
Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. While their willingness to experiment is admirable, despite the fact that they've gone overboard with their overdubs, the overabundance of studio polish leaves one to wonder if it's not because the songs just aren't as strong this time around.
  2. Alternative Press
    Avenged Sevenfold is so all over the map musically and lyrically, it's difficult to decipher whether it's pure genius or the most convoluted mess of music you'll hear all year. [Dec 2007, p.178]
  3. Such tracks as 'Critical Acclaim,' 'Almost Easy' and 'Lost' keep the crank factor high--but as part of a bolder, broader and more engaging soundscape.
  4. Blender
    While straying from metal's path, they uphold its legacy of conservative politics. [Nov 2007, p.148]
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    On this fourth LP, their super-melodic, which may annoy hard-rock purists. [2 Nov 2007, p.64]
  6. The end result is a safe, predictable record that could very well be Metallica-lite (like the new Metallica), in addition to being pretty close to silly.
  7. Unoriginal, overlong even at a ten track setlist, and riddled with banality (the disc is even being released the day before Halloween, could it get more corny?), Avenged Sevenfold is execrable in nearly every conceivable way.
  8. Q Magazine
    Their anthem-filled fourth album's brazen swagger may prove irresistible. [Nov 2007, p.137]
  9. The tunes--or at least whatever M. Shadows feels like bellowing--sound like the kind of lame, nu-metal angst-mongering that dominated the radio in the late Nineties.
  10. Spin
    With tighter, mercifully shorter songs, like the Slayer-meets-slash trasher 'Almost Easy,' they're now defiling America's youth with more substance than style. [Nov 2007, p.114]
  11. Avenged Sevenfold is "City of Evil" minus the cool parts, more of Shadows, a circus, and an occasional female singer that’s supposed to make it all sound innovative.
  12. Avenged Sevenfold suffers two-fold from a dearth of genuinely good musical ideas- the infectious vocal melodies which underpin ‘Bat Country’ and ‘Sidewinder’ or the dynamic interlocking guitar lines of the latter and ‘Beast of the Harlot’- and a total absence of the critical faculties which should have allowed a small orchestral ensemble go hungry rather than become party to the madness of ‘A Little Piece of Heaven.’
  13. The catchy Stone Temple Pilots vibe of 'Scream' is enough to put the band back on the charts, but that could happen with more than half of this album…And it probably will.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 298 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 298
  1. Yudi
    Apr 11, 2008
    This album is a completely different style for Avenged Sevenfold, but in a good way. Still hard enough to rock to, but also full of This album is a completely different style for Avenged Sevenfold, but in a good way. Still hard enough to rock to, but also full of comprehensible lyrics, this quintet from Huntington Beach really surprises me with the passion that they put behind some of the songs. Along my favorites are Afterlife, which I just love as more of like a soft rock ballad, A Little Piece of Heaven (amazing song as well as music video), and Almost Easy (the guitar solo is one of my favorites). Full Review »
  2. Jul 28, 2011
    Jesus Christ!!! what the hell is up with all the haters and the **** score??? you people must be more interested in queer ass music like taoJesus Christ!!! what the hell is up with all the haters and the **** score??? you people must be more interested in queer ass music like tao cruiz or justin beiber. man screw all of you who gave this a bad review!! this band and album must be too badass for you! Full Review »
  3. Elsa
    Feb 14, 2008
    This album fucking rocks!!!!I love them, they have so much talent, those who don't agree are just f*cking jealous.