
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Beach Fossils may be very 2010 but they aren't just along for the ride, they're driving the bandwagon.
  2. This is the sound of sun-stunned drift, as opposed to slacker ennui. Such a formula could make for an enervating listen, but this debut album is shot through with casually glorious melodies.
  3. I'm not sure what this one will sound like when the heat lets up--but what matters for now is that Beach Fossils have crafted a breezy and charming debut that renders such questions, at least for right now, unimportant.
  4. For what it is, it hits the mark impeccably--time after time after time.
  5. Beach Fossils is the sound of life being enjoyed for the simpler things and getting over the rest. It makes for a languidly pleasing bout of escapism at the very least.
  6. Payseur's vocals take on a uniform slack as this album rolls along. At first, it's an affecting choice, where we get to hear both his ennui and the fatigued relief he finds while escaping it. But as the record goes on, his delivery holds its monotone and, as a result, loses its effectiveness.
  7. It's simply a case of the repetition and lack of attention to detail exposing that, as pretty as Beach Fossils is, it could be better.
  8. How this sort of music became a cliche in the space of just the past year or so speaks to the speed and density of the Internet. And yet the self-titled Beach Fossils debut, on Captured Tracks, manages to not feel overly 2009.
  9. On their debut, the young Beach Fossils separate themselves from the rest of the pack by coloring the ubiquitous surf-pop sound with a listlessness that makes them seem like weary veterans.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Sep 19, 2020
    An excellent lo-fi record with a cool sleepy vibe. There aren't necessarily any classic songs or even standout tracks but as a whole its aAn excellent lo-fi record with a cool sleepy vibe. There aren't necessarily any classic songs or even standout tracks but as a whole its a highly enjoyable half hour plus of jangly tuneful guitars and smoky vocals full of melody. The whole album is drenched in reverb rather than any gain or distortion being used and from that point of view it can lack variation but this also results in a more uniform feel to the record. Listening to this definitely led me to checking out the rest of Beach Fossils material and if your a fan of sleepy, sparse beach pop you'll likely find something you enjoy here. Full Review »
  2. Sep 11, 2016
    This kind of music is probably a cliche in the actual times. But, cliche or not, Beach Fossils manage to entertain you for a couple of goodThis kind of music is probably a cliche in the actual times. But, cliche or not, Beach Fossils manage to entertain you for a couple of good tracks, and some tripping psychedelia manners. Full Review »