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Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 91
  2. Negative: 5 out of 91

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  1. JoshC.
    Jul 29, 2009
    Best album of the year, and best of dream theater.
  2. VasileP
    Jul 21, 2009
    Dream Theater sound, but in 2009 context. Still doing progressive songs, with added heavy and "easy" songs. Not many prog bands these days, to many Dream Theater copies outhere. Great, great, great album. However, it didn't hit me as fast as "Scenes from a memory" did...
  3. LuigiN
    Nov 14, 2009
    Totally awesome album! it's become one of my favorites of them and I'm already looking forward to the next album of these Prog Metal masters!
  4. ChrisB
    Dec 21, 2009
    This and Systematic Chaos are two of the best albums by this band, I'd highly recommend listening to both of them.
  5. marcuss.
    Jul 11, 2009
    Excellent CD-best since Scenes From a Memory. Picking up the special edition, with several covers ranging from Rainbow to Queen, is well worth the extra money. Original songs like Wither and Count of Tuscany are among their best.
  6. JeffreyW
    Sep 11, 2009
    Pleasure for the ears, probably the most complex and beautiful album of the decade.
  7. May 10, 2011
    Probably the best album of their career thus far. Sort of builds on what made them successful into one monsterous masterpiece that mixes in both dark and light themes perfectly. Awesome stuff.
  8. Nov 24, 2020
    My favorite album ever made. The Best of Times expresses an immense amount of raw emotion that gets me every time, The Count of Tuscany is just a masterpiece and A Nightmare to Remember makes my head bang like crazy as much as it relaxes me in the calmed sections. I'm aware that this is not objectively their best album, but I just love it so much.
  9. YairA
    Aug 7, 2009
    Used to be a huge Dream Theater in the past, but felt they lost direction after '6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence'. The opening and final tracks are exceptional, the rest could be better. 'The Shattered Fortress' was actually annoying, as it's basically a remix of previous work. Wither is kinda boring too. Too bad the rating is integer based. my rating is 8.6.
  10. JoshH
    Oct 15, 2009
    Dream Theater, ok there will be some bias as they are one of my favourite bands. This album won't entice many new fans, but it will certainly please their old ones. There are some "hits and misses" but the songs, especially the monstrous Count of Tuscany, will give the listener some great enjoyment.
  11. TonatiuthA
    Jul 29, 2009
    Awesome, this is my favorite cd since Train Of Thought, just a little disappointment with Wither but, an excellent album.
  12. jamiea
    Jul 11, 2009
    Fantastic CD! 2 singles and 4 epics! soft, heavy and melodic, music cant get much better than this!
  13. MundoM
    Jul 25, 2009
    Pretty different from its great predecessor "Systematic Chaos" in terms of experimentation but still a pretty solid album. There is a lot of personal stuff in their songs that gives a deep sense in the lyrics. A Really recommended work.
  14. MarkK
    Dec 25, 2009
    Monstrously awesome.
