• Record Label: !K7
  • Release Date: Jan 18, 2019
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 230 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 230
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  1. Aug 18, 2020
    After three long years of silence James Blake makes his great comeback with 'Assume Form'. The big news is that he has chosen to explore a fresh artistic direction by collaborating with (t)rap artists, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott and André 3000. They clearly contribute to the magnificence of the start of the project. All along we balance between rhythmed and extroverted songs and more calmAfter three long years of silence James Blake makes his great comeback with 'Assume Form'. The big news is that he has chosen to explore a fresh artistic direction by collaborating with (t)rap artists, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott and André 3000. They clearly contribute to the magnificence of the start of the project. All along we balance between rhythmed and extroverted songs and more calm and deeper ones. Wisely-chosen samples do bring even more depth to the album, in the rap-oriented tracks as in the soft ones. Blake's voice is a its perfection, continuously oscilliating between being strength and soothing. Production during the whole project is also at its best. We never get tired of it. An unforgettable must-listen to. Expand
  2. Jul 25, 2019
    El álbum está bien, aunque demasiado pretencioso hay canciones buenas y otras normales, tendría que destacar a "I'll come too" y "Are you in love".
    Para ser una evolución en su estilo está muy bien y el álbum es muy auténtico, algo que no creí que necesitaría para este año y aún así me encanta
  3. May 29, 2019
    Assume Form sets an atmosphere full of love in the air throughout. It has a mix of Pop, R/B, and Trap into all of the songs. Most of the features are good, such as Travis Scott, Andre 3000, and Rosalia. Best tracks are Where's The Catch?; I'll Come Too; Mile High; Barefoot In The Park; and Into The Red.
  4. Apr 28, 2019
    O album é muito bom, gostei da sonoridade, os arranjos são bem interessantes
  5. Apr 24, 2019
    With musicians in love comes love songs, and James Blake has always been nothing if not sincere. While sometimes the expressionism of the music does not lie evenly with lyrical and entertainment value, veering sporadically into the saccharine, it's an admirable and heart-warming chronicle of a human ready to experience living in colour.
  6. Feb 27, 2019
    Although arguably less experimental, this album is a perfect example of an artist comfortably and uniquely adapting their style of music. I see a lot of people looking at this album as if he is slightly selling out for the purpose of more recognition or attention, but this album is just as unique and intricate as his self titled, if not more so. His real fans wouldn't be deterred by anAlthough arguably less experimental, this album is a perfect example of an artist comfortably and uniquely adapting their style of music. I see a lot of people looking at this album as if he is slightly selling out for the purpose of more recognition or attention, but this album is just as unique and intricate as his self titled, if not more so. His real fans wouldn't be deterred by an album that beautifully combines his electronic skill and the relevant trends in music today. Every feature on this album accomplishes its task, and not a single one feels forced. James Blake doesn't lose his signature style; he expands it and creates his second best album to date. Expand
  7. Feb 11, 2019
    Un album con la esencia del Británico, James Blake, el cuál nos entrega un album con puntos altos y bajos, no usual dentro de su corta discografía, pero que se atreve a jugar con colaboraciones ambiciosas a lo largo de su reciente LP, en las cuales logra cuajar algunas canciones de forma maravillosa, y otras no tanto...
  8. Feb 5, 2019
    It's nice and enjoyable album, but to be honest it doesn't really gets me. Blake is kind of repeating same thing all the time which makes him boring. There are some good moments on the album like song with Andre or the last one.
  9. Feb 4, 2019
    His best yet IMO. Some people may need more some more avantgarde and super complex music that is not as easy on the ears just to be indifferent. And good for you guys, you dont wanna be boxed in as mere mortals with puny human ears. You wanna feel special with your godlike ears. And how dull is a happy love song am i right, music should not be about human emotions, it should just be aHis best yet IMO. Some people may need more some more avantgarde and super complex music that is not as easy on the ears just to be indifferent. And good for you guys, you dont wanna be boxed in as mere mortals with puny human ears. You wanna feel special with your godlike ears. And how dull is a happy love song am i right, music should not be about human emotions, it should just be a random order of words that have bever been said before.

    Example: im a tooly fooly wooly tool.

    And no sound should ever be recognisable, because that means that its unoriginal and inspired by SOMETHING. All sound should just be opposite sounds, so silence where there was music and music where there is silence, and those sounds should be played backwards.

