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Generally favorable reviews- based on 112 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 112
  2. Negative: 14 out of 112

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  1. LucaG
    Oct 10, 2004
  2. [Anonymous]
    Oct 3, 2004
    Excellent Excellent Excellent
  3. juniorm
    Oct 7, 2004
    What do critics have against pretty melodies and downbeat music? REM's always been about melody more than attitude. There's nothing wrong with a beautiful, downbeat, sincere album. This one does it just the right way, a lot like David Bowie's "Hours." I don't think critics understand it because they're deluged with all those ironic faux-punk albums that are all What do critics have against pretty melodies and downbeat music? REM's always been about melody more than attitude. There's nothing wrong with a beautiful, downbeat, sincere album. This one does it just the right way, a lot like David Bowie's "Hours." I don't think critics understand it because they're deluged with all those ironic faux-punk albums that are all the rage these days and don't have room in their heads for much else. Expand
  4. Kg.
    Jan 3, 2006
    This album is not for everybody
  5. Collingsj
    Mar 8, 2006
    a master piece
  6. craigt
    Oct 21, 2004
    Probably their best record. Yeah, really. It's a great leap on from the over-produced 'Reveal', often sounds nothing like REM at all. Can't stop listening to it and each time hear something new - and 'Aftermath', 'Wanderlust' and particularly 'Ascent Of Man' are just wonderful. This is the sound of a great band finding somewhere new to go Probably their best record. Yeah, really. It's a great leap on from the over-produced 'Reveal', often sounds nothing like REM at all. Can't stop listening to it and each time hear something new - and 'Aftermath', 'Wanderlust' and particularly 'Ascent Of Man' are just wonderful. This is the sound of a great band finding somewhere new to go to, and I love where they're at just now! Expand
  7. michaelp
    Oct 5, 2004
    this cd has some of the finest r.e.m. songs ever. highlights include leaving new york, electron blue, the outsiders, the ascent of man, and around the sun.
  8. MichaelW
    Oct 8, 2004
    A beautiful, subdued, and uplifting album. Michael Stipe has never been more honest or straightforward. You can actually UNDERSTAND every word he is saying. With every album REM creates a different work of art. And of course, as with every REM album, it gets better and better the more you listen to it.
  9. eliads
    Oct 3, 2004
    great album
  10. jimd
    Oct 7, 2004
    Let it grow on you and it will reveal it's beauty for you. A masterpiece from the Athens boys.
  11. DaveR
    Oct 9, 2004
    Excellent album once you have listened to it properly a few times. I wasn't impressed at first, but now i love it. Diffferent critics have mixed opinions on what the best songs are, but i've seen each song praised by differnet reviewers. I cant believe i've seen soo many mediocre reviews for this album.... its good to see though that normal fans of music like myself Excellent album once you have listened to it properly a few times. I wasn't impressed at first, but now i love it. Diffferent critics have mixed opinions on what the best songs are, but i've seen each song praised by differnet reviewers. I cant believe i've seen soo many mediocre reviews for this album.... its good to see though that normal fans of music like myself actually agree with me when i say this album is great. Expand
  12. davet
    Oct 3, 2004
    Leaving new york, Final straw, I wanted to be wrong, Aftermath, Around the sun and Wanderlust are all on this album and some have called it dull? whatever, y'all. This is great stuff. It takes a listen or two to take it all in, maybe. And no, it won't make you jump up and dance all the way through. But that just isn't the point. There are many gooseflesh inspiring musical moments.
  13. SimonO
    Oct 4, 2004
    Don't believe the half-assed critics who gave it a listen with their remote in their hand. This is a marvellous album, full of passion, melody, awesome lyrics and innovative music. Not a filler on the album, although there are many high points. If you buy this album you won't be dissapointed. It deserves a few listens and it gets under your skin, amazing. Right back on form
  14. BrandonS
    Oct 5, 2004
    Incredible. I find myself baffled by the professional critics' reluctance to embrace this album. Is it as good as "Automatic For the People?" No, it's not as good as their masterpiece. Is this an extraordinary record? Without a doubt.
  15. AdrianEC
    Oct 5, 2004
    Attention "critics, "It takes more than one spin of a CD to review it. I know you have such a hard life, writing your opinions on the FREE cd's you recieve but take your time and throughly review the CD's or just resign I'd love to have yr job.
