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Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 59
  2. Negative: 6 out of 59
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  1. Sep 14, 2022
    Her best album. Creating country music does not mean it's a downgrade itself, as some of you might state. As long as the music is good, it does not matter the genre. Big Time is not only country, it combines a diverse margin of genres, and she does it perfectly.
  2. Jul 14, 2022
    Another ridiculously beautiful album about love and loss by one of the greatest songwriters of our time
  3. Jun 14, 2022
    Chasing the Sun.. wow, another great closer. Like Chance on her previous album, Olsen knows how to end an album with a track that lingers and marks an ending of the journey, not only her but for us as listeners intent on finding meaning in it all.
  4. Jun 3, 2022
    La odisea de la vida a través del dolor para ubicarte sobre un trono de grandesa, es como ha sido el trasfondo y la conclusión de uno de los proyectos más sólidos por Angel Olsen; y es su voz que nos transporta a través de los caminos de la melancolía, la felicidad y la pasión por la vida, una voz que nos hace perder las cadenas y nos hace rebosar al sentir todas esas emociones, sin dudaLa odisea de la vida a través del dolor para ubicarte sobre un trono de grandesa, es como ha sido el trasfondo y la conclusión de uno de los proyectos más sólidos por Angel Olsen; y es su voz que nos transporta a través de los caminos de la melancolía, la felicidad y la pasión por la vida, una voz que nos hace perder las cadenas y nos hace rebosar al sentir todas esas emociones, sin duda la producción country-alternativo nos hace sentir en casa pero es un todo lo que nos hace volar. Expand
  5. Jun 6, 2022
    Masterpiece. I’ve been listening to this album on repeat for days as I bike through the mountains of Tennessee. Gorgeous, country-inspired songs with Angel’s idiosyncratic lyrical and vocal touch. Absolutely in love with this album.
  6. Jun 5, 2022
    AMAZING!! Perfectly represents that feeling of despair from grief and love. Incredible album.
  7. Jul 18, 2022
    Perfect! It’s soft but strong in love! It doesn't sound boring, but makes people feel lingering. LOVE this album!
  8. Aug 13, 2022
    Amazing. I absolutely love this new country road Angel is taking and her voice suits her so well.
  9. Aug 26, 2022
    It is as if this disc was all made from covers of songs you have only ever heard in your dreams.
  10. Oct 6, 2022
    For me, "My Woman" remains her finest hour but latest offering "Big Time" gives it a run for its money in parts. As a collection, the songs are as strong as she's put together. The source material is good and while the production is hard to fault in execution terms, it does lean too far into the country aesthetic than I would like myself. The more you listen to it, the less of an issueFor me, "My Woman" remains her finest hour but latest offering "Big Time" gives it a run for its money in parts. As a collection, the songs are as strong as she's put together. The source material is good and while the production is hard to fault in execution terms, it does lean too far into the country aesthetic than I would like myself. The more you listen to it, the less of an issue this becomes but to begin there is a lot of pedal steel that somewhat overwhelms the source tracks. I'd rather a bit more indie folk than country folk from her. Expand
  11. Aug 4, 2022
    A warm record about growth, searching and finding acceptance. This recird feel very reminiscent of Waxahachie 2020 opus "st. Cloud". It reminds me of unoccupied wetlands,wilderness and heat. Angel Olsen recently came out as gay and this record bares the traits of that discovery alongside the loss that came with her mothers death. "All of the good times" is one of my favorites dueA warm record about growth, searching and finding acceptance. This recird feel very reminiscent of Waxahachie 2020 opus "st. Cloud". It reminds me of unoccupied wetlands,wilderness and heat. Angel Olsen recently came out as gay and this record bares the traits of that discovery alongside the loss that came with her mothers death. "All of the good times" is one of my favorites due especially to that blast of horns aand energy toward the end or the acceptance of "chasing the sun" Expand
  12. Oct 16, 2022
    Full clock paradise, big time, arrive for a lifetime, not faster, love everywhere.

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 23
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 23
  3. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. 90
    Big Time is really a remarkable and intimate display of growth on the part of the woman who made it, thread-bare and unashamed, competing with the new Kendrick Lamar album for new heights of self-flagellation, and glorious self affirmation; made all the more intense of course by that voice of Olsen’s, masculine and feminine at the same time, and frankly criminal wield with material this naked and bare.
  2. Jun 10, 2022
    The new record finds Olsen basking in new love and lost love, using her distinctive tone and quavering vibrato to great effect. Olsen leans country on Big Time, moving between lush slide guitars and piano ballads, singing of grief with a gentleness that exudes as much gratefulness as it does melancholy.
  3. Jun 9, 2022
    While her last proper album, 2019’s orchestrally-imbued All Mirrors, was something of a coming out party for her grand artistic ambition and scope, Big Time is the coming out party for her true personality. In order to do this, she’s stripped away the grandiosity and reverted back to the country and Americana sounds that she calls home.