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Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 35
  2. Negative: 3 out of 35

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  1. Mar 20, 2011
    If this is all you had by this guy, you'd love the album, but I gotta say that he has so much other similar material that's better, it's hard to spend much time listening to this. Really hasn't done anything new, albeit created another beautiful record.
  2. MikeE.
    Apr 10, 2008
    After the perfection of Ghosts of the Great Highway, Tiny Cities was a letdown, but this is just...kinda vanilla. Am I hearing the same album as everyone else? After 6 listens, only the second half is starting to grow on me. Of course this album is better than almost anything else out there these days, but the melodies just aren't there this time around. I guess anything's After the perfection of Ghosts of the Great Highway, Tiny Cities was a letdown, but this is just...kinda vanilla. Am I hearing the same album as everyone else? After 6 listens, only the second half is starting to grow on me. Of course this album is better than almost anything else out there these days, but the melodies just aren't there this time around. I guess anything's disappointing after Ghosts. Expand
  3. GuyH.
    Apr 10, 2008
    Ah, the wonderful 'April'. This reminds me of the RHP album Old Ramon more than the Sun Kil Moon debut - which is to say it is an intense, sprawling album that requires several listens before you can begin to fully appreciate it as a whole. 'Ghosts' had a lightness of touch and the songs for the most part were more concise - I miss that and have to admit I was Ah, the wonderful 'April'. This reminds me of the RHP album Old Ramon more than the Sun Kil Moon debut - which is to say it is an intense, sprawling album that requires several listens before you can begin to fully appreciate it as a whole. 'Ghosts' had a lightness of touch and the songs for the most part were more concise - I miss that and have to admit I was expecting Mark to continue in that direction. However, now that I've lived with 'April' for 2 weeks I can barely find fault with it. 'Heron Blue', 'Bilbao' and the heart wrenching (even by Mark's standards so that is saying something!) 'Blue Orchids' are just perfect. Will Oldham pops in to sing on a few tracks and as you'd expect it is a perfect vocal marriage - and adds some welcome variety. Don't believe me - listen to Mark's solo version of 'Like a River' on the second disc and try not add in Will's backing vocals - it sounds naked without them. A contendor for best of the year and one to file alongside the triumphant return of Amercan Music Club (The Golden Age). Expand
  4. EH
    Apr 9, 2008
    Wonderful, deep, not disparate sounding, but varied and adventurous enough to keep interest throughout. What it lacks in the diversity of sound of the previous GOTGH album it makes up for in sheer beauty.
  5. HaroldS.
    Apr 8, 2008
    This is an amazing album.
  6. JohanS.
    Apr 7, 2008
    Masterpiece in the crapworld of Rock 'n Roll these days!
  7. AndyS.
    Apr 7, 2008
    This is a masterpiece from Mark and co. The opening song takes flight and never lands. The band hits a constant groove and the vocals have never been better
  8. ArtF.
    Apr 7, 2008
    Such heartbreaking beauty. Just blows me away.
  9. Jon
    Apr 7, 2008
    Dang good. A real grower, not as immediate as the RHP stuff but like fine wine will improve with age. 'Heron Blue' and 'Tonight in Bilbao' are paticularly great.
  10. MatP.
    Apr 6, 2008
    Brilliant album. Flows beautifully from track to track, and the result is an album that takes the listener on a slow, meandering journey to a better place.
  11. ChrisK.
    Apr 5, 2008
    more sad wonderful beautiful music. Slightly less rewarding than 'Ghosts of the Great Highway', but that was/is one of the best records of the decade.

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Kozelek is simply continuing on his way here, but that said, to stand apart from all the superlatives and just get lost in his creation here, he has made the best record of his career.
  2. Throughout, Kozelek connects memory to emotion with masterful strokes.
  3. Though its scope and scale are nothing short of admirable, April is far from perfect: Kozelek largely places it safe with his arrangements this time out, shying away form the loud rock guitars and pop songs that marked the final days of the Painters.