  16. JohnH
    Oct 6, 2004
    Such an enjoyable listen: smooth, melodic, and-yet at times-piercing, throbbing, and insistant. I've read reviews from those pundits who wail the demise of REM since Berry left the band, and those seem dry, vacuous, and trite to me. I sincerely doubt they've given their disks more than the one obligatory spin before expousing their own vitriol. Give Up, Reveal, and Around the Such an enjoyable listen: smooth, melodic, and-yet at times-piercing, throbbing, and insistant. I've read reviews from those pundits who wail the demise of REM since Berry left the band, and those seem dry, vacuous, and trite to me. I sincerely doubt they've given their disks more than the one obligatory spin before expousing their own vitriol. Give Up, Reveal, and Around the Sun a good listen with the stereo cranked loud. You'll be happy you did. :) Expand
  17. JontiD
    Oct 7, 2005
    The most underated album in the last 5 years? yes. I can admit that the production is hard to swallow sometimes, however, this album delivers a good share of surreal gem's. High paid critics no shit about reviewing old bands comeback albums. All they really review is how the band market themselves and judge it on their image. For example, look at the reviews that the new Rolling The most underated album in the last 5 years? yes. I can admit that the production is hard to swallow sometimes, however, this album delivers a good share of surreal gem's. High paid critics no shit about reviewing old bands comeback albums. All they really review is how the band market themselves and judge it on their image. For example, look at the reviews that the new Rolling Stone's album is getting(A Bigger Bang), despite the album not delivering, especially in comparison to Around the Sun. Its too bad, R.E.M. didnt name this album "Were back... and Rocking....and you cant deny it", then it would be a definite success. These critics didnt fool me, i listened to the album, and loved it. Atleast check it out. Expand
  18. ScottY
    Jul 9, 2005
    This one got torn up in the REM newsgroups. However, I can appreciate most of REM's efforts from Murmur up to this one. The album really hits its stride around song 7, Wanderlust, through song 9, Aftermath. It's sort of a post-9/11 album according to most accounts but it's really more of a post-election album as a good portion of it seems to be a rather biting commentary at This one got torn up in the REM newsgroups. However, I can appreciate most of REM's efforts from Murmur up to this one. The album really hits its stride around song 7, Wanderlust, through song 9, Aftermath. It's sort of a post-9/11 album according to most accounts but it's really more of a post-election album as a good portion of it seems to be a rather biting commentary at the current administration in the White House. Expand
  19. MarkM
    Oct 10, 2004
    After 1 listen-through, I felt totally disappointed. After 2 listen-throughs, I felt like selling it. After the 3rd listen-through in my car, I had a catharsis from this album. I mean a shiver went down my spine on certain moments in the album. Not one song overshadows another. A true album. Genius.
  20. JorisV
    Nov 28, 2004
    OOH man I can't believe all this bad reviews, I almost started to believe them and decided not to listen to their new album! Until a friend of mine said it wasn't that bad at all, I gave it a listen. My first opinion was like said in every review, cheesy and uninspired. But then, and as I read opinions of others this seems to have everyone, after a few listens (really 4 or 5!) OOH man I can't believe all this bad reviews, I almost started to believe them and decided not to listen to their new album! Until a friend of mine said it wasn't that bad at all, I gave it a listen. My first opinion was like said in every review, cheesy and uninspired. But then, and as I read opinions of others this seems to have everyone, after a few listens (really 4 or 5!) all the songs begin to reveal their beauty and settle down in your head for days and days! It's the same with the single Leaving NY... The reason why this album only has an overall of 52 here is probably because all those reviewes didn't take time to listen to it more than twice, so please don't be as narrow-minded as those critics by immediately at 1st listening judging that REM is outdated. If you like REM's sound, give it a try! A 9, that's what it's worth, just listen to The Ascent Of Man, Boy In The Well, Electron Blue, The Outsiders, Leaving NY, Wanderlust aah just too much! Expand
  21. MattH
    Oct 21, 2004
    As for some of the other reviewers - I was dissapointed with the album - probably until day 5 of listening n my car to/from work did it hit. I seriously rate this is REM's best - and find it a truly uplifting album. I think Michael Stipe has found peace in some sublime it
  22. KatieB
    Dec 2, 2004
    Each time I listen to this album I like it more and more. It's absolutely beautiful and definitely deserves a second chance if you're not too sure about it the first time.
  23. CorperJ
    Oct 5, 2004
    Amazing, and ridiculous, how poorly reviewed this album has been. Another brilliant record.
  24. gopalr
    Oct 6, 2004
    A great REM album.
