
Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
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  1. Uncompromising, gritty and intense.
  2. Jan 23, 2012
    Attack on Memory is another fine snapshot of a band that is growing and playing as fast as they can.
  3. Alternative Press
    Jan 20, 2012
    It's still loud, but he's trusting his songcraft and producing more sinister, elusive and substantial music. [Feb 2012, p.80]
  4. Jan 23, 2012
    It's a more than suitable followup to two solid collections of songs, and is the first truly solid coherent work in a career that will hopefully be marked by many many more.
  5. Feb 2, 2012
    No one could have predicted that they'd get to Attack on Memory's savage impact so quickly, or indeed, at all. No telling where they'll go from here.
  6. Feb 10, 2012
    Mightily impressive.
  7. Jan 25, 2012
    The music is unlike anything Cloud Nothings has done before, and that's a good thing.
  8. Feb 1, 2012
    Baldi manages to find a comfortable place in between the all-potential pleasure-all-the-time approach of his first two records and the potential for all-out sad dude sonic violence, delivering a criticism of and break-up message to computer music by jettisoning every aspect of his work that could possibly be labeled as such.
  9. Jan 23, 2012
    With Attack on Memory, Baldi's never felt more alive or more authentic.
  10. Feb 10, 2012
    This follow-up work of pent-up aggression; of complete contrast to snappy pop-punk; has every chance of becoming the band's seminal work.
  11. Feb 6, 2012
    Attack On Memory might be on surface a pretty routine blast of crashing percussion, throaty vocals and biting guitars but repeated listens reveal a more nuanced affair full of charisma and spark.
  12. Congrats to Baldi for getting one right.
  13. Mojo
    Feb 27, 2012
    This album is barefaced '90s revivalism. [Mar 2012, p.97]
  14. Jan 25, 2012
    Attack On Memory is a short, sharp shock to breathe life into the currently rather lifeless genre of indie-rock.
  15. Jan 20, 2012
    Most of Attack on Memory has an abrasive, shrewd backbone, but it's those moments where Baldi hones his sweet touch where the album finds a satisfying balance of surprise and comfort.
  16. Jan 19, 2012
    All the trademarks are here, filtered through frontman's Dylan Baldi's snappy power pop talents.
  17. Jan 25, 2012
    Sometimes something wonderful comes along that won't force you to estimate how "important" it will sound at year's end. Attack on Memory is one of those wonderful things.
  18. Jan 23, 2012
    As an accidental concept album affirming the enduring power and purity of early emo (as defined by Dischord, Deep Elm, and especially Jade Tree), Attack on Memory feels above all necessary, a corrective for indie rock making allowances for everything except music that actually rocks.
  19. Jan 24, 2012
    It's great, catchy as hell, and bristling with retro rage and vitriol.
  20. Jan 23, 2012
    Cloud Nothings have produced a transfixing head rush of a release and one of the well-wrought examples of '90s revivalism.
  21. Q Magazine
    Feb 21, 2012
    This third effort sees the band step into darker territory, blending detuned guitars and Sonic Youth-esque dissonance with infectious pop-punk hooks. [Mar 2012, p. 100]
  22. Jan 19, 2012
    Producer Steve Albini makes sure you feel every snare slap and guitar abrasion.
  23. Jan 23, 2012
    Cloud Nothings have never sounded so sure of their abilities, and with such a stunning step forward in their cohesiveness and vision, it's easier than ever to imagine them becoming a genuinely great rock band.
  24. Feb 1, 2012
    What once was a one-man basement project becomes a full band to be reckoned with.
  25. Jan 19, 2012
    Thus when taking in Attack on Memory as a whole, it sounds as if Cloud Nothings are, despite their best efforts, a pop band at heart.
  26. Jan 24, 2012
    With Attack On Memory, he's gotten closer to the big rock sounds in his head.
  27. Jan 24, 2012
    Attack on Memory is simultaneously abrasive and sentimental; it's a self-deprecating soundtrack for a new generation of adolescent loneliness.
  28. Feb 10, 2012
    At just eight songs, doesn't stick around long enough to outstay its welcome.
  29. Feb 2, 2012
    On the whole, this is a terrific step forward.
  30. Feb 9, 2012
    The album also succeeds in capturing a spirit and essence of youth... the spunk, snarl and energy that comes with being one is integral to this record, even if isn't always fully realised.
  31. Jan 24, 2012
    Here, Cloud Nothings move past the slacker touches that marked their first releases, their gestures getting bigger and broader as they make attempts at emotional universality.
  32. Uncut
    Jan 20, 2012
    You could call it happy hardcore, even if there's nothing particularly upbeat about its content. [Feb 2012, p.83]
  33. Under The Radar
    Jan 19, 2012
    Baldi maintains many of his songwriting charms - the knack for melody foremost - but he's clearly made a sharp left turn in terms of the project's capabilities. [#39, p.67]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 93 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 87 out of 93
  2. Negative: 3 out of 93
  1. Jan 30, 2012
    Not breaking any new ground here, but this band is alive. They put all their effort into these songs and it shows. Guitar rock isn't deadNot breaking any new ground here, but this band is alive. They put all their effort into these songs and it shows. Guitar rock isn't dead yet; Cloud Nothings beat every once of rock they can out of their instruments and the end result is a great soundtrack to the stressful vibrancy of 2012. Full Review »
  2. Apr 9, 2012
    Seems like they are trying to revive the punk sound of the Ramones or the Sex Pistols or even Nirvana with none of the urgency exhibited bySeems like they are trying to revive the punk sound of the Ramones or the Sex Pistols or even Nirvana with none of the urgency exhibited by those bands. Full Review »
  3. Aug 25, 2022
    Cloud Nothing's "Attack On Memory" is a breathe of fresh air. They have a unique style and each track really shows that. sort of a nostalgiaCloud Nothing's "Attack On Memory" is a breathe of fresh air. They have a unique style and each track really shows that. sort of a nostalgia 90's guitar rock album Full Review »