• Record Label: Red
  • Release Date: Jun 15, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. We Are Scientists know how to create instantly catchy tunes, unfortunately they've yet to master making them stick in the memory bank.
  2. Listening to Barbara is like watching the England football team; expectations are high at the outset and true to form, things get off to a rousing start. However, after the halfway mark normality sets in, there's an alarming sense of underachievement and long before its conclusion, you're dismissing them as hapless failures.
  3. Mojo
    A solid if not spectacular, step forward for a band unfathomably more popular in the Uk than their homeland. [Jul 2010, p.92]
  4. Barbara is pure We Are Scientists, and in the context of the band's discography, it's hopelessly unoriginal but undoubtedly strong, the kind of record that will either have you tearing out your hair in frustration at a band that showed so much promise or singing along in your car to a CD chock-full of superb sing-a-longs.
  5. Barbara shows that We Are Scientists know what works for them, and even if it never quite breaks the barrier between pleasant and great, it's almost always enjoyable.
  6. Uncut
    This is a conventional effort, featuring four-to-the-floor rock and likeable disco-indie. [Aug 2010, p.102]
  7. Q Magazine
    As ever, the drawback is a surfeit of earnestness; some of the irreverent humour of their live shows qouln't go amiss. [Aug 2010, p.127]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Aug 27, 2010
    I should not like this as much as I do, but I cannot help myself. There is nothing especially new here, but everything We Are Scientists haveI should not like this as much as I do, but I cannot help myself. There is nothing especially new here, but everything We Are Scientists have done so far has been polished and delivered with such self-confidence, charm and gusto that you just have to go along with it. Full Review »
  2. BowlegsMusicReview
    Jun 18, 2010
    Bowlegs Music Review gave this album 5 out of 10. Review is online now.
  3. AustinM
    Jun 17, 2010
    I absolutely love With Love and Squalor and Brain Thrust Mastery. Barbara is still good and has one of my favorites of the theirs on it but I absolutely love With Love and Squalor and Brain Thrust Mastery. Barbara is still good and has one of my favorites of the theirs on it but to me it just doesn't match up with their previous work. Don't get me wrong, I still love this album. I highly suggest buying the physical copy solely for the CD insert. One of the funniest and most entertaining booklets ever. Pick this up especially if you are a WaS fan. Full Review »