas e muita confusão. Spears nos traz muito mais que nós poderíamos esperar para o seu retorno. Essencialmente com produção de Danja e Bloodshy & Avant, ”Blackout” traz o seu material mais maduro até então, um álbum coeso do começo ao fim; diferente do que vinha a acontecer em sua vida, ”Blackout” vem com mais acertos que erros.
    No fim dos anos 90, Britney Spears surgiu como um estouro teen, ao lado de seus amigos do ”Clube do Mickey”, Justin Timberlake de N*Sync e Christina Aguilera. A faixa ”Baby One MOre Time”, que traçou o topo dos Estados Unidos por 2 semanas e o seu disco homônimo vendeu mais 25 milhões de cópias ao redor do planeta, mas agora em 2007, Britney traz como carro chefe, ”Gimme More”, com o forte bordão ”It’s Britney **** uma faixa dance urbana que a distancia ainda mais a cantora do universo teen que a consagrou e aproxima Britney das divas pop Kylie Minogue e Madonna. Em ”Piece of Me”, Britney diz que é o sonho americano desde seus 17 anos e faz uma crítica aos paparazzis que a todo momento estão a clicando atrás de uma nova manchete nos tablóides e as pessoas que por este movito, julgam-lhe cosntantemente: ”Não vejo problema em trabalhar e ser mãe (…) vocês querem um pedaço de mim?”. Em ”Radar”, Britney tem o homem dos seus sonhos em sua mira, em ”Break The Ice”, melhor faixa do disco e em ”Get (Naked I Got A Plan)”, Spears também tem o desejo de conquistar e entrar em sintonia com seu parceiro (”Eu nunca me senti assim, você deixou o meu coração bater feito um sintetizador” / ”Nós somos adultos agora, eu faço você descongelar… Vamos pegar fogo.” – canta Britney em ”Break The Ice”). ”Heaven on Earth” nos traz direto ao ótimo ”Confessions on A Dance Floor” de Madonna, com uma inspiração na era disco de Donna Summer e Giorgio Moroder.A única faixa assinada por Britney Spears, ”Freakshow”, Britney simplesmente diz que quer sacodir o bumbum na pista de dança e deixar as garotas morrendo de inveja, a faixa traz uma novidade conhecida hoje como ”dubstep”, recurso eletrônico que seria ainda mais ampliado em popularidade em sua faixa número 1 de 2011, ”Hold It Against Me” e pelo multi-Grammy winner Skrillex. O álbum passa pelas não tão ótimas ”Toy Soldier”, ”Hot As Ice”, ”Ooh Ooh Baby” e melhora em ”Perfect Lover” e ”Why Should I Be Sad”, a última assinada por Pharrell Williams e The Neptunes, que nos remete a ótima ”Boys” de seu disco anterior.
    Não é a toa que ”Blackout” é um dos discos mais influentes dos últimos anos, em um mundo ainda pre-Lady Gaga, Britney Spears representa o pop dos anos 2000 com muita ousadia e se reafirma como uma mulher agora mãe, talvez mais madura e eternamente como a princesa do pop.
  10. Dec 8, 2013
    This is pretty fantastic for a Britney Spears record. Through her then personal struggles she managed to put out an original and classic dance album in which any of the tracks could be a hit single. Download: Every track except "Hot as Ice", "Why Should I Be Sad" and "Get Back" (and definitely not "Everybody" found on the deluxe edition).
  11. Nov 19, 2021
    Very strong album from Britney once again. Some say her best album to date, I wouldn't say that, but it's certainly up there! Good.
  12. Feb 25, 2022
    The production in this album is fascinating, and something Britney never did before. Almost every song is a smash. Combines futuristic and nostalgic sounds. Very unique pop record. Very fun listen to. The lyricism though is pretty generic, except of in songs like "Piece Of Me" which we never heard from her before.
  13. Sep 7, 2022
    So, 2007 and Britney Spears had a breakdown because of the paparazzi refusing to deem her a human being, and she recorded Blackout. Blackout is one of her most diverse and most insane albums of her entire career. It has no ballads, which always bring a Britney album down a level, and the lyrics definitely aren't the hit there.

