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Universal acclaim- based on 250 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 250
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  1. Feb 4, 2022
    What is not to like? This album is an instant classic. This is going to be as influential to the indie music scene as Arcade Fire's Funeral was in 2000s.
  2. Feb 23, 2022
    Very special. Feels like it should be very influential for future artists. Listening to this from start to end is just a joy and leaves you with F E E L I N G. Favourite track - The Place Where He Inserted The Blade
  3. Feb 4, 2022
    An utter modern classic. Every moment crushing, lush, and memorable. Truly an effort from a hive mind of musical talent.
  4. Feb 7, 2022
    A masterpiece. A great achievement in every way, from the compositions to the playing; from the lyrics to the production; from the sad moments to the hopeful... Decade-defining album, and one of the best of this century, without a single doubt. Thank you, Isaac. Thank you, Black Country, New Road.
  5. Feb 8, 2022
    Already one of the best albums of the decade. Every single track is so emotional and paced so well. The production is so grand while also staying minimal at times. The imagery the lyrics create is amazing. Definitely going to be a classic.
  6. Feb 18, 2022
    this album is a journey to many emotions, as you can experience too much in it. All the members stand out at moments of the album. It is a very dense album and requires attention at times, but without a doubt it only makes it special and one of the best of the year.
  7. Feb 5, 2022
    Music at its best. No superfluous sounds. Perfectly crafted songs that really sound. A little bit like Mahavishnu (King Crimson) meet Mark Hollis and Talk Talk from Laughing Stock era. Incredibly beautiful, intoxicating masterpiece. An instant classic.
  8. Feb 6, 2022
    This album had one of the most impactful "first listens" I've ever had in my life. I see people comparing it to Funeral by Arcade Fire and it's exactly in that vein - it connects on a very personal level. Compared to Arcade Fire though, this is a decidedly less fun album... you won't be chanting to these songs during a pre-drink with your friends. With that said, it is an extraordinarilyThis album had one of the most impactful "first listens" I've ever had in my life. I see people comparing it to Funeral by Arcade Fire and it's exactly in that vein - it connects on a very personal level. Compared to Arcade Fire though, this is a decidedly less fun album... you won't be chanting to these songs during a pre-drink with your friends. With that said, it is an extraordinarily emotionally evocative album that I will be revisiting for years to come. Expand
  9. Feb 4, 2022
    Being a huge fan of these guys since their debut, I have to say I was eagerly anticipating their next move. I am completely blown away by how incredible this album is! It is absolutely nothing like their debut, but that's not a detriment in any way. It is honestly even better, taking a new post-rock and soothing direction. I listened to this album 3 times last night, with several times IBeing a huge fan of these guys since their debut, I have to say I was eagerly anticipating their next move. I am completely blown away by how incredible this album is! It is absolutely nothing like their debut, but that's not a detriment in any way. It is honestly even better, taking a new post-rock and soothing direction. I listened to this album 3 times last night, with several times I had to play a song over and over just to soak in and revel in the moment. "Haldern" had me almost in the fetal position. This is some damn good music that will have you in your feelings, but in the best way possible, even if it's sad. This will be a decade great for the 2020's: mark my words. I cannot believe this exists! Expand
  10. Feb 25, 2022
    One of the bests albums I've ever heard. It's great to be alive and listen to this.
  11. Feb 4, 2022
    being my first ''black country roads record'' i was fortunately surprised by what this record managed to complete. so far it is the most exciting music to come out of 2022.this record almost escapes clear description taking a multitude of emotions head on such the sufjan steven indept intro that would fit comfortably on 'Illinoise' or the confusing billie ellish name drop on ''chaos spacebeing my first ''black country roads record'' i was fortunately surprised by what this record managed to complete. so far it is the most exciting music to come out of 2022.this record almost escapes clear description taking a multitude of emotions head on such the sufjan steven indept intro that would fit comfortably on 'Illinoise' or the confusing billie ellish name drop on ''chaos space mountain'. the songs reference each other naturally and sound more important than they would like to admit. a mixure of influnces such as the bright eyes, will odham ,the dodo's sometimes even capturing the vulnerability of early modest mouse and the black humor of ''purple mountains''. if this record was to end the year as the undisputed best i wouldn't be surprised or disappointed because this album handles itself so well it would be more seemingly impossible for it not to grab you on the first play. Expand
  12. Mar 4, 2022
    The production, lyrics, music, It all just screams instant music classic.And i believe it's gonna be strong contender for album of the year or even the album of an upcoming decade.