  15. CarlosA
    Jul 18, 2009
    I just can't stop listen to it. It's very well produced and the songs are performed in an incredible way, a long time standard for the Dream Theater albums. The only drawback is perhaps the "Shettered Fortress" track which could have encompassed a more original feeling. All other songs in this album seem to properly agree with DT fan's high expectations. It has everything I just can't stop listen to it. It's very well produced and the songs are performed in an incredible way, a long time standard for the Dream Theater albums. The only drawback is perhaps the "Shettered Fortress" track which could have encompassed a more original feeling. All other songs in this album seem to properly agree with DT fan's high expectations. It has everything to make you feel the joy of being a DT fan. One of the best albums, if not the best overall, of the new DT era (i.e., since the release of the heavier Train of Thought, 2003). I strongly recommend to fans and to those who might not yet know this awesome band. Expand
  16. JCArtistManagement
    Jul 24, 2009
    I am a hard core DT fan for many, yes..I am a little biased. However, I believe that this album will appease many due to it's diversity in song selection! The opening a roller coaster ride that takes you from dark metal to excellent harmony vox and the typical God-Like musicianship that DT is known and loved for. My favorite song, however, is "Wither". So many I am a hard core DT fan for many, yes..I am a little biased. However, I believe that this album will appease many due to it's diversity in song selection! The opening a roller coaster ride that takes you from dark metal to excellent harmony vox and the typical God-Like musicianship that DT is known and loved for. My favorite song, however, is "Wither". So many levels of melody and has elements of soft melody and awesome harmonies. I too, think this is their best album since Scenes From a Memory. I will be 2nd row in Milwaukee watching them perform their latest masterpiece. Long live DT! Album is highly recommended Expand
  17. Apr 21, 2012
    Probably the best album of Dream Theater. A Nightmare to Remember, The Best of Times and The Count of Tuscany are the best songs of the album, with a lot of emotions, lyric and instrumental speaking... Wither is a good but sold-out song, A Rite of Passage it's good and The Shattered Fortress it's basically a remix of the other 4 songs on the Twelve-Step suite that serve as the grandProbably the best album of Dream Theater. A Nightmare to Remember, The Best of Times and The Count of Tuscany are the best songs of the album, with a lot of emotions, lyric and instrumental speaking... Wither is a good but sold-out song, A Rite of Passage it's good and The Shattered Fortress it's basically a remix of the other 4 songs on the Twelve-Step suite that serve as the grand finale. So, this album deserves a 10. Expand
  18. AdamWhytheF*ckDoYouCare
    Jan 25, 2010
    Doug D., prog metal hasn't been good since the early 80s? You do know that's when the genre just began to emerge, right? Basically that means you never likes Dream Theater to begin with (they formed in 1989), so why are you even here reviewing this album? Anyway, this is a good album. It does feel a little familiar but the compositions that are here are quite good. Wither and A Doug D., prog metal hasn't been good since the early 80s? You do know that's when the genre just began to emerge, right? Basically that means you never likes Dream Theater to begin with (they formed in 1989), so why are you even here reviewing this album? Anyway, this is a good album. It does feel a little familiar but the compositions that are here are quite good. Wither and A Rite of Passage can be skipped, however. Expand
  19. AnassB.
    Aug 11, 2009
    It's a great Album ! it entres on Top 5 of Dream Theater's greatrest Albums.
  20. PhilM.
    Aug 30, 2009
    Solid metal album. Labrie's voice sounds great and his work with Jaime Vendera has payed off. He's eliminated that annoying nasally quality he's had for awhile now. I think those "growling" vocals are awful, and sound like portnoy's "i'm trying to be cool" influence. Also, lyrically, the songs are awfully horrid. but that's forgiveable when the actual melody Solid metal album. Labrie's voice sounds great and his work with Jaime Vendera has payed off. He's eliminated that annoying nasally quality he's had for awhile now. I think those "growling" vocals are awful, and sound like portnoy's "i'm trying to be cool" influence. Also, lyrically, the songs are awfully horrid. but that's forgiveable when the actual melody lines and backing composition is excellent. the bonus cd covers aren't throw away either, very great stuff in it's own right. Expand
  21. Jul 10, 2013
    It's not the greatest Dream Theater album out there, not even close. However, "Black Clouds and Silver Linings" is still great. For people who are just getting into DT, it's a good place to start. However, for fans, it's a little too familiar. Still great, thought. Also, "The Count of Tuscany" is super kick-ass.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. For all its abundantly positive qualities and minor but clear distinctions from prior efforts, is still an archetypal Dream Theater album; one that's unlikely to broaden their audience all that much, but is conversely guaranteed to thrill their hardcore converts with its renewed devotion to the most exigent and stimulating facets of the band's chosen musical domain.
  2. Black Clouds and Silver Linings is, obviously, a mixed bag from Dream Theater. Fans like myself will enjoy it, but again, you can’t deny how familiar it all feels.
  3. Mojo
    With four tracks topping 12 miutes, it's essentially a celebration of pre-punk boffin-rock, 'The Best Of Times 'and 'The Count Of Tuscany' both prog-metal masterpieces worthy of imperial-phase Rush. [Jul 2009,p.95]