    Fav Track: Piece of Me, Gimme More, Get Naked, Toy Soldier
    So, 2007 and Britney Spears had a breakdown because of the paparazzi refusing to deem her a human being, and she recorded Blackout. Blackout is one of her most diverse and most insane albums of her entire career. It has no ballads, which always bring a Britney album down a level, and the lyrics definitely aren't the hit there.

    Fav Track: Piece of Me, Gimme More, Get Naked, Toy Soldier

    Worst Track: Radar?, Freakshow, Why Should I Be Sad
  14. Britney'sV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Some of my best work y'all!
  15. ClintM
    Nov 2, 2007
    buck the naysayers ... the album is choc full of songs to shake your @$$ to and beats to bob your head to. I mean, seriously, if I only bought music from artists whose personal lives I related to, I wouldn't own more than a handful of albums! the songs are well crafted for anyone w/an ear for ELECTRO-POP/DANCE music. and I'm one of those people!
  16. JosephA.
    Oct 31, 2007
    It's a very good album and easily the best one she's put out.
  17. kd
    Nov 1, 2007
    This isn't a bad pop album. It definitely beats the latest by the likes of Rihanna and Gwen Stefani, but doesn't have the continuity and enjoyability of Madonna or Nelly Furtado.
  18. Mikey
    Jan 11, 2008
    Great Album, with the exception of "Heaven On Earth"...But, Obviously, Not Her Best Work.
  19. ScottB
    Jan 17, 2008
    Unlike her previous albums, this one doesn't contain those songs that make you instantly want to skip to the next track. While it still sounds like all the talent is in the producer's twiddling the knobs, they did a very good job of twiddlin' this time around. This same disc could have been made with studio musicians with no discernible difference in its sound, but for pure Unlike her previous albums, this one doesn't contain those songs that make you instantly want to skip to the next track. While it still sounds like all the talent is in the producer's twiddling the knobs, they did a very good job of twiddlin' this time around. This same disc could have been made with studio musicians with no discernible difference in its sound, but for pure pop its on the upper end of listenable. I never thought I'd say that about a Britney album. Expand
  20. Mar 2, 2011
    On paper, a Britney Spears album without the help of writer Max Martin is a recipe for disaster. Yet despite the absence of the Swede, and the fact that Britney was fat, barmy and bald during the lead up to this record, Blackout does not suck. In fact, to date it's the only Spears album worth listening to in its entirety. Many of the tracks have the tendency to sneak up and surprise; sheOn paper, a Britney Spears album without the help of writer Max Martin is a recipe for disaster. Yet despite the absence of the Swede, and the fact that Britney was fat, barmy and bald during the lead up to this record, Blackout does not suck. In fact, to date it's the only Spears album worth listening to in its entirety. Many of the tracks have the tendency to sneak up and surprise; she sounds sexy on "Ooh Ooh Baby" without being gross, cool on "Gimme More" without trying too hard, and pissed off on "Piece of Me" without caring a whole lot. Somewhat of a minor miracle! Expand
  21. Sep 19, 2011
    Even if it's hardly Britney's effort, Blackout is a surprising comeback packed with cleverly produced, club-ready dance tracks that are heavily influenced by the electropop and synthpop genres ("Freakshow" has a striking dubstep influence) and about as catchy as the flu in December.
  22. Mar 22, 2012
    Not the best album of Britney Spears had the ability to earn top marks in both the critics and admirers of the critique of pseudo-singer (not the fans, for their opinion should not be taken into account). From there we see the level of artist. No more comments.
  23. Jul 15, 2016
    I prefer to have emotion in my music, but seeing as this is Britney Spears, and that entails dance tracks that makes you want to hit the club . . . I will make an exception.

    Highlights (for me) are "Gimme More" ("It's Britney, B**ch), "Break the Ice" ("So you warming up yet?"), "Get Naked (I Got A Plan)" ("If ya like what ya see, end your curiosity"), "Freakshow" ("But if they wanna
    I prefer to have emotion in my music, but seeing as this is Britney Spears, and that entails dance tracks that makes you want to hit the club . . . I will make an exception.

    Highlights (for me) are "Gimme More" ("It's Britney, B**ch), "Break the Ice" ("So you warming up yet?"), "Get Naked (I Got A Plan)" ("If ya like what ya see, end your curiosity"), "Freakshow" ("But if they wanna look, we can give 'em a encore"), "Toy Soldier" ("This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier"), "Ooh Ooh Baby" ("Your voice is like music to my ears, whisper softly and the world just dissapears"), and "Get Back" ("If you can't take it then get back").
