• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Apr 27, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 277 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 50 out of 277
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  1. Sep 5, 2018
    Everything blends together, it's not very cohesive. Malone sounds just like what he is- an annoying white guy who takes the bare essentials of trap and makes a cheap, commercially safe, lazy version of it. Better now is a pretty good song, I'll admit. But there's nothing that separates most songs from each other, and it leads to a very unsatisfactory experience.
  2. May 13, 2018
    A very poor album with weak lyrics and vocal performances. The only saving grace is the production, but even that starts to get boring and repetitive after 18 songs.
  3. Oct 16, 2018
    It is a heinous crime that anyone would rate this frat-pop trash more than a 1.
  4. Aug 1, 2018
    Post Malone really stepped up his game when it came to Beerbongs and Bentleys. His work just keeps getting better and better. This is honestly an album full of hits that I listened to on repeat for hours on end when it first came out. Definitely worth a listen!
  5. May 12, 2018
    Seeing as how much I detest trap-rap, someone please tell me why I kind of like this album? Seriously, this was an overall enjoyable listen! There are plenty of songs on here that have a genuine vibe to them, like "Paranoid, "Over Now," and "Stay." "Rockstar" is also an excellent trap song, and tracks like that and "Zack and Codeine" prove that Post doesn't need to necessarily emote toSeeing as how much I detest trap-rap, someone please tell me why I kind of like this album? Seriously, this was an overall enjoyable listen! There are plenty of songs on here that have a genuine vibe to them, like "Paranoid, "Over Now," and "Stay." "Rockstar" is also an excellent trap song, and tracks like that and "Zack and Codeine" prove that Post doesn't need to necessarily emote to make great songs. Despite the tracks "Spoil My Night," "92 Explorer," and "Candy Paint" being very insufferable, I might come back to this album eventually. Definitely is worth checking out.