  25. DuncanA
    Feb 2, 2005
    Can't believe the bad reviews this album has received. The album is a document of the last four years. Perhaps hard to get into at first. but well worth the effort.
  26. carmelv
    Nov 11, 2004
    I just love all songs... one by one... a great album... Don't know & don't care for bad critics. R.E.M - Missed you... Its Good to be BACK!!!
  27. JSaint
    Nov 16, 2004
    Their most tuneful (by far) since automatic for the people
  28. SkuliH
    Oct 12, 2004
    This is the most consistent and interesting album R.E.M. have released in over a decade. The subtle political overtones are a welcome relief from the in-your-face mud that fills up my living room these days. No, it's not my family! My advice to all the negative critics is- give this album more time.
  29. John
    Nov 24, 2004
    Anyone who gives this a low rating reviewed this on first impression. This is a complex and at times moody set of somgs, but they have real depth that grows and grows. If you've given this a low rating, listen again, and again......
  30. EricF
    Oct 17, 2004
    Ok, so it's not REM's best album but it's a helluva alot better thant he bullshit from the "Creed" type bands that copy each other's sounds and ride the current sound. REM is one of the greatest bands ever. Period. You have to respect their powerful and complicated lyrics. I am a bit disappointed in this album but overall a "relatively" poor album from REM is better Ok, so it's not REM's best album but it's a helluva alot better thant he bullshit from the "Creed" type bands that copy each other's sounds and ride the current sound. REM is one of the greatest bands ever. Period. You have to respect their powerful and complicated lyrics. I am a bit disappointed in this album but overall a "relatively" poor album from REM is better than most albums. Expand
  31. flamer
    Nov 8, 2004
    i really liked this album especially electron blue
  32. JanPK
    Nov 8, 2004
    from all r.e.m records i think i love the idears from "up" the most. so nicely experimentaly searching. reveal and sun have the same lovely etherical mood and better songs. leaving new york is almost as cheesy as that famous track 4 from automatic and high speed train has some minutes of not nicely singing .. aftermath, the ascent of man, the outsiders, & final straw are all great songs from all r.e.m records i think i love the idears from "up" the most. so nicely experimentaly searching. reveal and sun have the same lovely etherical mood and better songs. leaving new york is almost as cheesy as that famous track 4 from automatic and high speed train has some minutes of not nicely singing .. aftermath, the ascent of man, the outsiders, & final straw are all great songs in my opinion though. and it's an really relistenable record that keeps intriguing me. Expand
  33. LéoR
    Mar 16, 2005
    Good album... REM is not affraid to invent and to mix new sounds. The Band don´t sell itself. It believe in something. Creative songs and brilliant keysboards. Listen with heart and brain...
  34. bobbyG
    Oct 8, 2004
    I think the critics seem to have it in for REM. This is a fine album that reveals more on each listen. Why it's had a poor critical response is beyond me.
  35. wilfa
    Oct 9, 2004
    this is a definite grower just gets better more u listen to it
  36. pasco
    Oct 11, 2004
    leaving NY is cheesy, but good intro and verse.electron blue/outsiders/final straw(which sounds like leonard cohen meets spaced out bozz scaggs)/aftermath and boy in well are best songs. very modern sounding, yet more back to their roots than any post-bill berry record. I think it is better than "automatic" because it flows so nicely(plus there is nothing on here as saccrine and cheesy as leaving NY is cheesy, but good intro and verse.electron blue/outsiders/final straw(which sounds like leonard cohen meets spaced out bozz scaggs)/aftermath and boy in well are best songs. very modern sounding, yet more back to their roots than any post-bill berry record. I think it is better than "automatic" because it flows so nicely(plus there is nothing on here as saccrine and cheesy as "everybody hurts", which I can't stand).the style is very consistant which we haven't heard from these guys since green/document-yet it doesn't seemed forced-more natural sounding because back are the acoustic guitars. It could use some more "real drums" though.ascent of man is amazing and so is title track. 2 duds are high speed train and worst joke ever. buck says next record will be more rocking, but this a perfect record for fall 2004-r.e.m. always seems to put out great fall season records-capturing the melancholy of summer passing and leaves changing. ATS has a modern, southern neo-country-soul vibe which will grow on you....not perfect, but a classic major label phase rem record-deeper and better than green, monster,up and reveal. it is a real "album" and not a few good singles and a bunch of dream-pop filler. long live the "gurus of eighties mysticism!" Expand
  37. MaikK
    Oct 3, 2004
    This is not a standard R.E.M. record, it's darker, slower, more experimental than most of their work. When I first listened to the album I didn't like most of it, but by hearing it again and again, i must say that I start liking almost every song. The only song i really don't like on the album is the song that most critics like the most, "I Wanted To Be Wrong", It just This is not a standard R.E.M. record, it's darker, slower, more experimental than most of their work. When I first listened to the album I didn't like most of it, but by hearing it again and again, i must say that I start liking almost every song. The only song i really don't like on the album is the song that most critics like the most, "I Wanted To Be Wrong", It just sounds to awkward to me. It's not their best album, but it's still very good Expand