  13. Feb 7, 2022
    Hands down the album of the year even with some tough competition coming up
  14. Feb 10, 2022
    So poignant, so good. I'm thoroughly in love.
    Good Will Hunting is one of the best songs about unrequited love I've ever heard. Could've said the same for concorde too. The closer is another highlight among highlights
  15. Apr 21, 2022
    10 Expand
  16. Mar 15, 2022
    This the type of album that I would consider an 'instant classic'. In the coming years I think this album will certify its status as a masterful piece of work.
  17. May 18, 2022
    Exceptional chamber pop/baroque/rock album. Sonically and lyrically, it's so varied and so well-paced.
  18. Dec 20, 2022
    this album is especially magnificent in showing the qualities of life. this album brings emotion only one of high intelligence can record to, my favourite thing about the album is that stated from Anthony fantano "this album Is bad" that's a real quote that was inserted by biog dicks dicks dicks. so Denzel is better and this album is ass and is worse than FERRIS BULLER'S BIGGGGGG DAYYYYY OFFFFFFFF
  19. Feb 4, 2022
    It's difficult to describe how visceral this album is. Isaac isn't in the band any more, but his vocals and unique voice will always echo in this album. This album radiates isolation through the lens of being stuck between the screen of a video game and "the kingdom of men", the feeling of a girl pulling a hair off your sweater and drowning in you, the feeling of helplessness against aIt's difficult to describe how visceral this album is. Isaac isn't in the band any more, but his vocals and unique voice will always echo in this album. This album radiates isolation through the lens of being stuck between the screen of a video game and "the kingdom of men", the feeling of a girl pulling a hair off your sweater and drowning in you, the feeling of helplessness against a deterministic god of weather shaking the snow globe that makes up your world. This is an album that makes every crumb of bread hold the weight of the world, and it is a once in a generation experience for an album. Take an hour out of your day to listen to this, maybe longer if you're prone to being destroyed emotionally. Expand
  20. Feb 5, 2022
    I give this a 10/10 not because I think Ants from Up Here is a perfect album, but because I can’t remember the last time I heard an indie rock record and was this excited over it, or had the feeling that I had just heard a “classic”. The album opens with “Chaos Space Marine”, a zany and upbeat introduction to an album that is anything but. My first thought upon hearing it was that it’sI give this a 10/10 not because I think Ants from Up Here is a perfect album, but because I can’t remember the last time I heard an indie rock record and was this excited over it, or had the feeling that I had just heard a “classic”. The album opens with “Chaos Space Marine”, a zany and upbeat introduction to an album that is anything but. My first thought upon hearing it was that it’s sorta a mess, but its jammy lightness has grown on me with repeated listens and the crunchy halftime riff at the end uhhh (?) slaps (?).

    What follows is eight beautiful post rock inspired chamber pop epics, evocative of the best bits of Arcade Fire, Tindersticks and even Steve Reich. The lyrics are quirky and often funny without ever being precious, and at their best can be subtly devastating. Highlights include “Concorde”, “Bread Song”, “Good Will Hunting”, “Snow Globes” and the epic closer “Basketball Shoes”. Three of these songs bring me almost to tears, the other two make me insanely happy.
  21. Feb 4, 2022
    Made me feel things I hadn't in a while. Joy, disgust, sadness and hope. What a beautiful album. I was somewhat luke warm on their first record...but this...this was idea where the band head now with Isaac leaving them...but damn! Nothing quite like this tbh. Worth every penny.
  22. Feb 6, 2022
    This is a 10, not because it is the perfect album, next to an Abbey Road, Velvet Undeground or Piper At the Gates of Dawn kind of stuff, but because it is AUTHENTIC and PURE.
    This is the quality behind it.
    I do not know if the band will go again to such high-quality limits, but who cares.
    We are here, now, to enjoy what we have.
    And what we have it is the feeling from some Ants from Up There!
