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Universal acclaim- based on 448 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 18 out of 448
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  1. Jan 17, 2017
    Swing and a miss from Gambino! I really like him, but this album doesn't work how much some people want it to, i just didn't rate it lower because i kind of enjoyed the production, and it's not even because he changed his style, because he doesn't even sing much in the album... he should either sing more or stick to rapping
  2. Dec 3, 2016
    I hope some bars in this album but hell no, WTF is this album? Even his singing is bad, why the hell people can love this trash? Just disappointed of this album.

    Looking for J. Cole's album next week...
  3. Dec 2, 2016
    Saw him perform the album at Pharos, and was quite disappointed. The performance was unbelievable and the projections covering the inside of the dome were incredible. However, even if I set my hip hop expectations aside I still don't enjoy listening to the album, and if the album is supposed to be an "experience" rather than a collection of songs then I'm not impressed. Withe the oneSaw him perform the album at Pharos, and was quite disappointed. The performance was unbelievable and the projections covering the inside of the dome were incredible. However, even if I set my hip hop expectations aside I still don't enjoy listening to the album, and if the album is supposed to be an "experience" rather than a collection of songs then I'm not impressed. Withe the one exception being the song "Redbone". To conclude this album doesn't offer the same wonder and immersion that I enjoyed the first time I listened to "Because the Internet" while reading the screenplay. Expand
  4. Dec 2, 2016
    Some artistic ventures sound like innovative and genre pushing measures. However there are some that feel like they are trying too hard and this CD is one of them. The frequent mumblings and imitating echoes of known and better vocalists isn't artistic but annoying. You can barely hear what Gambino is shouting and saying throughout the album. Most of the beats are just okay, so you don'tSome artistic ventures sound like innovative and genre pushing measures. However there are some that feel like they are trying too hard and this CD is one of them. The frequent mumblings and imitating echoes of known and better vocalists isn't artistic but annoying. You can barely hear what Gambino is shouting and saying throughout the album. Most of the beats are just okay, so you don't have much to go off of. Kendrick Lamar's Pimp a Butterfly or Kanye's Yeezus pulls off the innovation and left field artistic venture far better than this attempt at going against the norm. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jan 6, 2017
    Charming, incredibly soulful and emotionally charged, this record introduces us to a whole new, golden side of Donald Glover--and should elevate him to a new level of stardom.
  2. Jan 3, 2017
    The album transpires without so much as a lyrical couplet--exchanging raps for electromagnetic soul and fluorescent funk--and will ultimately be remembered for its experimentation over its execution.
  3. Mojo
    Dec 20, 2016
    This radiantly executed effort is also, curiously, Childish Gambino's most anonymous. [Feb 2017, p.92]]