• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 18, 2004
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 41
  2. Negative: 20 out of 41

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  1. markj
    Jul 3, 2005
    Mint!!! best album, loved it!!!!
  2. KoenD
    May 22, 2004
    Lenny rocks! Give this CD a chance...the more you listen to it the better it gets. It's his best album in years!
  3. omara
    Sep 8, 2006
  4. RBrown
    Dec 10, 2004
    Excellent offering for true Lenny Kravitz fans...The more you listen to it....the better it gets!
  5. RhondaMc
    Mar 18, 2005
    Awesome! This is up there with his best!
  6. May 5, 2013
    Maybe it's partially because I have a nostalgic attachment, given that this is pretty much the first album I ever owned, but I think the negative reception this album got is highly undeserved. It's packed full of infectious hooks, emotive lyrics & nice guitar riffs. It shows Lenny's unique combination of rock, soul, pop & R&B on a lot of tracks, but this is easily one of of his moreMaybe it's partially because I have a nostalgic attachment, given that this is pretty much the first album I ever owned, but I think the negative reception this album got is highly undeserved. It's packed full of infectious hooks, emotive lyrics & nice guitar riffs. It shows Lenny's unique combination of rock, soul, pop & R&B on a lot of tracks, but this is easily one of of his more ballad-driven albums, showing a lot of insightful introspection in beautiful tracks like I Don't Wanna Be a Star, Baptized, What Did I Do With My Life, The Other Side & Destiny. Meanwhile there's some great raw rock songs here too, like Where Are We Runnin, Minister of Rock & Roll, the soul-tinged Flash & my personal favorite California. Usually my reviews are longer than this but I really just wanted to make a case for an album I have a strong personal attachment towards given the absurd 4.8 average user score. Expand
  7. JaspervanW
    Jun 23, 2005
    One of the finest albums I bought last year. look forward to seeing him at Rockin'park Nijmegen.
  8. richardj
    Nov 27, 2006
    This is not a bad Lenny Kravitz album atall compared to 5 or Lenny which i think are weaker then this, this has a lot a mixture of old Lenny sound "Mama Said and Are you gonna go my way" to the new sounding "5 and new tracks from the greatest hits", the only criticism I have is it is pretenious but Lenny has been in the industry for over 15 years so he has a right to be. Tell me soemone This is not a bad Lenny Kravitz album atall compared to 5 or Lenny which i think are weaker then this, this has a lot a mixture of old Lenny sound "Mama Said and Are you gonna go my way" to the new sounding "5 and new tracks from the greatest hits", the only criticism I have is it is pretenious but Lenny has been in the industry for over 15 years so he has a right to be. Tell me soemone else who comes up with albums as good as this in the genre? If your a fan of Lenny Kravitz or like some of his music buy this and give it a few listens then make a more rounded judegment! Also Paul V tell that commetn to Prince aswell maybe? You have to be influenced by someone.....it's how music develops and evolves! Expand
  9. PeterR
    Dec 25, 2005
    I love the dynamicism and polish of this album. I love Lenny's lighter more acoustic songs. I love this album.
  10. DaveV
    May 27, 2004
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This is classic Lenny Kravtz, you either like him or you don't
  11. DisaPointed
    May 27, 2004
    I was really anticipating the new album. Lenny has so much talent and his styles are so diverse. Unfortunately, though I like some of the classic Lenny sounding songs, I was disapointed! There wasn't any breaking of new ground, except in his vocals. Musically, it just seems, overall, bland. This album sounds like the left over cuts from the last album, "Lenny." On three of the I was really anticipating the new album. Lenny has so much talent and his styles are so diverse. Unfortunately, though I like some of the classic Lenny sounding songs, I was disapointed! There wasn't any breaking of new ground, except in his vocals. Musically, it just seems, overall, bland. This album sounds like the left over cuts from the last album, "Lenny." On three of the balads, the chords all hit right on the 4 / 4 beat. It's mechanical, uninspired, overall. But there are moments of genious. However, I don't like the homogenized bland sound. Lenny turned down many offers before his first album so he could explore and create without labels and limits. Where is that zeal now? I just don't hear it in this album. Sorry Lenny, but I still love you man. You are a genious and I know you can do better. Expand
  12. jurajm
    May 21, 2004
    I was looking forward to hearing a new album from lenny, but was seriously dissapointed... totally uninspired. A shame, really...
  13. LaurenceH
    May 20, 2004
    This CD falls falt. Maybe the only first single 'Where are we runnin' could have a minimum of interest... But, seriously, Kravitz can do better. He should stick to P.O.D style, not his own.
  14. DannyZ
    Jul 31, 2007
    Baptism is Lenny Kravitz' worst album. It's clearly evident he's running out of ideas because he's chosen to reproduce his first album, minus the charm and vigour. 70% of the album is pure crap and it only ever comes to life with four songs: the invigorating 'California', the riff-laden 'Where Are We Runnin', and the Jay-Z collaboration Baptism is Lenny Kravitz' worst album. It's clearly evident he's running out of ideas because he's chosen to reproduce his first album, minus the charm and vigour. 70% of the album is pure crap and it only ever comes to life with four songs: the invigorating 'California', the riff-laden 'Where Are We Runnin', and the Jay-Z collaboration 'Storm'. Finally, the dynamic 'Flash' is as close to Motown as Lenny's ever sounded. Unfortunately, the rest of the album can be best described as dull and lifeless, material not even on par with what was previously considered his poorest effort, the 1995 album Circus. Here's to hoping Lenny's next record doesn't suck as hard. Expand
  15. LaurenceH
    May 20, 2004
    This CD falls falt. Maybe the only first single 'Where are we runnin' could have a minimum of interest... But, seriously, Kravitz can do better. He should stick to P.O.D style, not his own.
