• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Nov 23, 2021
    Clocking in at nine tracks and 31 minutes, Mars and Paak are in and out, delivering their best impression of ’70s funk, soul and R&B — albeit each track is so spit polished and clean, it noticeably lacks the raw charm of the original. But that in no way means An Evening With Silk Sonic doesn’t have its merits.
  2. 80
    Yes, it’s all cheesy as a vat of fondue. But it’s also a lot of fun.
  3. Nov 16, 2021
    An Evening With Silk Sonic lives up to its billing as a true experience: it’s sexy, ever-so-smooth, and radiates confidence and charisma. ... An Evening With Silk Sonic marks the pinnacle of Bruno Mars’ and Anderson .Paak’s respective musical careers.
  4. Nov 16, 2021
    An Evening with Silk Sonic works because these two artists know how to complement each other extraordinarily well. Hopefully, down the line, they will work to reinvent the wheel instead of merely paying homage to it. But in the meantime, the world should just enjoy the pithy musings of this lively pair.
  5. Nov 16, 2021
    “Leave the Door Open,” “After Last Night,” and “Smokin Out the Window” are among the highlights, slathering elevated technique—all those key changes—with satisfying molten cheese.
  6. Nov 15, 2021
    Not one second on the album goes to waste. It's an efficient half-hour endeavour where every song, (save for the rousing intro), sounds like the grand finale of an epic live production.
  7. Nov 15, 2021
    Wisely, at just a half hour in length, the album doesn’t outstay its welcome, and although not every song is great, the vibe carries through from end to end — and once it’s over there’s no way you’re not playing it again.
  8. 83
    The pair are clearly having fun with their loverman shtick here — a knowing throwback to a more-cowbell era when all the cars were Monte Carlos, the lamps were lava, and #MeToo was but a distant, joy-killing dream. Mostly that comes through with an obvious wink; other times it lands somewhere between Pepé Le Pew and Ron Burgundy on the self-awareness scale.
  9. 100
    On ‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’, the magic is in the way that the music moves: the songs are radiant and full of joy, formed from the synergy of two relentlessly creative minds. The album glows with appreciation for the simple but irreplaceable power of working alongside someone you trust and respect like no other — and it sounds as effortless and rewarding as an old friendship.
  10. Nov 12, 2021
    The result is the most enjoyable record Mars has been a part of — a glorious excuse to turn out the lights, break out the bubbly and let the sublime power of their almost troublingly uncanny retro verisimilitude work its mimetic magic on your soul and mind.
  11. Nov 12, 2021
    [Mars and Paak] flaunt skill, effort and scholarship, like teacher’s pets winning a science-fair prize; they also sound like they’re having a great time. Silk Sonic comes across as a continuation for Mars and a playfully affectionate tangent for Paak.
  12. Nov 12, 2021
    The duo's playfulness here verges on hammy at times -- more often than on their solo recordings. The trade-off is that they push each other into new levels of showmanship without pandering to the audience. Besides, there's some genuinely witty stuff here.
  13. Nov 12, 2021
    That the groove will be locked down is never in question. Silk Sonic are gonna do what Silk Sonic are gonna do. The only question is whether you or the unnamed love interest are joining them. And you should. 'An Evening With Silk Sonic' is a real good time.
  14. Nov 12, 2021
    Every track hits, and this album will certainly leave people clamoring for more.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 333 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 333
  1. Nov 12, 2021
    This album is phenomenal because the vibe is insane in probably every song !
    My favorite one is Put on a smile, this actually game me the
    This album is phenomenal because the vibe is insane in probably every song !
    My favorite one is Put on a smile, this actually game me the biggest smile of 2021 this was so amazing, Instrumental and flow is spot on. i am fund of the groove.
    Probably 2021's Aoty.
    Full Review »
  2. Nov 12, 2021
    Uma delícia de álbum, com elementos que se encaixam perfeitamente. Anderson e Bruno fazem com que suas vozes sejam um pedaço do céu. Álbum doUma delícia de álbum, com elementos que se encaixam perfeitamente. Anderson e Bruno fazem com que suas vozes sejam um pedaço do céu. Álbum do ano, sem dúvidas. Full Review »
  3. Nov 12, 2021
    amazing, incredible mindblowing. congrets bruno and anderson, you never cease to amaze me.