  24. Oct 21, 2017
    Um super comeback após uma fase difícil, Blackout é sem dúvida um marco na indústria musical. Foi responsável pela popularização do eletropop, junto com X de Kylie Minogue, que reina até hoje.
  25. Jun 10, 2022
    Britney Spears changed pop with electronic sounds and would deliver several of pop's greatest hits.
  26. Noctiluca
    Jan 8, 2008
    The usual Britney fare is here. There's high-production and the myriad of maestros do their job, but the lyrics remain completely insipid (save for one track). It's designed for a bubbly audience that laps up anything with a consistent thump-thump, for people who could care less that what she's saying makes no sense, that the music is a bandwagon approach to what's The usual Britney fare is here. There's high-production and the myriad of maestros do their job, but the lyrics remain completely insipid (save for one track). It's designed for a bubbly audience that laps up anything with a consistent thump-thump, for people who could care less that what she's saying makes no sense, that the music is a bandwagon approach to what's "hot" at the moment, or -- most importantly -- that she didn't write any of it herself. Britney is interchangeable, as anybody could do her job, leaving her in the status of a guilty pleasure. It's more an ode to producer's talents than anything. Check it out if you're into music with a glossy sheen, but if you want pop with substance go elsewhere. Expand
  27. Apr 24, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Gimme More 7.5/10
    2. Piece of Me 6.5/10 3. Radar 10/10 4. Break the Ice 10/10 5. Heaven on Earth 7.5/10 6. Get Naked (I Got a Plan) 10/10 7. Freakshow 1.5/10 8. Toy Soldier 1/10 9. Hot as Ice 10/10 10. Ooh Ooh Baby 9.5/10 11. Perfect Lover 5/10 12. Why Should I Be Sad 2/10 Highlights: Radar, Get Naked (I Got a Plan) Potential singles: Gimme More,
    Track by track review:
    1. Gimme More 7.5/10
    2. Piece of Me 6.5/10
    3. Radar 10/10
    4. Break the Ice 10/10
    5. Heaven on Earth 7.5/10
    6. Get Naked (I Got a Plan) 10/10
    7. Freakshow 1.5/10
    8. Toy Soldier 1/10
    9. Hot as Ice 10/10
    10. Ooh Ooh Baby 9.5/10
    11. Perfect Lover 5/10
    12. Why Should I Be Sad 2/10

    Highlights: Radar, Get Naked (I Got a Plan)
    Potential singles: Gimme More, Piece of Me, Radar, Break the Ice
  28. Nov 21, 2016
    Much like In The Zone, this is a consistent and generally interesting record, but NOT the pop bible, and NOT even close to a great record. Very good: Break the Ice, Heaven on Earth. Good: Most of the rest.
  29. ChrisV
    Oct 30, 2007
    Very disappoint record... its not britney anymore.. its only a bunch f producers doing their thing and britneys voice on the track, sucks!!!
  30. Jun 12, 2011
    I never liked her but this album is her best by far. Catchy chorus and beat. Of course after you have to consider she probably didn't write a single word or contribute in any way to this album but after all it's Britney Spears.
  31. Aug 7, 2011
    A somethat surprising album that delivers more than you might actually expected, with loud, sexy, electronica beats as well as some Timbaland style corkers thrown into the mix you can't help but like this album for what it is, pop music. But that's all this album is, it offers little else, nothing that pushes the boat out, nothing overly memorable and sadly the only things that have beenA somethat surprising album that delivers more than you might actually expected, with loud, sexy, electronica beats as well as some Timbaland style corkers thrown into the mix you can't help but like this album for what it is, pop music. But that's all this album is, it offers little else, nothing that pushes the boat out, nothing overly memorable and sadly the only things that have been pushed to their limits is auto tuning and backing vocalists (Robyn for example), which i'm aware is used with most artists, but at some point a limit should be reached. Expand
  32. Jan 28, 2017
    É um bom album, mas não é tudo isso, tem otimas musicas como Gimme More, Piece Of Me, Break The Ice e Everybody, mas eu ainda continuo preferindo Circus, In The Zone, Femme Fatale, Britney, Glory etc...