  38. HeathS
    Oct 4, 2004
  39. JonasH.
    Apr 2, 2008
    I'm a general fan of a lot of REM's music, and I must admit I disagree this is one of their worst albums. Although they have let down their old-school rock style, it's still great.
  40. TonyO
    Nov 21, 2004
    Not as glorious a pop record as Reveal - but not far off either. I do not get the critical backlash about this one at all - what I hear is a humble, comfortable REM, crafting soulful music that reflects both their own growth, and the travails of the modern world. Don't listen to the critics - REM has left them behind..
  41. LucaP
    Oct 6, 2004
    The 3 boys still rock, see ya in italy on january!!!!
  42. Edwind
    Oct 6, 2004
    This album sounded really boring at first, but it grows on you after a while and only then its beauty is revealed. That's why the critics don't like it. I love it
  43. RossH.
    Mar 1, 2007
    Not as good as other albums but electron blue is like a footballer who plays well but doesnt bask himself in glory
  44. JonH
    Jun 23, 2005
    It is simply unfathomable to me how so many critics panned this album. Michael Stipe's lyrics, as always, are different and dark, and he uses melody as simply a vehicle to deliver the poetry. There is some great stuff here: Q-Tip's verse on The Outsiders shows the band isn't afraid to try something new; Wanderlust is a strikingly inventive song, with a chorus in 7/4 meter, It is simply unfathomable to me how so many critics panned this album. Michael Stipe's lyrics, as always, are different and dark, and he uses melody as simply a vehicle to deliver the poetry. There is some great stuff here: Q-Tip's verse on The Outsiders shows the band isn't afraid to try something new; Wanderlust is a strikingly inventive song, with a chorus in 7/4 meter, it sounds more like it's from outerspace rather than the trash heap like some critics suggest. And amid the eye-opening moments are light, tuneful, throughtful, beautifuls songs. Expand
  45. Dec 24, 2017
    Almost no one seems to like this, not even the band. First, you have to accept that the R.E.M. of Up, Reveal and this are a radically different band for the previous incarnation. It’s OK to be an R.E.M. fan and not like these records. But if you do, then Up and this are quite wonderful. Leaving New York is a red herring classic R.E.M. ballad, but Aftermath, Wanderlust and Ascent of ManAlmost no one seems to like this, not even the band. First, you have to accept that the R.E.M. of Up, Reveal and this are a radically different band for the previous incarnation. It’s OK to be an R.E.M. fan and not like these records. But if you do, then Up and this are quite wonderful. Leaving New York is a red herring classic R.E.M. ballad, but Aftermath, Wanderlust and Ascent of Man took the band in a fantastic new direction. Unfortunately bad reviews and worse sales frightened them off, leading to the career ending retreads that were Accelerate and Collapse Into Now. Expand
  46. NeilH
    Oct 11, 2004
    It definitely benefits from being listened to several times. Some of the songs then come across very strongly, for example 'I wanted to be wrong' and 'Wanderlust'. On the whole, it doesnt challenge the ears like some of the earlier REM albums.