    And still then it might still only get a 4, because the smell and sound of your own farts are just that much better.
  10. Feb 3, 2019
    Despite being bookended by a few awkward detours, Assume Form contains James Blake's best writing and production since the earlier part of this decade.


  11. Jan 24, 2019
    James Blake has always given the world good albums, and "Assume Form" is no different, and even though it will not help him reach a wider audience, it will definitely appeal to his fans. His vocals are great, as they've always been, throughout the whole thing, and the productions are stellar.

    After his work on Travis Scott's "ASTROWORLD", LaFlame returns the favor to Blake, and features
    James Blake has always given the world good albums, and "Assume Form" is no different, and even though it will not help him reach a wider audience, it will definitely appeal to his fans. His vocals are great, as they've always been, throughout the whole thing, and the productions are stellar.

    After his work on Travis Scott's "ASTROWORLD", LaFlame returns the favor to Blake, and features on one of the album's chillest tracks (even though we thought Blake couldn't get any chiller), 'Mile High', with Metro Boomin. There's a wide variety of sounds on the record, and the lo-fi quality of 'Into the Red', an ode to his girlfriend, makes it more sentimental before Blake soars, singing repetitively "she's the gold rush" in a beautiful Bon Iver-esqe way.

    Another dazzling feature is Rosalia on 'Barefoot in the Park', whose vocals mix well with Blake's, making a tender, relaxing lovesong. 'Can't Believe the Way we Float' almost feels like a song on a Justin Timberlake album, and the intro comes back in the middle of the song, sounding like a sample Kanye West would use, while 'Where's the Catch?' has an interesting chorus, and an even more interesting arrangement, as it sees Blake and Andre 3000 spitting verses at each other over a dark beat.

    'Power On' is the closest thing on this record that would appeal to the mainstream ear, with a catchy reflective pre-chorus on which he repeats "i was wrong, i was wrong", coming closer to the outro, 'Lullaby for my Insomniac', a song, like its name suggests, guaranteed to make you fall asleep.

    "Assume Form" is a dizzying effort, that uses a wide variety of productions and styles that combine with each other so well, making up a solid record.
  12. Jan 24, 2019
    'Assume Form' is maybe the best electro-pop album in the last two years, that actually sounds like new music. Some of the choruses have a clear '90s vibe, which sounds surprisingly good mixed with the trap beats. The flow on the album is simply brilliant and the production is as expected, A+. He has really managed to get out of his head and gone into the world.
    Favorite tracks: Power On,
    'Assume Form' is maybe the best electro-pop album in the last two years, that actually sounds like new music. Some of the choruses have a clear '90s vibe, which sounds surprisingly good mixed with the trap beats. The flow on the album is simply brilliant and the production is as expected, A+. He has really managed to get out of his head and gone into the world.
    Favorite tracks: Power On, Tell Them, Barefoot In The Park, Can't Believe The Way We Flow, Where's The Catch, Assume Form.
  13. Jan 22, 2019
    Contrived. Pretentious. Dull. I think that pretty much covers what went wrong here. The celebrity influence on his music has painted all his edges grey. This music feels dead on arrival.
  14. Jan 21, 2019
    From the first listen, I conclude the departure of Rick Rubin really set James Blake free. From the hell of a life, he lifts us to heaven.
  15. Jan 20, 2019
    James Blake's latest album is amazing. Beautiful atmospheres are perfectly laid out as backdrops for Blake's rich voice, and his melodies add another level of emotion to the lyrics. While the collaborations with Metro Boomin and Travis Scott were overhyped, they were still very good, but Andre 3000 delivers what is easily the album's best guest performance.
  16. Jan 18, 2019
    James Blake's fourth album goes to show how amazing his artistry is when it comes to collaborating with other artists. While his previous efforts are somber and downtempo post-dubstep and ambient tracks, this LP is more brilliantly upbeat whilst maintaining his true essence.
  17. Jan 18, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An unusual and not necessary proof of being a genius. Love, love, love... a song with Rosalia is a real masterpiece. Expand
  18. Jan 18, 2019
    Blake has always been a gifted producer, writer, and vocalist. On this album, however, he combines all three into a palatable package that can be enjoyed in any environment. He has somehow managed to broaden his audience while not losing his creativity or personal touch that makes his music so distinct. Blake has the ability to self analyze without seeming jaded while also conveying rawBlake has always been a gifted producer, writer, and vocalist. On this album, however, he combines all three into a palatable package that can be enjoyed in any environment. He has somehow managed to broaden his audience while not losing his creativity or personal touch that makes his music so distinct. Blake has the ability to self analyze without seeming jaded while also conveying raw emotion. The only other album that has ever achieved this, while also maintaining such tight production, to my knowledge, is Pet Sounds. And I do not say that lightly. Albums like this don't come out every year, or even every few years. There's only a select few people who could have made an album like this; even fewer actually do. Expand
  19. Jan 18, 2019
    This album is love in its purest form. His evolution from the minimalistic dubstep to a whole new range of sonic layers defines what being in love feels like in a precise way. Beautiful work.
  20. Jan 18, 2019
    With Assume Form, Blake moves closer to the accessibility that his peers have moved towards. It's a welcome change, but I can see a lot of fans being deterred by this more direct record. The Travis Scott guest spot is the only weak moment on the album.
  21. Jan 18, 2019
    This newest Album of Blake shows a clear departure from his old style in terms of production & themes. It is not as anxiety-riddled as previous records, and less experimental. It bridges the gap betweeen the James Blake from his Albums & the James Blake featured on pop records like "Stop Trying to Be God". The Title 'Assume Form' is a perfect fit for the project, as James Blake has indeedThis newest Album of Blake shows a clear departure from his old style in terms of production & themes. It is not as anxiety-riddled as previous records, and less experimental. It bridges the gap betweeen the James Blake from his Albums & the James Blake featured on pop records like "Stop Trying to Be God". The Title 'Assume Form' is a perfect fit for the project, as James Blake has indeed found himself and presents every facette of his skill & personality on this project. The Movement on the Album from Hard Trap Beats in the Beginning to the minimalist 'Lullaby For My Insomniac' is beautifully excecuted and just leaves one asking 'How can James Blake improve even more??'
    The only flaw on this Album is the missing inclusion of the gorgeous 'If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead' and various Live Performances, which I hope will be released as an Side-Ep or even as a full length Album someday.

