• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 5, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 319 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 90 out of 319

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  1. Jan 30, 2020
    Animals album is a pop perfection & pop banger with amazing & meaningful songs.
  2. Sep 14, 2019
    Шикарный альбом! Даже не понятно, почему такая Низкая оценка!?
  3. Jul 12, 2019
    Good solid pop album. This album will be a good album to look back on in the future to remind me of how music sounded in the early 2010s
  4. Feb 24, 2018
    "Animal" is not a phenomenal album but it is not completely bad either. It's fun, danceable, enjoyable and a true expositor of electro-pop.
  5. Jul 12, 2017
    Your Love Is My Drug - 10

    Tik Tok - 10

    Take It Off - 10

    Kiss N Tell - 8

    Stephen - 7

    Blah Blah Blah - 10
Hungover - 8

    Party At A Rich Dude's House - 8

    Backstabber - 8

    Blind - 9

    Dinosaur - 8

    Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - 10
Boots & Boys - 7

    Animal - 8

    score: 8,6
  6. Jan 8, 2016
    Well, I was running through the comments and all I see is people judging her about the auto tune. Weirdly or not, that was Kesha's mark back in 2010. Animal is the party girl's debut, with a lot of club songs with a diferencial: They talk about her everyday experiencies untill she finally got her spot in pop music. That's whats cool about Kesha, even though she is a pop star now, she'llWell, I was running through the comments and all I see is people judging her about the auto tune. Weirdly or not, that was Kesha's mark back in 2010. Animal is the party girl's debut, with a lot of club songs with a diferencial: They talk about her everyday experiencies untill she finally got her spot in pop music. That's whats cool about Kesha, even though she is a pop star now, she'll never get rid of her old and vodka stained jeans. She kinda reinvented the trash pop with this amazing and well produced album. And C'mon, she slayed the pop charts with it's singles. Expand
  7. May 10, 2015
    A fun album, but too much auto-tune. Other than "Tik Tok", there are standout tracks including fun bops such as "Your Love Is My Drug", "Take It Off", "Kiss n Tell", and "Animal". Overall a moderate debut album for Kesha.
  8. Apr 5, 2015
    This was a nice debut from Kesha, but its production was repetitive and its lyrics didn't show Kesha's talent as a singer and songwriter (which is what she actually is). It's a fun album but it's not capable of doing what Kesha can do. Grade: C. Highlights: "Animal", "Blind", "Dancing with Tears in My Eyes". Worst songs: "Tik Tok", "Dinosaur", "Boots & Boys"
  9. Dec 16, 2014
    A great debut album, Ke $ ha knew well the effect of using auto-tune, their songs are fun to dance and forget their problems, is a complete album made for fun, as well as the artist, it may seem commercial but is nonetheless a good album.
    Highlights: Tik Tok and Animal
    Lows: Hungover and Boots And Boys
  10. Sep 28, 2014
    Though it feels like it was just yester-year that Kesha—then known as 'Ke$ha'—took a commercial bath in fame, fortune, and glitter in between from the success of her debut single "TiK ToK", it has been nearly half a decade since the release of her debut album Animal and although she's more recently remembered for her rehab stint earlier this year—which actually didn't involve 'a bottle ofThough it feels like it was just yester-year that Kesha—then known as 'Ke$ha'—took a commercial bath in fame, fortune, and glitter in between from the success of her debut single "TiK ToK", it has been nearly half a decade since the release of her debut album Animal and although she's more recently remembered for her rehab stint earlier this year—which actually didn't involve 'a bottle of Jack' in contrast to her nay-sayers—she remains a polarizing figure to the public. For example, her overuse of Auto-Tune made us question her vocal capabilities and with lyrics like "D-I-N-O-S-A-you are a dinosaur", we definitely questioned her songwriting capabilities. Would she be a one-hit wonder? Is she a parody artist or is this actually as deep as it gets in the mind of this Nashville gal-turned-Valley girl? Many of the questions have already been answered, we just never really payed more attention than we should have to learn them. Her 2012 acoustic EP Deconstructed certainly spotlights her ability to sing—why anyone would wanna cover up that quivery-yet-beautifully raw Nashville accent is above me—and considering her lengthy string of top-ten hits since her debut, it's out of question how successful her schtick has sold so far.