  47. tdrm
    Nov 2, 2004
    aaaa ..listen... , not bad
  48. Apr 5, 2012
    I'm a massive R.E.M fan and have to say this record was a real let down. I know Reveal got a lukewarm reception in some quarters but I thought it was quite good, albeit not up with their absolute best work. Around the Sun however is the sound of a band that seem bored with themselves and what they do. It lacks energy and imagination and in too many places its just boring and bland. I'mI'm a massive R.E.M fan and have to say this record was a real let down. I know Reveal got a lukewarm reception in some quarters but I thought it was quite good, albeit not up with their absolute best work. Around the Sun however is the sound of a band that seem bored with themselves and what they do. It lacks energy and imagination and in too many places its just boring and bland. I'm still going to give it a 7 though as I do think the fact that it was brought out by a band of R.E.M's stature goes against the album. There are some good songs on it - "Leaving New York", "High Speed Train" and the title track are all very good and there are plenty of tracks on here that when heard played live by the band sound a lot more vibrant. It's definitely a record I feel came across better when it was played live which would suggest the production just wasn't up to scratch. Expand
  49. Aug 30, 2012
    Around The Sun is NOT Sh*t. OK, that's the worst album R.E.M. have ever made, but it's not so horrible as people says. The problem is the limp sound, but the songs are ok. Leaving New York and Aftermath are very good, and there other songs that don't sound bad (Electron Blue, Final Straw, ecc.)
    Always better than that garbage we must listen now.
  50. Randeh
    Oct 14, 2004
    Not as bad as the metascore suggests but nonetheless definitely not REM at their finest. Maybe its that its just too slow for me, but you get the feeling that Stipe really has become lost. Who knows, if you're tolerant enough to give this album a few listens maybe it really will become as good as they say, but thats a big if.
  51. Daxr
    Feb 13, 2006
    r.e.m. need to do what made them great. the last to albums have just sounded too clean production-wise. mumble, mix the vocals low, and tone down the studio sheen a little bit. then they can do whatever they want with organs, beeps, and blips, sequenced drums, etc. at least the songwriting on reveal was still pretty strong for the most part. here it's uniformly as weak as it's r.e.m. need to do what made them great. the last to albums have just sounded too clean production-wise. mumble, mix the vocals low, and tone down the studio sheen a little bit. then they can do whatever they want with organs, beeps, and blips, sequenced drums, etc. at least the songwriting on reveal was still pretty strong for the most part. here it's uniformly as weak as it's ever been at the lowest points in the past. this is the only r.e.m. album that has ever been even remotely disappointing. after bill left i planned on being disappointed with up, and while it had its weak points, it still had some of those truly great songs that you can still remember hearing for the first time. i thought reveal couldn't keep up, and while it didn't quite have the highs, it was a more solid effort overall. this just feels like a placeholder. just a bunch of songs, some decent, some boring, thrown onto a cd. whatever. Expand
  52. Feb 23, 2022
    Самая слабая работа группы. К сожалению, я здесь даже практически не слышу любимого Миллса, а песни не запоминаются от слова совсем. Да, есть несколько удачных, но не более того.
  53. stefano
    Oct 6, 2004
    Dull and uninspired.
  54. thomasm
    Oct 6, 2004
    quiet and peacefull, something for the background, no peaks, no lows
  55. jules
    Dec 9, 2004
    Many of the positive reviews here describe how I felt about "UP" - not immediately accessible but over time beautiful and interesting in a low key scattered kinda way. Also it was a first after Bill left and these living legends obviously needed time to adjust. "Reveal" showed them getting more upbeat and remembering melody, a fine thinking person's summer disc, but still...This Many of the positive reviews here describe how I felt about "UP" - not immediately accessible but over time beautiful and interesting in a low key scattered kinda way. Also it was a first after Bill left and these living legends obviously needed time to adjust. "Reveal" showed them getting more upbeat and remembering melody, a fine thinking person's summer disc, but still...This latest is sadly plain mediocre - not bad but average enough. Pretty and maudlin does not a decent album make. Where is this depth? I think fans are looking into the mirror of their expectations of a once hugely important band - complements to the depth and effort of these fans, but best look elsewhere for the profound and moving works these lads once turned out and made it look easy. It obviously isn't easy judging from this latest effort. Expand
  56. bobc
    May 22, 2005
    alot of mediocre material - they set the bar high and this one falls very short. great song - leaving ny. can't remember being this dissapointed with a new rem disc
  57. SteveR
    Oct 13, 2004
    Are Buck and Mills even on this album? It sounds like computer-generated R.E.M. with Stipe over the top. For an album full of love-hate songs and political statements it's suprisingly flat. It's hard to the buy the raw emotion of the lyrics when the songs sound this painstakingly over-produced. Too much studio tinkering always kills the passion. Unless you're Eno and Lanois.
  58. michaels
    Feb 21, 2005
    Don't hate the band; hate the album.