    Best Tracks: Can't Believe The Way We Flow, Where's The Catch, I'll Come Too, Don't Miss It, Power On
    Worst Track: /
  22. Jan 18, 2019
    'Assume Form' is a triumphant, crowning glory of James Blake. His pop genius has evolved so much over the course of almost 10 years. From a distant and chilly first album, he went through the overgrown dark corridors, adding colour as he went along. And now, he is in love, happy. He learned how to share.

    The album is a tight piece of art, produced brilliantly, bearing the signature
    'Assume Form' is a triumphant, crowning glory of James Blake. His pop genius has evolved so much over the course of almost 10 years. From a distant and chilly first album, he went through the overgrown dark corridors, adding colour as he went along. And now, he is in love, happy. He learned how to share.

    The album is a tight piece of art, produced brilliantly, bearing the signature James Blake approach, but with many twists. His pop sensibilities really shine here and he never gets lost. The only danger for a casual listener is that the more subtle Blake songs get overshadowed by the immense tracks such as 'Can't Believe The Way We Flow', 'Where's The Catch', 'Barefoot in the Park' and 'Mile High'. But it's all there. The Blake of the Distant Past, the Evolved Blake, and the Blake of the Present Love.
  23. Jan 18, 2019
    Assume Form is an enjoyable album with surprising features, such as Travis Scott and André 3000. This album has highs and lows, but the highs are extremely good. My favorite tracks are Barefoot In The Park, Can't Believe The Way We Flow and Where's The Catch?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Oct 4, 2019
    Buoyed by intimacy and sincerity, Assume Form channels Blake at his happiest as each song plays out like a sentimental billet-doux.
  2. Uncut
    Feb 22, 2019
    Attempts to blend leftfield electronica, Broadway balladeering and voguish trap beats are technically impressive but stretch his minimal melodies to [the] breaking point. [Apr 2019, p.26]
  3. Feb 12, 2019
    It’s the first time he’s willingly given up a little of his signature panache in order to achieve a more palatable sound. Still, Blake’s ability to both appease and innovate makes for an always transfixing, if occasionally frustrating, album experience.