• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2010
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 79
  2. Negative: 2 out of 79
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  1. Dec 25, 2020
    Sono da sempre la mia band preferita, e con questo album hanno azzeccato in pieno, come al solito.
  2. Jun 6, 2019
    I've only just gotten into Disturbed, but if this album is anything to go by I've missed out on a cracking band.i was originally put of by their first release and the song Down with the Sicknesswhich got lumped in with the nu metal scene.,which does them no justice. The guitars are massive and the lyrics and singing get better with each release. Like the Deftones they were pigeon holed inI've only just gotten into Disturbed, but if this album is anything to go by I've missed out on a cracking band.i was originally put of by their first release and the song Down with the Sicknesswhich got lumped in with the nu metal scene.,which does them no justice. The guitars are massive and the lyrics and singing get better with each release. Like the Deftones they were pigeon holed in with all that nu metal crap. Expand
  3. Jan 27, 2016
    A truly brilliant album I have heard so many times, I am actually listening to it as I write this review and every time I listen to it, it seems to get better and that is what I believe makes an excellent album.
  4. Mar 22, 2015
    9/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  5. Oct 1, 2012
    Disturbed has always been better than the usual screamo-metal rubbish. They ignore screamo but make rememberable and headbang-choruses. That's what I expect from a heavy metal album, so in this respect they made everything right. Although 5 of the 13 songs are only mean, it's a pretty good album!
  6. DME
    Jun 20, 2012
    A fantastic hard rock album with only 1 weak track, and even that is still listenable.
  7. Dec 25, 2011
    I enjoy the majority of the songs on this album and Disturbed is my favorite band. These songs (particularly "Animal" and "Warrior") are filled with power and energy that will get anyone's blood flowing. Furthermore, these lyrics contain a depth and meaning behind them, a refreshing relief from most pop songs.
  8. Dec 20, 2011
  9. Sep 2, 2011
    Nothing particuarly new or innovative here. It's just basically Disturbed doing their thing.
    It's still hard rocking, catchy and pleasing to any metal fan. But anybody with an expansive record collection can see that Disturbed is just another conventional rock band if nothing spectacular.
  10. Jul 28, 2011
    it was ok the only songs i even liked in this album were another way to die, and the animal
  11. May 8, 2011
    Just Disturbed doing what they do best, as usual. Nothing much new here compared to all their other albums and it suffers the same lack of diversity throughout but still a very good album.
  12. Apr 24, 2011
    outstanding a great album recommended for any disturbed fan and a must have for any heavy metal fan there is a lot of variety between heavy and alternative metal
  13. Oct 26, 2010
    Honestly, this was a bit of a disappointment. honestly, this album wasn't as dark as indestructible nor was it powerful as ten thousand fists. Those two elements gone, we get, something that doesn't sound like the disturbed i used to enjoy. But i'm gonna give them another chance, Disturbed, don't let me down.
  14. Oct 25, 2010
    This album by far is one of their best albums. I loved it, the song THE INFECTION is my favorites. My overall favorite on this album is Innocence. I still liked Sickness more but this one is up in my top 5's
  15. Oct 23, 2010
    The sound of disturbed has definitely changed every album forward, and this is the best yet. Thats saying allot when my favorite album of all time was Ten Thousand Fists. This one was better than Indestructible, which is a sign of progress in the band that already sounds perfect. The song variety in this one was great, and they all had their own sound. The "I still haven't found what I'mThe sound of disturbed has definitely changed every album forward, and this is the best yet. Thats saying allot when my favorite album of all time was Ten Thousand Fists. This one was better than Indestructible, which is a sign of progress in the band that already sounds perfect. The song variety in this one was great, and they all had their own sound. The "I still haven't found what I'm looking for", extra song is great, and really describes what disturbed obviously feels about their music, but not me ;) Expand
  16. Oct 7, 2010
    The best disturbed album to date, creating fresh and imaginative songs while sticking to their own formula using brilliant vocals and great guitar play. Asylum makes Disturbed one of the best rock bands out there and one of the finest rock albums released this year.
  17. Sep 2, 2010
    "Asylum" might be the best Disturbed album. There is a lot of variety between the tracks but it still contains the core sound of the band. Fantastic musicianship (particularly in the vocals and guitar work) all around. Listen to this and go nuts.
  18. Sep 1, 2010
    My biggest fear with Asylum was that it was going to have songs that all sounded very similar. However I was extremely pleased with the variety of songs. For example "Leave it alone" and "Innocence" sounded quite different from each other and compared to songs like "Warrior" and "Asylum" it was very different. Basically almost every song has a uniqueness to it and for that reason aloneMy biggest fear with Asylum was that it was going to have songs that all sounded very similar. However I was extremely pleased with the variety of songs. For example "Leave it alone" and "Innocence" sounded quite different from each other and compared to songs like "Warrior" and "Asylum" it was very different. Basically almost every song has a uniqueness to it and for that reason alone Asylum should be bought by any disturbed fan.

    Overall if you even think disturbed is pretty good to listen to really consider purchasing it. Although if you are a true disturbed fan you won't be disappointed and should buy this album without thinking.
  19. Sep 1, 2010
    Disturbed is my favorite band of all time. I picked this album up day 1 and was looking really forward to it, but was skeptical because "another way to die" is not their best work by a long shot. The album is better than I expected but out of their 5 studio albums, I rate this one 4 out of 5. This album is not bad in any way, just not as memorable as others. All opinions are differentDisturbed is my favorite band of all time. I picked this album up day 1 and was looking really forward to it, but was skeptical because "another way to die" is not their best work by a long shot. The album is better than I expected but out of their 5 studio albums, I rate this one 4 out of 5. This album is not bad in any way, just not as memorable as others. All opinions are different so I'll show my order of favorite albums.
    1. The Sickness, 2. Indestructible, 3. 10,000 Fists, 4. Asylum, 5. Believe.
  20. Aug 31, 2010
    Disturbed is absolutely my favorite band of all time, so of course I got this the first day it came out. In all, it's not their best work, honestly, 10,000 fists and Indestructible were better. HOWEVER, it is still a GREAT album. If you are any kind of disturbed fan, you'll like this album and you should definitely pick it up.
  21. Aug 31, 2010
    I got this album as soon as it came out. I was not disapointed in it. The only one song I felt wasn't strong but the others were awesome. You will not be disapointed if you get it. It is a must for any Disturbed fans and a good bet to get for Non-Disturbed fans who love rock and metal.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Asylum won't set the world alight, but it's certainly not monotonous enough to send anyone to the madhouse.
  2. Kerrang!
    If you never liked them, this album probably won't change your mind. But, for anyone already "down with the sickness" Asylum is quite possibly their best record to date. [21 Aug 2010, p.50]
  3. Asylum is undoubtedly one of the strongest albums in Disturbed's storied career.