  59. IbanL
    Oct 5, 2006
    As a huge R.E.M. fan, "Around The Sun" was such a disappointment. Though it is true that the departure of Berry in 1997 was a difficult moment, the other three members proved that they were able to get over that and continue producing good music (not nearly as good as in their peak, but good). The dark "Up" and the summery "Reveal" were both interesting records, with flaws, but with a As a huge R.E.M. fan, "Around The Sun" was such a disappointment. Though it is true that the departure of Berry in 1997 was a difficult moment, the other three members proved that they were able to get over that and continue producing good music (not nearly as good as in their peak, but good). The dark "Up" and the summery "Reveal" were both interesting records, with flaws, but with a general good impression. But this is definitely not the case of "Around The Sun". Certainly, I don't consider ATS to be a horrible record or a record I hate, but it is quite lifeless and offers very little to the listener. There are a few of interesting songs but nothing really stands out, while there are some big flaws. My feeling about this record is not positive, but I still have faith on R.E.M. and I hope the next record will go back to the rocker and better sound. After all, they're a great band. Expand
  60. BenJ
    Oct 12, 2004
    Either a compact disc or a sedative - sometimes it's hard to tell. This is marginally better than "Reveal", but that's really not saying much. This is really the sound of a once relevant band slipping in to dreary instrumentation and scrabbling around for a decent hook.
  61. V.Z.
    Oct 27, 2004
    My girlfriend and I started to listen to the CD. It was boring. We decided to have sex. That was pretty cool.
  62. Nov 25, 2010
    This is a bad r.e.m. album. it's not a bad album period, but for r.e.m., a band which had previously never made albums that were less than solid and were usually incredibly unique listening experiences, it's a let-down. Nothing about this album is unique or original, either in the short term or long term. the album retains the electronics and technicalities of up and reveal, yet whereThis is a bad r.e.m. album. it's not a bad album period, but for r.e.m., a band which had previously never made albums that were less than solid and were usually incredibly unique listening experiences, it's a let-down. Nothing about this album is unique or original, either in the short term or long term. the album retains the electronics and technicalities of up and reveal, yet where those albums sounded rich and even somewhat organic, this one sounds stale and compressed. In the context of rock history, damn, this album sounds like it could've been a #1 record in 1988 (Dream of Life, anyone?). Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA and even the more recent The Rising also come to my mind. The running order of tracks on Around the Sun, that's a whole new problem. seriously, who decided that leaving new york qualified as the opening track for the album (unless it was for the sheer sake of 9/11 sympathy)? It's a solid ballad with very passionate vocals from Michael Stipe - although it could've been sped up a little. Electron Blue sounds much more like an opening track, even though it isn't very good. the outsiders is just as dull and uninspired, but the q-tip cameo feels completely out-of-place in an r.e.m. world and is uncomfortable to listen to. Make it All OK sounds really similar to the previous song, and, alas, so too does the next song Final Straw. Finally we get an eventful-sounding redeeming piece with I Wanted To Be Wrong, which is pleasant earcandy and great for relaxing. (When the drums kick in, it reminds me very much of their song 'Tongue' off of Monster). Wander Lust is another sub-par song with stipey choosing the most awkward notes vocally. The Boy In The Well is okay, but its Aftermath that steals the show on this album. Definitely one of the more upbeat tunes here, the melody is memorable and stipe's vocals and lyrics are highly emotional. A real keeper of a song, despite the nearly distracting overproduction which is a mainstay on this album. High Speed Train is creepy but, again, isn't very original in context of the album and not very r.e.m.-like. The Worst Joke Ever is pretty good, another minor highlight, with some of stipe's best singing on the album. The Ascent of Man is the sound of 50-year-old men trying to sound sexy. it's not very impressive. Finally, Around the Sun ends the album on a decidedly uneventful note. This is a monotonous album, in one of the worst ways possible. almost every single song is a ballad of some sort, and most of the songs are largely drum-less (still understandable at this point) and SLOW. So flow is, eh... Again, this has a lot to do with the production, which is dedicated to making the band sound as urban, industrial and U2-esque as possible. The lyrics as well are less obscure and more in line with the kind of lyrics Bono would write around this same time. R.E.M. are a pop band, for sure, but only by coincidence. They were huge in the late '80s and '90s because they made songs that were really darn catchy, not because they 'sounded' like everything else (their biggest hit was carried by a chorus-less tune carried by a mandolin, for god sakes!). With this album, they sound like the stereotypical kind of pop music, a brand just like any boy band in the market. The elements of the original R.E.M. are for sure in here (buck's chiming guitar, mills' backing vocals and bass), but they are buried and hard to locate in the heavy mix of glossy synthesizers. More than ever, the lack of enthusiasm (and bill berry) shows. It seems that, for the majority of this album, Michael Stipe's voice is the only saving grace. For the not serious R.E.M. fan, these tunes should do just fine, but for the real fans, we deserve a better collection of songs. Thank god the band understood that and released their huge comeback in 2008 with 'Accelerate' (still had some overproduction issues, but this time the songs were actually REALLY GOOD!). Verdict: The worst R.E.M. made so far. Dull, monotonous, and sorely lacking in the old-fashioned R.E.M. style. It already sounds incredibly dated. Don't buy the album, unless you're REALLY curious and a risk-taker. Highlights: Leaving New York, I Wanted to Be Wrong, Aftermath Expand
  63. Jul 22, 2011
    R.E.M.'s worst to date, despite quality material like "Leaving New York" sprinkling up occasionally. Most of these are just poorly written piano ballads that make me long for the days when an R.E.M. ballad meant "Perfect Circle," "Camera," "Wendell Gee" or most of Automatic for the People, not "I Wanted to Be Wrong" or "Boy in the Well."