  33. Feb 11, 2022
    Will pop ever be this well packaged again? This statement isn't to shade current pop stars or disregard their own contributions but the digestible one dimensional dance ready pop gems seem to be fewer and fewer. A forefather to the sweet ease of "teenage dream" or any release of the early tens. From the iconic "It's Britney **** " of "Gimme more" to the cool sultry seduction of break theWill pop ever be this well packaged again? This statement isn't to shade current pop stars or disregard their own contributions but the digestible one dimensional dance ready pop gems seem to be fewer and fewer. A forefather to the sweet ease of "teenage dream" or any release of the early tens. From the iconic "It's Britney **** " of "Gimme more" to the cool sultry seduction of break the ice. The while record is a highlight ,taking risks and veering into the oddest places to find gems such as "get back" &"why should I be sad"

    It can be seen as a hedonistic dissertation on the pressures of fame . From the cautionary justified paranoia ("Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin' / They keep watchin', keep watchin'") or the pj harvey reminiscent "piece if me " delivered in a near spoken biographical manner. A poignant revelation on the reasons of her publicized break down&exploitation. The dubstep pulse of freak show revels in the prison of media. Flirting with the idea of fame being a power just aa much as it is a curse, the influence and worship that come with the paparazzi. "Hot as ice" steals the show in the high register Britney owning her destructive nuances and "perfect lover " sums up the competive vortex of consumerist fame(""Tick-tock / Tick-tock / Come and get me while I'm hot") which is a clock reference at the 11th song before the denouement of "why should i be sad?" At 12. Rounding off the standard edition. Britney spears best album album. Favourites: break the ice, gimme more,hot as ice, why should i be sad&piece of me
  34. mark
    Oct 31, 2007
    Britney can't sing, and the lyrics are mostly lame. Some pretty good production is what keeps this album from being a complete disaster.
  35. Apr 7, 2018
    No es lo mejor que he escuchado, muy sobrevalorado para lo que en realidad es
  36. Feb 28, 2021
    If I could find a word to describe this album, that would be: psychedelic. Spears tried to give us another sexy album, but she couldn´t do it like in its predecessor "In The Zone". Maybe it´s the eletropop vibe mixed with a big amount of unnecessary autotune, that just doesn´t click. "Gimme More" is definitely the edge of this project, bringing us Britney at her best.
  37. TristanC.
    Nov 1, 2007
    I really wanted this album to be good, really I did. But this is BEYOND bad. There is only about two songs on it that are good. Her vocals are horrible, and the whole album is wayyyy over-produced. Once again, she had a chance to make a comeback, prove something, but sadly she let everyone down.....again.
  38. Kyle
    Oct 31, 2007
    On a daily basis, it's utterly horrendous. Her voice was never her strength, and it's worse now. It gets a three because the beats are, at the very least, good enough for clubs. However, I would walk out of a club if her music is being forced into my ears.
  39. Oct 28, 2011
    This album is grossly overrated. It sounds like everything Timbaland and co. were doing around the same time, only much, much worse. Generic beats, shallow lyrics, poor vocals... this is one you'll want to pass on.
  40. Feb 24, 2012
    This album will sway neither the faithful nor the unbelievers from their positions along the borders of her stalled momentum.
  41. Oct 29, 2016
    Sinceramente no se que le ven, es malo, y aunque tiene momentos de gloria, no me gusta casi, solo los singles y uno que otra cancion se salvan, no me gusto para nada
  42. Jul 25, 2023
    Overrated, generic Timbaland sound. All songs sound the same, expected better since this is a loved album.
  43. HilliaryD.
    Nov 1, 2007
    um, it's Britney Spears...she's been a complete joke for years.
  44. JoeB.
    Nov 10, 2007
    Praise for this album centers on how great the dance tracks are, once again proving that many critics have a generally poor knowledge of the dance music scene. Everything on this album has been done better elsewhere--sometimes even with the help of the very same producers--on dance albums in the last two years.
