
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. These 50 minutes of music are as cohesive as they are conquering.
  2. Under The Radar
    With a sound closer to the Sire output than their SST days, Mascis throws around his best set of songs since Where You Been. [#17, p.84]
  3. Urb
    Beyond doesn't break any new ground, but... it's as refreshing as anything you're likely to hear all year. [May 2007, p.93]
  4. Mascis' ear-bleeding guitar soloing is ever prevalent, but there's a dynamism in the music here that was missing in previous efforts.
  5. The spiraling, distortion-drenched guitar solos, the cracked and ruined moan of Mascis, the passive-aggressive romanticism, the relentless beat, the pedals, the sheer turbulent's just like Where You Been? all over again, with all the positives and negatives that the comparison implies.
  6. It sounds exactly like a Dinosaur Jr album should.
  7. Mojo
    Beyond is the better-produced natural successor to 1987's epochal You're Living All Over Me. [May 2007, p.104]
  8. That the music of Beyond rocks so righteously in a way that sounds like a conscious progression from where they left off with Bug, rather than a misguided attempt to recreate the past, makes this unlikely recording comeback all the more incredible.
  9. Apparently evolution is overrated.
  10. Coming in 2007 it sounds oddly fresh, but nothing here’s as full-on as their early stuff or as lovely as Feel The Pain.
  11. There is something almost eerie about how exactly the Dinosaur Jr of 2007 sound like the Dinosaur Jr of 1988.
  12. It's in between the showboating, when Mascis demonstrates his folk and country-tinged melodies and subtle but elaborate leads that you realize what you're listening to is pretty fucking close to genius.
  13. Beyond’s main flaws come in a lack of variety.
  14. This is an album that sits well alongside classics such as 1987's 'You're Living All Over Me'. In other words: a genuine monster.
  15. What’s most remarkable about the record is its incredible level of musical cohesion – it’s like the trio never stopped playing together.
  16. Beyond, the band's first record as the selfsame trio since 1988's Bug, benefits enormously-- more so even than fellow MA-veterans Mission of Burma or latter-day Sonic Youth-- from the years, experiences, successes, and disappointments elapsed between then and now.
  17. There isn't a bad song on Beyond—though both of Barlow's contributions slow things down a bit—but it never reaches the transcendent, wailing energy of Mascis' best.
  18. Q Magazine
    The spark that made initial albums such as Bug so special is still missing. [May 2007, p.123]
  19. Spin
    Even the production on Beyond sounds plucked from the trio's Bug heyday. [May 2007, p.85]
  20. Despite Beyond’s tendency to feel like a career retrospective in spots, it contains plenty of songs that rival Mascis’s best work.
  21. Rabid Dinosaur Jr fans will find plenty here to enjoy.
  22. It’s great to hear, on Beyond, that the group can capture that magic again.
  23. Amazingly, "Beyond" picks up where 1988's "Bug" left off, with only slightly more streamlined polish but with the old love of volume and excess still sweetly intact.
  24. Essentially the real joy is to hear the three original members locking in so tightly together.
  25. Beyond isn't merely a worthy album from a reunited band, it's simply a great record by any standard.
  26. Blender
    The elliptical vein opening, restless country twang and surging metal riffage have never sounded more confident. [Jun 2007, p.107]
  27. Beyond's highlights not only stand comfortably with Dinosaur's legendary best, but they also sound like they could have been lost outtakes from the very same sessions.
  28. Though too long at 50 minutes, Beyond is an often thrilling reminder of this essential band's heyday.
  29. 84
    Their most triumphant mix of fuzzed-out fury, face-melting fretwork and merry-but-messy melodies.
  30. As usual, Mascis' guitar--a stirring strength, charming and expressive, a poignant power, is the star of this show--and as a whole unit, they haven’t sounded this good in about sixteen years.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 45
  2. Negative: 3 out of 45
  1. DonJ
    May 6, 2007
    This is the album that Dinosaur Jr fans have been waiting for. It's the closest thing to bliss on a piece of plastic as you're This is the album that Dinosaur Jr fans have been waiting for. It's the closest thing to bliss on a piece of plastic as you're going to get. J is the best guitar player you will ever hear in Indie Rock. Lou's bass playing has only improved in the 19 years since Bug's recording. The second song made me wonder if the album could ever reach the legendary strides of You're Living All Over Me. Then the third song started (Pick Me Up), and I was lost in a time when I had lived for bands like D.J., Sonic Youth, Pavement, to name a few. I was in heaven. By the time that the guitar solo ends at the end of the song, you find yourself asking: "Why woould I ever listen to anything else?" I am biased, since Dinosaur Jr has been my favorite band since I was 16 (I am now 32). I've always liked YLAOM the best of all their albums. (although Bug, Gren Mind, and Where You Been are worthy of mention). THis album may surpass even YLAOM though. It's balanced, and the sense of cohesion between the members (even Murph) is amazing. It's energetic despite J's typical slacker style of whining the words out (which I have always liked). This is definitely the best album I bouth this year, and may be the best thing in 16 years that I've bought. Yes More Light was a good rock album by J, but this trumps it in every manner. If you like guitar focused, post-punk with a folk influence thrown in for good measure - PICK THIS UP IMMEDIATELY!!! Full Review »
  2. Liam
    Nov 22, 2008
    Great, this is probably my favorite Dino jr. record and the only one that stands up to You're Living All Over Me.
  3. RachaelG.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Amazing ! I picked up this cd from the library and fell in love, my dad actually saw them in concert ( jealous ) of course I hope they come Amazing ! I picked up this cd from the library and fell in love, my dad actually saw them in concert ( jealous ) of course I hope they come to Ohio, I saw on their page they have some shows coming up ! I first heard about them from another band. Full Review »