  64. Bagheera
    Oct 6, 2004
    Sadly, REM seem to be afflicted by a kind of aural torpor at the moment. It may be offred as "atmospheric" and "experimental" and it is nowhere near as far down that road as Radiohead have gone in recent years, but with every release we get further away from their ear catching guitar driven best. I have followed them since Lifes Rich Pageant (still their best work) and sadly my Sadly, REM seem to be afflicted by a kind of aural torpor at the moment. It may be offred as "atmospheric" and "experimental" and it is nowhere near as far down that road as Radiohead have gone in recent years, but with every release we get further away from their ear catching guitar driven best. I have followed them since Lifes Rich Pageant (still their best work) and sadly my anticipation, borne out of a belief that "Bad Day" was signalling a return to form, was sadly withered away, even after my third play. Bring out a retrospective of rarities and give fans a taste of historic treasure still to be enjoyed. 3/10 I'm afraid Expand
  65. Markp
    Feb 2, 2006
    I expected more after the superb lead-off single ("Leaving New York" is in my top 3 REM songs) but the album is drab and lacklustre. You feel the fire has gone out of their bellies and the expected lp-every-two-years routine has killed their creativity. They need to take a couple of years and stockpile some better material. And up the tempo a little. Away with the middle-age malaise
  66. Brett
    Oct 5, 2004
    this album flat out sucks.
  67. JaceN
    Jan 31, 2006
    The pre-release word on this album was "Primitive and Howling" and we all thought " more experimental weird tinkering with organs...and stuff from the 70s like the bands attire and cover art in the UP days of 1998". release we see its yet another pop, click buzz & beep festival with a slow, dragging pace and tired half-asleep vocals. Cmon...COME ON...yell Mr Stipe...we The pre-release word on this album was "Primitive and Howling" and we all thought " more experimental weird tinkering with organs...and stuff from the 70s like the bands attire and cover art in the UP days of 1998". release we see its yet another pop, click buzz & beep festival with a slow, dragging pace and tired half-asleep vocals. Cmon...COME ON...yell Mr Stipe...we know you can! Ditch this whispering falsetto and spaceman kaleidescope background music and make us remember why we loved Monster and New Adventures In Hi-Fi! Expand
  68. MM
    Oct 4, 2004
    A serious disappointment - the first REM record with nothing to recommend it. A dud.
  69. May 29, 2017
    I loved ''Leaving New York'' and so bought this. I soon wished I hadn't...
    As an avid REM fan, I was hugely disappointed by this. This is undoubtedly the lowest moment of their musical career. All of the Stipe-Esque lyrical style is there, but much of the lyrics seem to make little sense; perhaps only to the band themselves. They sound like Stipe wrote them whilst drunk.
    Musically, the
    I loved ''Leaving New York'' and so bought this. I soon wished I hadn't...
    As an avid REM fan, I was hugely disappointed by this. This is undoubtedly the lowest moment of their musical career. All of the Stipe-Esque lyrical style is there, but much of the lyrics seem to make little sense; perhaps only to the band themselves. They sound like Stipe wrote them whilst drunk.
    Musically, the album does little better. There are a few brighter moments - Leaving New York, the Outsiders and Final Score being among them, though they are hardly true classics.
    Even the Outsiders is ruined by a dreadful rap from Q-Tip (heard of him? me neither...) which has been inserted towards the end of an otherwise perfect and atmospheric tune.
