• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mojo
    Their most accessible, and arguably best, long-player yet. [Apr 2003, p.112]
  2. Blender
    The songs transform emo's search for truth and its vivid angst into great drama. [#15, p.122]
  3. The group has abruptly cashed in a good deal of its personality for an unflattering, generic modern-rock sound.
  4. In short, if your favorite bands aren't played between Audioslave and Foo Fighters on modern rock radio, Cave In probably isn't one of them.
  5. There's plenty of pretense in the long-winded tone poems... But they also know how to deliver a concise pop song.
  6. Antenna is lacking in every sonic department they previously thrived upon and sounds exactly what fans of old feared: immaculate, sterile guitar production; rigid, radio-ready song structures; and an end to the dynamic, cosmos-exploring sound that elevated Jupiter to a stunning success.
  7. When you cover this sort of expansive, experimental territory, you're inevitably flirting with pomposity. But like Tool or Radiohead, Cave-In's progressiveness is hypnotic rather than alienating, played out with a sense of near-religious awe that's difficult to deny.
  8. The focus may be tighter and the refinement may be a little more obvious, but such things don't hold the band back on Antenna; rather they further the progress that has been showing itself with every Cave In release.
  9. Alternative Press
    This should be in everyone's stereo this spring, as it may go down in the history books as the Pet Sounds for the aggressive-rock world. [Apr 2003, p.82]
  10. Like both Radiohead and Foo Fighters, Cave In is a stylistic chameleon that rarely uses its freewheeling taste as a crutch to present self-indulgent material.
  11. Uncut
    Antenna compresses the formula further, fetching up crisp, anthemic crunch-rock several notches above the inexplicably popular likes of Bush or Papa Roach. [May 2003, p.96]
  12. A truly remarkable progression, and a great album to boot--Antenna is the work of a band that's constantly moving forward.
  13. Q Magazine
    The most successful synthesis of their prog-tinged ambitions so far. [Apr 2003, p.102]
  14. The songs may pay excessive homage in spirit, but their composition and divergent tones are wholly original.
  15. It sounds as if a bunch of no-bullshit straight-edgers have been cooped up in an underground drug den for a week with only Pink Floyd records for company, and then released blinking into the daylight and shuttled immediately into the recording studio.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Jun 13, 2011
    I'm okay with bands changing their sound as long as the result shows soul and imagination. That's mostly true here, even on songs that atI'm okay with bands changing their sound as long as the result shows soul and imagination. That's mostly true here, even on songs that at first blush sound fairly generic ("Stained Silver", "Beautiful Son", "Youth Overrided", "Breath of Water"). Too much of the rest is generic radio rock ("Inspire", "Anchor", "Joy Opposites", "Lost in the Air", "Woodwork") that is competent but passionless., Full Review »
  2. jorisV.
    Aug 8, 2005
    It sounds clean, and I don't care with such great songs. Joy Opposites brings the songcraft of Radiohead to mind, Inspire would be a It sounds clean, and I don't care with such great songs. Joy Opposites brings the songcraft of Radiohead to mind, Inspire would be a hitsingle in a perfect world and Lost In The Air reminds me of Smashing Pumpkins' "Muzzle"... But in fact the whole album is a gem Full Review »
  3. Chris
    Aug 24, 2004
    This album would get a 10 if it was unpolished... it sounds too clean, and too refined. Try it as a live album... do it again without Rich This album would get a 10 if it was unpolished... it sounds too clean, and too refined. Try it as a live album... do it again without Rich Costey! Please... if not for me, for everyone who shares my disappointment. thanks. Chris Full Review »