• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jul 28, 2023

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. 60
    Although always listenable, Austin soon gets tired and whiny.
  2. 40
    He goes straight for the pop-rock formulae. This would have worked better over a shorter span, but yawning as it does on the same mid-tempo pacing means that tracks blur to filler and some good lines get lost in the sludge. The lack of guest vocalists doesn’t help either.
  3. Aug 1, 2023
    For some reason—fear of boring his fans, obedience to the preferences of the streaming services, a career focused on club bangers—Malone won’t let these songs breathe. The result is an album that’s overstuffed and undercooked.
  4. Jul 31, 2023
    Yes, Malone is still able to whip out some sticky refrains, but the songs here all follow the same overly simplistic pop structure, to the point that their catchiness is less an affirmation of his songwriting talents and more of an inevitability of pop formula.
  5. Jul 28, 2023
    Almost every track finds Post in some tortured posture like this, singing cheerily into a bottle he’s doomed to finish. They’re largely fine songs, and clever, but lighter than Post seems to want them to be.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 42
  2. Negative: 4 out of 42
  1. Jul 29, 2023
    Amazing, album made of hits. I wouldn't hear anything this summer but that music
  2. Jul 28, 2023
    This album came with a big surprise, Posty came with a very different footprint and managed to show good songs
  3. Jul 30, 2023
    Post malone
    Austin - July 2023
    Novacandy - 5/5 Speedometer - 5/5 Chemical - 5/5 Buyer Beware - 4.5/5 Mourning - 4/5 Texas Tea - 4/5 Too cool
    Post malone
    Austin - July 2023

    Novacandy - 5/5
    Speedometer - 5/5
    Chemical - 5/5

    Buyer Beware - 4.5/5
    Mourning - 4/5
    Texas Tea - 4/5
    Too cool to Die - 4/5
    Landmine - 4/5
    Sign me up - 3.5/5
    Something Real - 3.5/5
    Laugh it off - 3.5/5
    Green Thumb - 3/5
    Overdrive - 3/5
    Enough is Enough - 3/5
    Socialite - 3/5
    Understand - 3/5
    Hold my Breath - 3/5

    Overall enjoy the album. I usually enjoy the more pop produced side of Post and figured this album would overall be a step away from it. This is true for a portion of Austin. Those songs are definitely not bad and show the diverse talents of Post. I was surprised to hear the more pop heavy Novacandy and Speedometer. They are a totally different sound and are now in my top Post songs. Chemical grew on me and is 1 of the 3 5☆ star songs from my perspective. While I still prefer the sounds of Hollywood Bleeding and BeerBongs and Bentleys - I do appreciate this album overall. While there are no bad songs- I prefer the more upbeat positive sounds myself - there are a handful of songs on Austin that I would not have in my regular rotation. However on the flip side of that, I have 3 new songs in my all time Post Playlist.
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