  45. ManuelV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Well, it could be worse.
  46. joeiU.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the past, her dance moves.. All she does is lip-sync and hardly does anything worth praising, musically. She is as lame and lifeless as a plastic barbie doll except barbie is easier on the eyes. Now that she cant even dance-lyp-sync in her performance (mtv vmas 07) she is nothing! Her handlers-producers are the only ones we should be merriting on BLACKOUT.. i give the production an 8.. however britneys lifeless robotic chants bring this album to a non-reputable place, unworthy of her possession.. Its sad really to think that this lady here gets money from these lost gay men and lost little teenage girls who know nothing better then to listen to this iconic repression of real talent, Ms. Spears.. aka no talent, period! Expand
  47. AnonymousMC
    Oct 31, 2007
    I might give the producers a 3 or 4, but I can't give Britney that, because she did not contribute to this "work" that holds her name. If it takes processed computer voice effects to hide your lack of talent, and you have to hire a team of people write the songs, a team of people to choose from the songs you didn't contribute to, and along the way tick off your writers by not I might give the producers a 3 or 4, but I can't give Britney that, because she did not contribute to this "work" that holds her name. If it takes processed computer voice effects to hide your lack of talent, and you have to hire a team of people write the songs, a team of people to choose from the songs you didn't contribute to, and along the way tick off your writers by not returning thier calls, and otherwise blunder your way through what is really not even your own album, you probably deserve a 0. Hopefully the end of her. Expand
  48. RobertB.
    Nov 7, 2007
    Absolutely terrible.
  49. KeyserD.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Ugh, I'll never understand how people can enjoy "music" like this.
  50. Jul 14, 2012
    His worst album for sure, processed voice, songs stressful, sickening beats, the only good song of this album may be "Break the Ice". There's a lot of poor songs in this record.
  51. Aug 30, 2016
    Spears' sophomore album, which was critically one of her best, and featured the self-titled single that everyone and their mothers know. The album is headlined by such songs as Oops...I did it again, Stronger, and Lucky, with each one reaching the top 15 in the US Billboard 100 charts. Though those songs were popular, and I think they are catchy, the album does have its flaws. (I can't getSpears' sophomore album, which was critically one of her best, and featured the self-titled single that everyone and their mothers know. The album is headlined by such songs as Oops...I did it again, Stronger, and Lucky, with each one reaching the top 15 in the US Billboard 100 charts. Though those songs were popular, and I think they are catchy, the album does have its flaws. (I can't get no) Satisfaction is a word-for-word cover of the original Rolling Stones song, and it just comes off as awful personally. Also, the last track on the album, Dear Diary, is very, very stupid, in my opinion. Buy it to relive some nostalgia, but be aware this is the early 2000's, and bubblegum pop is just as cheesy as you thought it was. Collapse Expand
  52. Aug 30, 2016
    One of the worst albums of the year thus far. It shows absolutely no artistic growth, the lyrics are elementary, and the vocals are non-existent. All in all, a terrible album. Collapse
  53. BillZZzzzZZZzzz
    Nov 5, 2007
    This is horrible. I can't listen to this. I don't want to dance to this. I won't.
  54. HaroldGreen
    Oct 31, 2007
    This is a horrible album. The sad part is, Britney had very little involvement in the project at all. It is scary tot think how bad this album would be if she actualy attempted to write and produce the entire album.
  55. [Anonymous]
    Nov 1, 2007
    This Album Simply Sucks
  56. LisaJ.
    Nov 13, 2007
    I shudder to think that people actually like this trash. It's a perfect example of Ms. Spears herself. Trashy, cheap, noisy and useless. The only song worth dancing to is Gimme More. The rest of the album is shockingly bad and prooves that her air head fans will buy anything with her name on it. The whole album conjures up images if a fithy, dive of a bar where you will end up with I shudder to think that people actually like this trash. It's a perfect example of Ms. Spears herself. Trashy, cheap, noisy and useless. The only song worth dancing to is Gimme More. The rest of the album is shockingly bad and prooves that her air head fans will buy anything with her name on it. The whole album conjures up images if a fithy, dive of a bar where you will end up with an STD when you wake up the next day. Expand
