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Summary: The British folk singer's latest album is a concept album about the relationships we have with the sea.
Record Label: Topic Records
Genre(s): Folk, British Folk
Name: June Tabor
Credit: Primary Artist
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Track Listings

01 Finisterre 08 Winter Comes In/Vidlin Voe
02 The Bleacher Lassie of Kelvinhaugh 09 The Oggie Man
03 The Grey Funnel Line 10 I'll Go and Enlist for a Sailor
04 Le Vingt-Cinquième du Mois D'octobre 11 The Brean Lament
05 Shipbuilding 12 Le Petit Navire
06 Jamaica 13 Across the Wide Ocean
07 The Great Selkie of Sule Skerry (Child 113)