    Let's get to Animal now: to sum it up, depth isn't in this record's ungrammatical vocabulary. Production-wise, Dr. Luke and Max Martin created some of the '10s most guiltiest electropop pleasures out of hits like "Take It Off" and "Your Love Is My Drug", however, while Lady Gaga's 2008 club classic "Just Dance" features some surprisingly well-detailed production to accompany its drunken lyricism, neither of the aforementioned are groundbreaking in any shape or form and often sound so sweet, they rot at the brain like a cavity due to the simplicity. The highlights on the record come from assisting producers like Tom Neville on "Boots & Boys"—spoiler, it lists two primary 'obsessions' that 'bring [her] so much joy'—and the Greg Kurstin-produced title track that could be the most thought-provoking, vulnerable track on the record. Her following EP Cannibal and second studio album Warrior continue to unveil more and more of her impact as a pop icon—albeit very, very calmly. As for now, Animal remains one of her funnest records to date and whether you're a female (or male) teenager experiencing bratty hormonal development or too drunk to understand who or what you are at this moment, it has a lot to offer as far as mindless dance-pop goes.
  11. Jun 20, 2014
    Um bom album,tem boas músicas,um pouco mais da maioria,por isso o 6.
    Mas mesmo nas boas faixas,houve um pecado,o auto tune.
    Ke$ha aprendeu com Animal e fez albuns melhores depois.
  12. May 22, 2014
    After 20+ listenings I would give the album an A.
    After a while you learn to appreciate each and every song on this fun dance pop album. It's -as is clearer now- certainly an album with a clear organic connection to the singer. I would suggest listening to Animal Inside, a very beautiful song.
  13. Nov 12, 2013
    ...............................................................The way she presents herself in this album and in public is trash. She is one of the worst Brittney Spears ripoffs.
  14. Nov 1, 2013
    While this album is generic pop, its well done generic pop. All the songs are very catchy. Especially Backstabber and Kiss 'n' Tell are songs you'll be singing to within three listens.
  15. Aug 14, 2013
    I love this CD! This is not a "mixed or average" CD! This is Ke$ha's best work, and you can see that in the songs. And songs like "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" show that Ke$ha isn't just a party girl.
  16. Apr 11, 2013
    A lot of just pop filler, but overall this is a good debut from Ke$ha. "Your Love Is My Drug" "Take It Off" and "Animal" are my standout tracks on the album.
  17. Mar 31, 2013
    The debut album from Ke$ha is certainly a good one! Although the auto tune can be quite unkind at times theres no doubt the tracks on this are lyrically amazing and they will get you dancing! If you take a look at the 4 singles released TiK ToK,Blah Blah Blah,Your Love Is My Drug and Take It Off, most people just think its an album full of party tracks, wrong. Look at songs like Stephen,The debut album from Ke$ha is certainly a good one! Although the auto tune can be quite unkind at times theres no doubt the tracks on this are lyrically amazing and they will get you dancing! If you take a look at the 4 singles released TiK ToK,Blah Blah Blah,Your Love Is My Drug and Take It Off, most people just think its an album full of party tracks, wrong. Look at songs like Stephen, Blind and Dancing With Tears In My Eyes. Overall a favourable album with highlights such as TiK ToK, Animal, Your Love Is My Drug, Blind and Take It Off. The only low i can find in the whole album would be Boots & Boys, i just dont really like the song personally. If you dont have the album yet, pick it up now its worth it! Expand
  18. Mar 24, 2013
    Below Is A List Of The Songs And A Score Out Of 10
    Overall A Good Debut!