  57. DavieB.
    Nov 1, 2007
    Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who unlike many of her contemporaries is unable to evolve with the times and change her imiage as well as her musical style to show any maturity or creativty. THose people who bought her music years ago have grown up, so why cant she? Many pop artist have been able to change and evolve with the times and still stay relevent and poplular while showing great depth, but it seems that spears (or should i say the people who controle her or tell her what to do) wish not to take a risk and stick to the same formula she used when she was 17 (Low browl radio friendly sexuality that boarders more on cheap back alley prositition then it does on true sex appeal, easy to digest none complicated dance beats, and simple verse chorus verse song structure, all in a simple 4 minute or less radio format) The use of auto tuner on this record is sickening, it just goes to show how many in the music industry use the studio not as a tool to enhance the artist and the music but as a crutch to support them and hide their all to evident flaws. This is all to visible in her inability to perform her own music on stage (let alone fake it) Since when was it more important to dance then sing in the context of populat music? Is her music that shallow that people go to the shows to see crappy dancing (if she was a good dancer she wouldnt need coreographers to tell her every sigle move to make on stage) rather then listen to the music. She is nothing but a little doll that record exucutives hope to wind up and play so they can try to save their failing industry. The 90's are over and so is this farce that has been sold to us as something resemballing talent. Spears needs to stick to what she is good at, being tabloid fauder Expand
  58. Clint
    Nov 1, 2007
    are you kidding? people think that this is her greatest album ever?!! do not waste your money on this trash, and i'm not talking about her personal life. the music is boring, monotonous, stupid and annoying. britney fans should go back and listen to her other cds, when she was in control of her life, and tell the difference.
  59. DavieB.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who unlike many of her contemporaries is unable to evolve with the times and change her imiage as well as her musical style to show any maturity or creativty. THose people who bought her music years ago have grown up, so why cant she? Many pop artist have been able to change and evolve with the times and still stay relevent and poplular while showing great depth, but it seems that spears (or should i say the people who controle her or tell her what to do) wish not to take a risk and stick to the same formula she used when she was 17 (Low browl radio friendly sexuality that boarders more on cheap back alley prositition then it does on true sex appeal, easy to digest none complicated dance beats, and simple verse chorus verse song structure, all in a simple 4 minute or less radio format) The use of auto tuner on this record is sickening, it just goes to show how many in the music industry use the studio not as a tool to enhance the artist and the music but as a crutch to support them and hide their all to evident flaws. This is all to visible in her inability to perform her own music on stage (let alone fake it) Since when was it more important to dance then sing in the context of populat music? Is her music that shallow that people go to the shows to see crappy dancing (if she was a good dancer she wouldnt need coreographers to tell her every sigle move to make on stage) rather then listen to the music. She is nothing but a little doll that record exucutives hope to wind up and play so they can try to save their failing industry. The 90's are over and so is this farce that has been sold to us as something resemballing talent. Spears needs to stick to what she is good at, being tabloid fauder Expand
  60. FrankF.
    Oct 30, 2007
    15 songs of nothing!
  61. CaladoniaK
    Oct 31, 2007
  62. MattG.
    Oct 30, 2007
    This is unlistenable trash.
  63. charlesc.
    Nov 1, 2007
    absolute and complete garbage. Britney has no talent at all, whatever talent she USED to have evidently disinigrated into an abusive talentless alcholic partying awful mother who cant sing, cant dance and cant keep a man.If u see this cd in stores THROW IT ON THE GROUND AND STEP ON IT...you may be saving someone from 60 mins of dookey.
  64. LyleG.
    Nov 1, 2007
    She is a horrible human being and a rotten musical artist. Jessica Simpson has more integrity and soul!
  65. RobB
    Nov 3, 2007
    If they make good music???? Her Music???? What are you people talikng about. She doesn't write a thing. She paid a bunch of people to write her an album and you people are giving her credit. She's a product ..... of course if you people love this album so are you.
  66. MikeH
    Oct 31, 2007
    Is this for real? Tell me this is a joke...
  67. BetoA
    Nov 17, 2008
    Bad!! If I wolud have heard it before I wouldn't have bought it!!
  68. Jul 18, 2018
    I'm bored. I don't think I could listen to this while being blackout drunk. It seems as though Spears was when she recorded the album. At least I understand the title.
  69. Feb 3, 2022
    um album revoluncionario que moldou a musica pop atual, sendo o melhor trabalho de britney spears

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. The biggest failure of these songs, and the most confusing thing about this album, are the melodies.
  2. Poetry it's not. Still, there is something delightfully escapist about Blackout, a perfectly serviceable dance album abundant in the kind of bouncy electro elements that buttressed her hottest hits.
  3. For every hot, of-the-moment track, though, there's something like the nonsensical 'Hot As Ice,' which was co-penned by the thoroughly talentless T-Pain and might have worked two albums ago but just sounds retrograde here.