  23. Oct 21, 2022
    I know one thing for sure..............................................................
  24. Feb 4, 2022
    Best album... maybe ever? Completely and utterly blown away, I had incredibly high expectations for this and it surpassed all of them by miles. Basketball Shoes might be the best song ever too. It's Feburary of the third year of a decade and the Album Of The Decade has already been discovered and crowned. Incredible. Visceral. Ethereal. Ants From Up There is a true masterpiece.
  25. Feb 6, 2022
    Seriously the best album I’ve heard in a while, already helping me get through a lot of stuff going on in my life. Tragic to hear issac left the group, praying for his well being
  26. Feb 22, 2022
    A nice experiment, but all in all, it felt rather pretentious to me and there was no track I would like to listen to again.
  27. Jun 21, 2022
    I very nearly switched off halfway through and by the end of the album I wish I had. There were some interesting moments - the odd dramatic drum build up or soaring violin refrain - but I was never ‘grabbed’ and they just reminded me of similar elements in other bands’ music, bands that I found myself desperately wanting to listen to instead. To me, no one song stands out on this album.I very nearly switched off halfway through and by the end of the album I wish I had. There were some interesting moments - the odd dramatic drum build up or soaring violin refrain - but I was never ‘grabbed’ and they just reminded me of similar elements in other bands’ music, bands that I found myself desperately wanting to listen to instead. To me, no one song stands out on this album. And whilst I often love an album that works as a whole and tells a spiralling story and takes me on a complete journey, with this I found the journey from song to song incredibly arduous, boring and repetitive. I would look forward to a song ending in the hope the next would be a good one… but that cycle just repeated ad infinitum with increasing frustration. And Wood’s voice, which at the start of the album was as an intriguingly uncanny reminder of Orlando from The Maccabees, was really grating on me by the end. To the point that when I read he had left just before the album launched, I felt awkwardly more optimistic about their future output. I must be missing something. Everyone else seems to be writing glowing reviews. But to me they are a poor black and white photocopy mishmash of the indie bands I was listening to in the mid-2000s with nothing particularly original added. I usually love classical instruments on indie tracks… but this never hooked me here. I’m often a sucker for introspective lyrics and songs that build and sway… but these just droned on and irritated me beyond belief. On paper, I should like this album… but my god I was glad when it finished and I could put something else on. Expand
  28. Feb 22, 2022
    Generic out-of-tune indie rock with artsy arrangement, a dry upfront sound, and a vocalist that sure could use a singing lesson or two. It gets noisy, but not in a energic kind of way, it's just annoying noise. The guitar players pluck a string, the bass player plucks a string in bar three, a horn comes in at bar 6 and the drummer bangs randomly at the drums in bar 8. I have heard it soGeneric out-of-tune indie rock with artsy arrangement, a dry upfront sound, and a vocalist that sure could use a singing lesson or two. It gets noisy, but not in a energic kind of way, it's just annoying noise. The guitar players pluck a string, the bass player plucks a string in bar three, a horn comes in at bar 6 and the drummer bangs randomly at the drums in bar 8. I have heard it so many times, and it may sound original, but this is nothing new. Expand
  29. Feb 19, 2022
    A few songs are good but it sounds like an amalgam of music pulling from way too many genres to make any sense. Sit for too long and you will get a headache.
    Also, I think the previous lead singer might need voice coaching or exposure to auto-tune. It sounds like the vocals were recorded in a single take.
  30. Feb 7, 2022
    Incredible, lush instrumentation with some great lyricism sparking what will be one of the best albums of the year and a cult classic for years to come 9.6/10

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Feb 8, 2022
    Knowing how it all ends does nothing to detract from the joy Black Country, New Road have poured into Ants From Up There—not when they spend every second reminding us of why we let ourselves get swept up in these beautifully doomed fantasies to begin with.
  2. Feb 7, 2022
    Ants From Up Here is a thrilling listen, brimming with the confidence and electricity of a young band coming into their own on all fronts, pulling from the past but pushing it undeniably forward, and fully owning their ambition.
  3. 90
    Throughout “Ants From Up Here,” and through the course of every song, Black Country, New Road tests and reinvents itself, creating music that sounds both intricately plotted and precarious.