  16. Oct 20, 2011
    This album contains high doses of junk lyrics "The Minister Of Rock 'N Roll" "I Do not Want to Be a Star" and Even Some repeptivo as "Lady" "Sistamatolver." It's Such a drag, "Calling All Angels" "Baptized" it is Obviously Going Through to Great Depression, California "is nice, but nothing more, in" Storm "Just Blaze not was very fine. Jay-Z if. End result leaves Without an albumThis album contains high doses of junk lyrics "The Minister Of Rock 'N Roll" "I Do not Want to Be a Star" and Even Some repeptivo as "Lady" "Sistamatolver." It's Such a drag, "Calling All Angels" "Baptized" it is Obviously Going Through to Great Depression, California "is nice, but nothing more, in" Storm "Just Blaze not was very fine. Jay-Z if. End result leaves Without an album structure. full of forgettable songs Expand
  17. jimbob
    May 18, 2004
    This album is the musical equivalent of watching grass grow. Perhaps Lenny should stop diddling movie stars, and try writing some decent songs.
  18. MikaS
    Jun 5, 2004
    Lenny's worst recording. And why the hell did he invite Jay-Z for another boring song? Jay-Z means so much more than ''storm''... Dump out this album. Yuck. A real mess.
  19. UnclePeanut
    May 21, 2004
    Lenny's 2nd straight subpar album... at one time I thought each new record pushed in a different direction but this is retreaded stuff.
  20. Josh.
    May 18, 2004
    Walk away, Lenny. For the love of God, just walk away.
  21. LawrenceC
    May 30, 2004
    NO WAY. This record was probably released to say ''Hey guys, I'm still in the game''... A shame, really. Stay away from 'Baptism'. It sucks.
  22. DT
    May 18, 2005
    "cus she makes me feel good, she's so fine" .....I think I am going to puke. This song is one of the most contrived songs I have ever heard. Lenny is definitly reaching on this one.
  23. SpankyM
    May 20, 2004
    does anyone actually listen to this guy? i subjected myself to one of his sorry-ass sets at the jazz fest, where he's lucky drunken new orleans fok didn't hit him successfully with food and beer. if lenny would just take the face paint off, and finally reveal that he's really the long lost guitartist from foreigner...well, i would still think he's crap, but at least it does anyone actually listen to this guy? i subjected myself to one of his sorry-ass sets at the jazz fest, where he's lucky drunken new orleans fok didn't hit him successfully with food and beer. if lenny would just take the face paint off, and finally reveal that he's really the long lost guitartist from foreigner...well, i would still think he's crap, but at least it would be more honest and fun than hopelessly trying to cop prince and sly...and yes, i am sorry for mentioning both those guys in the same paragraph as lenny "can't write a decent song to save his ass" kravitz. lenny, you're not hip! don't try so damn hard! then maybe you might come up with some at least mediocre schlock. stick to bangin' your supermodels or whatever stupid actress you're bonin' in your gazillion dollar home. but lenny, i don't hate you...i would just appreciate it if you would limit the corporate noise pollution that you help make a reality-- in ultimate hopes of finally "bland-inizing" america. we're almost there clear channel! woo hoo! Expand
  24. zacko
    May 28, 2004
    dear god what is this crap?!?!? the 5 or so boring slow songs all sound the same and lenny's annoying voice is whining over the boring riffs . the only good song is Where are We Runnin, a catchy song with good riffs and youll be singin if for days, but why the hell couldnt he make all the songs on this album like that?! the rest of the songs are pure crap, and i cant listen to some dear god what is this crap?!?!? the 5 or so boring slow songs all sound the same and lenny's annoying voice is whining over the boring riffs . the only good song is Where are We Runnin, a catchy song with good riffs and youll be singin if for days, but why the hell couldnt he make all the songs on this album like that?! the rest of the songs are pure crap, and i cant listen to some of them for more than 30 seconds. only one point for Where are We Runnin. Please lenny, drop the slow tunes and bring out the rock! Expand
  25. robertos
    Jul 15, 2004
    goddamn, this sucks
  26. PaulV
    Jan 24, 2006
    Oh Lenny. When will you learn that you're not Jimi Hendrix?
  27. DevinB
    May 18, 2004
    Lenny has and always will be nothing more than worthless pastiche. His covers sap the originals of any power or emotion they may have had, his originals are equally soulless, structured from the ground up as a poor man's Hendrix. Very poor. Lenny wants so badly to be iconic, nostalgic and anthemic, but with Baptism he's proven once and for all that he's really just prosaic Lenny has and always will be nothing more than worthless pastiche. His covers sap the originals of any power or emotion they may have had, his originals are equally soulless, structured from the ground up as a poor man's Hendrix. Very poor. Lenny wants so badly to be iconic, nostalgic and anthemic, but with Baptism he's proven once and for all that he's really just prosaic and moronic. Expand
  28. JackieS
    Jul 19, 2004
    Garbage. Does anyone actually LISTENS to him?

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 10
  2. Negative: 5 out of 10
  1. Somewhere along the line in his career, he fully absorbed his pantheon of Sixties and Seventies influences and began to sound like no one but himself. The confidence that results from that growth -- along with the knowledge that comes from having made records for fifteen years -- is apparent throughout this album.
  2. Mojo
    Tired and contrived-sounding.... Baptism? Craptism, more like. [Jun 2004, p.102]
  3. 30
    Kravitz has evolved merely from one set of retro-’70s surfaces to another, with uncharacteristically uninspired hooks.