    Rating: B-
  6. Jan 23, 2020
    When people ask me what my favorite album is, I'll tell them... "beerbongs & bentleys". This album was AMAZING, start to finish. I don't understand why people are hating on this guy. "Stoney" was a great album. I feel like they didn't give it a chance. They just decided that it was going to be bad because Post released songs that came after "White Iverson". But, those were good songs! StopWhen people ask me what my favorite album is, I'll tell them... "beerbongs & bentleys". This album was AMAZING, start to finish. I don't understand why people are hating on this guy. "Stoney" was a great album. I feel like they didn't give it a chance. They just decided that it was going to be bad because Post released songs that came after "White Iverson". But, those were good songs! Stop hating on this man and give him a chance. Expand
  7. May 6, 2018
    Great album although some songs are sounding the same. The lyrics are mediocre but his voice is very relaxing and balances the score. The album includes calm songs like "Psycho" and more aggressive songs like "Over Now". In all this creates a decent mix and makes the album worth hearing.
  8. Apr 13, 2019
    I enjoy almost all of the tracks on BB&B, and is definitely a step up from Stoney. The production value is 10 times better, and the album as a whole feels more complete. I gave it an 8/10 because towards the end, it all gets a bit lost for me. I feel like the album should have been made shorter, as over an hour of Post is too much for me sometimes. However, none of the songs on their ownI enjoy almost all of the tracks on BB&B, and is definitely a step up from Stoney. The production value is 10 times better, and the album as a whole feels more complete. I gave it an 8/10 because towards the end, it all gets a bit lost for me. I feel like the album should have been made shorter, as over an hour of Post is too much for me sometimes. However, none of the songs on their own are bad, and are all very enjoyable. Expand
  9. May 4, 2018
    While the album does have fairly good songs most of it simply blends together with the same ideas and same sounds. You've heard post previously and this is more of the same from him. Certainly not terrible and also not great.
  10. Jun 24, 2018
    A boring, overlong mess with production that sounds exactly the same through that and bored sounding, poorly written lyrics. One point for posts ability to write an amazingly catchy hook that just gets stuck in your head. If only that ability was put to better use.
  11. May 16, 2018
    NOPE. It's pretty obvious that despite a bunch of tracks, not much effort was put into this album. The best tracks are the ones with scene-stealing features, which somewhat make up for this album's horrible makeup. Favourite Tracks: rockstar, Psycho, Ball For Me, Candy Paint
  12. May 2, 2018
    Generic album! Same old lyrics! No innovation! Almost no songs stand out! Rotten album!
  13. May 3, 2018
    This one is one of the most forgettable albums i've heard this year. The only thing going for it is a very good production, beat selection is very enjoyable, but his auto-tune singing is not enjoyable for me, at some parts it fits quite well with the beat, but most of the times it is really annoying to listen to. I never actually really liked the singles he brought out (Rockstar andThis one is one of the most forgettable albums i've heard this year. The only thing going for it is a very good production, beat selection is very enjoyable, but his auto-tune singing is not enjoyable for me, at some parts it fits quite well with the beat, but most of the times it is really annoying to listen to. I never actually really liked the singles he brought out (Rockstar and Psycho) and the rest of the album is basically the same. Expand
  14. May 1, 2018
    Stoney was an absolute mess to me. it had no depth and I could never get a true feel for it, however though B&B has its dull moments I felt compelled to give it a perfect score based on the growth alone. Post Malone has gone from a wannabe soundcloud rapper to a potential artist. Watching him perform "Stay" live in Nashville has convinced me that Mr. Malone has some great potential. As IStoney was an absolute mess to me. it had no depth and I could never get a true feel for it, however though B&B has its dull moments I felt compelled to give it a perfect score based on the growth alone. Post Malone has gone from a wannabe soundcloud rapper to a potential artist. Watching him perform "Stay" live in Nashville has convinced me that Mr. Malone has some great potential. As I said before, the album itself is by no means a perfect 10, rather more of a strong six to a light seven. However, his growth as an artist is so intriguing that I gave it a 10. The transformation within two years is amazing. I'm excited to watch this man grow more and perhaps create a true 10/10 piece in the future. Expand
  15. May 2, 2018
    This album is just fun, if you were looking for something more "deep", this is not the right album. It sounds pretty good, it's not the big deal, it's easy to hear it. I think that Post Malone can go by another music line as in "Stay", the ballads are very good with a acoustic guitar and his voice with autotune.
  16. May 2, 2018
    It's a very weak album in its lyrics, but it has very good melodies and impressive beats!
  17. May 3, 2018
    Whilst i disliked stoney a good amount, i was pleasantly surprised by this in that there weren't any songs i truly hated and the there were a good amount i quite liked, lyrically Post still isn't Shakespeare, but still tolerable with the producing quite decent.
  18. May 2, 2018
    This album felt like it was full of hits. And compared to his previous album, you could see vocal improvements and also a better production.
  19. Oct 3, 2018
