• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 16, 2000

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. Magnet
    Near-brilliant... smoldering slabs of sonic complexity... [#46, p.86]
  2. 80
    If there's an ounce of you that's ever been keen on Pearl Jam, or even if you've never bothered, grab a pair of headphones and let Binaural pummel and soak into you, and relax about it.
  3. A remarkably overt homage to seventies stadium rock?
  4. The band's most consistent, well-written effort yet.
  5. Select
    A stinker of an album... a giant leap backwards in combining the overblown punk of 'Vs' with the grunge bluster of 'Ten', minus the tunes. [July 2000, p.107]
  6. Checkout.com
    If Binaural were Pearl Jam's first effort, it would receive little notice and get panned for its lack of focus and abundant musical mediocrity.
  7. Pearl Jam returns to peak form with a 13-song collection of driving power rock reminiscent of the band's glory days of the early to mid-1990s.
  8. 70
    Probably the last good album we can realistically expect from Pearl Jam.
  9. In the main they have done away with their more stodgy, pretentious material and distilled their sound into a stripped down rawness, and they sound all the better for it.
  10. The songs are sharper, the production is layered, and the performances are as compassionate as ever, resulting in their finest album since Vitalogy.
  11. 70
    Oddly, it's the faster songs -- once Pearl Jam's forte -- that detract from Binaural as a whole.
  12. A warts-and-all album; it has grabbers, songs that sink in slowly and a few absolute duds?
  13. A seething, furious album; a declamatory statement against cynicism and passivity and the simple injustices of everyday life.
  14. At their worst, Pearl Jam witter on pointlessly.... When Pearl Jam gel, though, it's close to special.
  15. A formless collection that drifts from one tune to the next, weighed down by a general sense of murk that pervades everything from Tchad Blake's production to the song arrangements and the lyrics.
  16. It's an uneven mix that frustrates by offering just samples of what Pearl Jam increasingly does best, namely, provide clear and, yes, quiet stories about the travails of everyday life.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 60
  2. Negative: 2 out of 60
  1. Jun 6, 2011
    although it's lost its edge over time. still a remarkable album. not their best. definitly not their worst.
    despite its reputation its NOT
    although it's lost its edge over time. still a remarkable album. not their best. definitly not their worst.
    despite its reputation its NOT ONLY for the die hard fans. and its definitly no stadium rock as some people claim
    Full Review »
  2. gazc
    Aug 23, 2009
    An incredible album, do not get the '0' rating. 'Light years' is their most emotional and tear jerking song and the An incredible album, do not get the '0' rating. 'Light years' is their most emotional and tear jerking song and the atmosphere created in 'nothing as it seems is phenomenal. They even hit the mark with the political songs such as 'Grievance', 'insignificance' and 'evacuation'. Lyrical Vedder is flawless. Full Review »
  3. JackV
    Mar 16, 2005
    pearl jam have never made an album short of brilliant. it is not in their forte to make bad music.