    Your Love Is My Drug 10/10
    Tik Tok 10/10
    Take It Off 10/10
    Ki$$ N Tell 9/10
    $tephen 8/10
    Blah Blah Blah 7/10
    Hungover 10/10
    Party At A Rich Dude'$ Hou$e 9/10
    Back$tabber 6/10
    Blind 8/10
    DINO$AUR 7/10
    Dancing With Tear$ In My Eye$ 8/10
    Boot$ And Boy$ 7/10
    Animal 10/10
  19. Mar 24, 2013
    If you overlook the intense autotune use, this album was actually very good. Ke$ha shows the world it's okay to be crazy and fun loving, with humorous lyrics and catchy beats.
  20. Jan 19, 2013
    Nice debut album from Ke$ha that managed to deliver a string of hits. It's pure party pop music, and sure Ke$ha might not have the best voice but it's a fun album and full of catchy songs. Worth buying :)
  21. Dec 7, 2012
    If you are a fan of the over-use of auto-tune, bad songwriting, and horrible vocal skills, then this truly is the album for you. However, if u have "ears" like the rest of us do, then it is not.
  22. Aug 15, 2012
    This is a great tornado of destruction. The auto-tune is the great emperor in the crisp voice of Ke$ha, creating an eerie echo and thundering. Tracks like "Tik Tok" and "Blah, Blah, Blah" are simply sharp arrows going at high speed directly to your eardrums. Just say, disappointing.
  23. Aug 4, 2012
    The songs on Animal are catchy, but a lot of them are too similar and generic. Ke$ha does display a lot of personality on the album. Although there was a bit too much auto-tune, one thing I liked seemed to pop up on a few of the songs' final hooks: the way her vocals were layered (on Animal, DWTIME, KnT, Blind). Unfortunately, Ke$ha doesn't display as much talent as she has.
  24. Jul 22, 2012
    The songs on this album don't differ much in sound, but they are catchy throughout the whole album. Most of them show some kind of lack of intelligent lyrics, but the album is still good enough to have several good moments (Take It Off, Backstabber and Dancing With Tears in My Eyes).
  25. May 19, 2012
    There are many earworms on this album, but Kesha's delivery is the same in each song. It's part of her appeal, but it gets old quite fast. Once again I keep admiring the people who wrote these songs (it's not easy to write light pop songs that you can hum after hearing them once) rather than the performer. And after seeing Kesha live at some TV shows, it's clear that she needs autotune forThere are many earworms on this album, but Kesha's delivery is the same in each song. It's part of her appeal, but it gets old quite fast. Once again I keep admiring the people who wrote these songs (it's not easy to write light pop songs that you can hum after hearing them once) rather than the performer. And after seeing Kesha live at some TV shows, it's clear that she needs autotune for more than just a cool sound effect. Expand
  26. Mar 25, 2012
    Well............not good. I Like a lot "Take it Off", but not the other songs.... the sound is the same in all the songs... the kind of album with 2 hits and no substance, like LMFAO's "Sorry for party rocking" but better.
    ( sorry for my English )
  27. Dec 15, 2011
    A Glittery- Pop- Auto-tune Mess with awful hooks and childish lyrics. She brings absolutely nothing new to the Pop table and appeals primarily to pre-teenage girls who could care less about its terrible lyrics. Granted there is a decent song in there in "Animal" but the record as a whole is beyond awful.
  28. Dec 11, 2011
    Talk about filler! There are only 6 good tracks, the 4 singles, her appearance on the Taio Cruz record dirty picture and 1 album track called kiss and tell. The other 10 songs sound exactly the same and even the youth of today would cringe at the lyrics and the production could of been done by children. The only reason why I give it a 4 is because 6 of the tracks are good. If I was you ITalk about filler! There are only 6 good tracks, the 4 singles, her appearance on the Taio Cruz record dirty picture and 1 album track called kiss and tell. The other 10 songs sound exactly the same and even the youth of today would cringe at the lyrics and the production could of been done by children. The only reason why I give it a 4 is because 6 of the tracks are good. If I was you I would just buy the 5 singles. Expand
  29. Oct 7, 2011
    This CD Should Of Won ALBUM OF THE YEAR! A Great Debut Album, Almost As Good As Katy Perry's One Of The Boys.
    Kesha "Ke$ha" Sebert Has A Very Different Sound Than Anyone I Have Ever Heard.. I Don't Care What Other People Say "She Can't Sing Live Withought Autotune" Yes It Sounds Different... But Still Good!
    Below Is A Score Of Every Song On Ke$ha's Debut Album: Animal Your Love Is My
    This CD Should Of Won ALBUM OF THE YEAR! A Great Debut Album, Almost As Good As Katy Perry's One Of The Boys.
    Kesha "Ke$ha" Sebert Has A Very Different Sound Than Anyone I Have Ever Heard.. I Don't Care What Other People Say "She Can't Sing Live Withought Autotune" Yes It Sounds Different... But Still Good!
    Below Is A Score Of Every Song On Ke$ha's Debut Album: Animal
    Your Love Is My Drug 10/10
    Tik Tok 9/10
    Take It Off 9/10
    Ki$$ And Tell 8/10
    Stephen 9/10
    Blah Blah Blah (The Hardest Song To Score.. I Hate The Guys.... K$ Does Fine) 8/10
    Hungover 10/10
    Party At A Rich Dudes House 8/10
    Blind 9/10
    D.I.N.A.$.A.U.R. (Best Lyrics) 10/10
    Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 8/10
    Boots & Boys (The Worst Song On The CD 6/10)
    Animal (BEST VOCALS & The BEST SONG ON THE CD!) 10/10
  30. Sep 10, 2011
    Many say this album was "the best of 2010" or "the best way to begin the new decade". I beg to differ. Very few of these songs here are actually enjoyable. Actually, I can't think of one that I truly, solidly enjoyed. "Your Love Is My Drug", "TiK ToK", "Blah Blah Blah", and "Take It Off" are all stupid.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. It’s hard to remember the last time an album so flat and vacuous generated such a buzz.
  2. Here he frames her Valley Girl sneer with electro-glam arrangements that make brushing one's teeth ''with a bottle of Jack'' sound like an awesome way to kill the morning-after blues.
  3. Ke$ha's tipsy lilt allows her to effortlessly shift from half-singing to half-talking, a technique that makes her vocals carom like shiny pinballs against the crazy beats and sound effects that make up these tracks. She never gets bogged down or sounds like she's trying too hard.