    Other than these songs, the rest of the album really is a bore; full of plodding, slow paced and poorly written material.
    Avoid this at all costs, even if you're an avid REM fan...
  70. fatwam
    Nov 16, 2004
    As rem releases go, I too am dissappointed with this offering. Once the mystery of m.stipe was removed the downward spiral proceeded. I have not been impressed with rem for some time, but this is going to be their new low water mark. I don't understand what the boys are trying to do here. I think MONEY & COMPLACENCY have taken its toll. Why should they give a f*ck. They clearly As rem releases go, I too am dissappointed with this offering. Once the mystery of m.stipe was removed the downward spiral proceeded. I have not been impressed with rem for some time, but this is going to be their new low water mark. I don't understand what the boys are trying to do here. I think MONEY & COMPLACENCY have taken its toll. Why should they give a f*ck. They clearly don't have a connection with vitality whatsoever. A big dissappointment is an understatement. Expand
  71. Oct 26, 2014
    I love virtually all REM albums. Some are greater than others, but there's none that I'd writeoff wholesale. Apart from this.
    I bought this on CD (remember those?) and desperately spun it, looking for any hint of the genius of the band who'd made Murmer, Automatic for the People, New Adventures, Green. Nope, nothing.
    I went to sell it back to a second hand shop, but they seemingly had
    I love virtually all REM albums. Some are greater than others, but there's none that I'd writeoff wholesale. Apart from this.
    I bought this on CD (remember those?) and desperately spun it, looking for any hint of the genius of the band who'd made Murmer, Automatic for the People, New Adventures, Green. Nope, nothing.
    I went to sell it back to a second hand shop, but they seemingly had entire tables full of this album, from others who had recognised its inner drabness immediately, so i walked out and just stuck the entire disc in the bin.
  72. EQ
    Oct 23, 2004
    Wow... This band use to be the sh*t. I wore out my record, tape, and CD players playing REM in the 80s and early 90s. Chronic Town through Automatic for the People were ALL classic albums. I am a firm believer Monster was the demise of the band. I saw them on that tour and they were horrible. They looked out of place as an arena rock band. New Adventures in Hi-Fi was acceptable... but Wow... This band use to be the sh*t. I wore out my record, tape, and CD players playing REM in the 80s and early 90s. Chronic Town through Automatic for the People were ALL classic albums. I am a firm believer Monster was the demise of the band. I saw them on that tour and they were horrible. They looked out of place as an arena rock band. New Adventures in Hi-Fi was acceptable... but still not a classic. Then Bill Berry left. Ever since then, this has been a really cr@ppy band. A real embarassment, considering that these guys were the best band in the world at one point. Up, Reveal, and Around the Sun is just terrible. I can't believe how bad they are. Warner must be puking at the fact that they signed these guys for $80 mil at the start of their decline. The album sales are terrible. REM. PLEASE RETIRE BEFORE YOUR LEGACY GETS RUINED BEYOND REPAIR! Expand
  73. ZacharyF
    Oct 8, 2004
    Pathetic. I listened to this pap on (thanks for saving me the 15 bucks!) and only made it to track 8. What an embarrasing effort. For a band that was once so unique, vibrant, and vital (see Chronic Town - Automatic for the People) to see them produce this bland and boring offal is a sad thing indeed. Give it up, Stipe. I guess the only thing to do is TALK about the passion, Pathetic. I listened to this pap on (thanks for saving me the 15 bucks!) and only made it to track 8. What an embarrasing effort. For a band that was once so unique, vibrant, and vital (see Chronic Town - Automatic for the People) to see them produce this bland and boring offal is a sad thing indeed. Give it up, Stipe. I guess the only thing to do is TALK about the passion, because it's obvious that it left your songwriting over a decade ago. Expand
  74. JimR
    Dec 19, 2004
    Never a big REM fan here, but at least there music was not coma inducing before, like this crapola is.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 27
  2. Negative: 3 out of 27
  1. New Musical Express (NME)
    The first REM album to really disappoint. [2 Oct 2004, p.60]
  2. Its sporadic pockets of accessibility aside, it's difficult to listen to Around the Sun without hearing it as a holding pattern, or worse, a piece of product released simply to keep the R.E.M. brand out among the public.
  3. R.E.M. still have the remarkable distinction of never once producing a bad album, but this is perhaps the biggest example yet of the group merely treading water, whereas once they majestically swam.