    Can anyone explain to me why Post Malone is famous? It can't be because of good music, because this "album" is an aural crime. It can't be because of music talent, because you have to create something compelling, which Post Malone cannot do. It can't be because of looks. Just look at Post Malone, enough said. Something is...off
  20. May 11, 2018
    It's chill and very relaxing. I don't know what you expect from Post Malone but I received a better product than I thought.
  21. ftu
    May 3, 2018
    A decent album, with catchy-yet generic lyrics, Post Malone delivers a much stronger performance than Stoney.
  22. May 27, 2018
    While Beerbongs and Bentleys contains a number of party tracks and songs for teens and young kids, it has the feel of a playlist rather than an actual body of work. Post’s obsession with rapping about drugs, money and his rapper lifestyle is on display and the amount of corny moments as well as moments that make a smart listener cringe is extremely high. While you’ll hear some of theseWhile Beerbongs and Bentleys contains a number of party tracks and songs for teens and young kids, it has the feel of a playlist rather than an actual body of work. Post’s obsession with rapping about drugs, money and his rapper lifestyle is on display and the amount of corny moments as well as moments that make a smart listener cringe is extremely high. While you’ll hear some of these songs on radios or at parties, this album is simply a mess and one made for the youth. Beerbongs and Bentleys is a tough listen and might just top Eminem’s 2017 album, Revival, as one of the most disappointing rap releases in recent memory and might just be one of the worst hip hop albums of all time Expand
  23. Jun 20, 2018
    Beerbongs & Bentleys contains banger after banger and I really like this album. I really like his music!
  24. May 3, 2018
    This is not an album, it's a Spotify playlist.
    This guy has no talent what so ever. Stop making stupid people famous!
  25. May 4, 2018
    A mix of pop, rap and rock that makes you twerk and think about life! Post has evolved and I've loved this. Hope he keeps doing it!
  26. Feb 24, 2021
    good album much nostalgia 8/10
    good album much nostalgia 8/10
    good album much nostalgia 8/10
  27. May 3, 2018
    I like Austin as a person the more i see of him (h3 podcast folks wassup!) but I don't know if I get down with the trap that's kind of taken over what's popular at the moment, it seems like to grow as a musician he needs to take more risks and innovate more and develop his own sound. He seems like he's keeping up with trends more than he's pushing boundaries and he needs to get raw andI like Austin as a person the more i see of him (h3 podcast folks wassup!) but I don't know if I get down with the trap that's kind of taken over what's popular at the moment, it seems like to grow as a musician he needs to take more risks and innovate more and develop his own sound. He seems like he's keeping up with trends more than he's pushing boundaries and he needs to get raw and real with his audience and somehow translate that thru his music. Still, he does what he does better than some of the other folks and soundcloud rappers in the game. I'd give it a 7 based on that. Expand
  28. Jan 21, 2020
    It's got a few bangers to drag up the score to "average", but this is mostly a slog. It's overlong with the vast majority of the tracks being rather forgettable pop rap/trap attempted bangers that didn't land. There's no cohesion, it drifts aimlessly and ends in disarray. It's really a mess of a project. Post is lucky he is so gifted at making bangers that a few can make the album stay inIt's got a few bangers to drag up the score to "average", but this is mostly a slog. It's overlong with the vast majority of the tracks being rather forgettable pop rap/trap attempted bangers that didn't land. There's no cohesion, it drifts aimlessly and ends in disarray. It's really a mess of a project. Post is lucky he is so gifted at making bangers that a few can make the album stay in some playlists. Overall, it was pretty disappointing for an artist as talented as he. Expand
  29. Jun 25, 2018
    Alternative hip-hopper Post Malone sparks the world with one of the most anticipated albums of this year. Most tracks include a very vivid and audible slur that will drag you in with the groove and beats of each rhythm. Post Malone's fame is only getting started and he's going to keep reaching new heights in the rate he's going through all the viewers out there.
  30. Nov 11, 2018
    Although some songs becomes bland and generic, the album is overall very chill to listen to and got several bangers on it. It’s a good album to just chill out to.

    Favorite Tracks: Better Now, Paranoid, Stay

    Least Favorite Track: Zack & Codeine

    My Rating: Decent 7/10

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. May 18, 2018
    Beerbongs & Bentleys is an apt reflection of his lavish lifestyle and his subsequently begotten hardships, but its attempts at sincerity work only when Post Malone stops trying so hard.
  2. 70
    There are occasional intrusions of other ideas, like the agonized rock on “Over Now,” and when far more formalist artists like Nicki Minaj or G-Eazy arrive, they sound like teachers trying to enforce order in detention. But in total, Beerbongs & Bentleys is admirably committed to form, one long song of the decontextualized now.
  3. May 7, 2018
    This moment of fuzzed-out, fucked-up pop music with questionably scant odes to rap music is not designed for posterity. To his credit, Post gets that, and is content to make overlong albums where every song can be a single. Not every song on beerbongs and bentleys can be a single, but there’s enough of them hiding in there to make it one of 2018’s more rewarding releases.