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Universal acclaim- based on 201 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 201

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  1. JamesH.
    Jan 11, 2008
  2. JoshN
    Nov 5, 2007
    Jay Z hits hard with his new album. Much much better than Kingdom Come, though it is still not his best. Vintage Jay-z. If that's what you want, enjoy this album for what it is worth
  3. Fufa
    Nov 6, 2007
    this cd Is crazy I guess everybody is a jay fan again right ? Damn that's crazy.
  4. SashaR.
    Nov 6, 2007
    I dont usually like jay, but this is a master piece right here.
  5. [Anonymous]
    Nov 7, 2007
    Excellent album. And no, this isn't a Kanye record. First of all, it's a pro rapping, not a producer. Secondly, if you think Hov is taking a page from Kanye, you obviously have not heard Reasonable Doubt.
  6. leyod.
    Nov 8, 2007
    jigga back dis rite here iz fire
  7. StanP.
    Jan 2, 2008
    Clearly one of jay's better albums...he makes the reappearance most were hopig for in kingdom come, which I feel wasn't one of his best albums but it was kind shaking off the rust. the American gangsta album has several hits and after watchin the movie it makes one appreciate the album more. if you don't appreciate the album watch the movie and then listen. I believe Clearly one of jay's better albums...he makes the reappearance most were hopig for in kingdom come, which I feel wasn't one of his best albums but it was kind shaking off the rust. the American gangsta album has several hits and after watchin the movie it makes one appreciate the album more. if you don't appreciate the album watch the movie and then listen. I believe someone else stated that jay-z is a story teller and this is a rapped story about the hustle of frank lucas as well as jay-z. Expand
  8. DonlaW.
    Mar 17, 2008
    Let's be real about something here. Almost every album Hov puts out has the potential to become a hit. Nothing will ever be bigger than his Blueprint, but this album cuts it pretty close. It's quite different seeing that the entire theme is based on the hit movie. From what most of us know, he's the first to do this. I've listened to every track and as he promised Let's be real about something here. Almost every album Hov puts out has the potential to become a hit. Nothing will ever be bigger than his Blueprint, but this album cuts it pretty close. It's quite different seeing that the entire theme is based on the hit movie. From what most of us know, he's the first to do this. I've listened to every track and as he promised before he released it, it would be one to remember. Sleeping on this album is like going backwards on a highway. Expand
  9. ricky
    Nov 10, 2007
    this album is just great. all-round.
  10. Blake
    Nov 6, 2007
    A Brilliant Masterpiece!!! You Go Hova!!!
  11. SumT
    Nov 6, 2007
    An awesome album when you compare it to the other more comercial albums being released now. His best since Blueprint, maybe even better.
  12. HarveyW.
    Nov 6, 2007
  13. GangstaD
    Nov 6, 2007
    One of Jiggas best albums. Best album since The Blueprint and in some cases better. Period.
  14. AmberC.
    Nov 6, 2007
    HOV proves again why he'll never be irrelevant! I love him and this is the best him we've seen in a while!! ROC IS IN THE HOUSE!!
  15. LarryC.
    Nov 6, 2007
    This is black superhero music! Some are suited for retirement. Others are not. I thank God, as a true rap and Hip Hop fan, that Jay-Z is the latter. HOV returned to recording with his pop-laden Kingdom Come. Full of deeper meaning and more conscious lines and messages than typical for the Greatest MC rap knows, Kingdom Come failed to hit with his true followers.
  16. Dontrelle
    Nov 7, 2007
    A great album by the greatest MC in the world!! Probably, my choice for album of the year. It's that good.
  17. TranquilD.
    Nov 7, 2007
    This is vintage Jay-z, the flow, the concept, even production is sick. Except for Hello Brooklyn 2.0 every track is timeless, so glad to have Hov' back. ITS UR BOY!!
  18. Anthony
    Nov 8, 2007
    This Album real dread y'll and coming from the Caribbean (Trinidad & Tobago).
  19. JordanB.
    Nov 9, 2007
    "American Gangster" is up there with Jay's first album "Reasonable Doubt." Jay-Z is definitely one of the best and most consistent hip hop artists of all time.
  20. Landong.
    Nov 9, 2007
    best album since the blueprint.
  21. Ryu
    Dec 1, 2007
    Quite good. Hip hop(rap) is still dying though.
  22. BobF.
    Dec 2, 2007
    Stop hating! This is a great album.
  23. kd
    Dec 9, 2007
    A hip-hop masterpeice. Every song hits its mark.
  24. ajayd
    Sep 11, 2009
    Stop tryin to compare this to lupe...lupe has nothing on Jay. THis album is a hip hop master piece.
  25. ADub
    Nov 10, 2007
    bringing it back to reasonable doubt and blueprint. this album is his 3rd best. very soulful and diddy finally is back on his game. fluid album.
  26. AC
    Nov 19, 2007
    My boy Jigga is back for more and what an incredible effort it is!! "American Gangster" is without a doubt a brilliant achievement by him and in my opinion just as good as his classic LP "The Blueprint". "Pray" is by far the best track in the whole entire album but don't get me wrong, all the songs are solid and catchy. All in all, this is in my Top 3 favorite of the year, right up My boy Jigga is back for more and what an incredible effort it is!! "American Gangster" is without a doubt a brilliant achievement by him and in my opinion just as good as his classic LP "The Blueprint". "Pray" is by far the best track in the whole entire album but don't get me wrong, all the songs are solid and catchy. All in all, this is in my Top 3 favorite of the year, right up there with Interpol's "Our Love To Admire" and Arcade Fire's "Neaon Bible". A must buy for any true music fan. Expand
  27. DevarG.
    Nov 5, 2007
    Great album. 10/10. Its good to see Jay release a solid album. I'll give it a few months before declaring that its a classic though.
  28. Cat
    Nov 6, 2007
    Just as good as the Blueprint and Reasonable Doubt!! Best rap album of the year, by far. I highly recommend!!
  29. DamienD
    Nov 6, 2007
    The coolest album of the year, nuff said.
  30. Ric
    Nov 6, 2007
    This album is the ish.
  31. son.
    Nov 6, 2007
    A great bounce back effort after Kingdom Come.
  32. briann.
    Nov 7, 2007
    jay gets his swagger back on this one, fresh drop. cop it quick.
  33. Drake
    Nov 7, 2007
    A strong contender for album of the year! Truly brilliant stuff here!
  34. Gill
    Nov 8, 2007
    Just as good as "The Blueprint" and "Reasonable Doubt". One of the best all around records of 07.
  35. TraeG.
    Nov 21, 2007
    Anyone who thinks Jay is "coasting" on this record, obviously doesn't (truly) listen to lyrics. Even without breaking a whole lot of new ground, as far as lyrical content goes, American Gangster is still light years beyond what most rap artists are content to put their name on these days (lyrically or otherwise). Even more refreshing is how sonically bold the tracks are. Rock Star, Anyone who thinks Jay is "coasting" on this record, obviously doesn't (truly) listen to lyrics. Even without breaking a whole lot of new ground, as far as lyrical content goes, American Gangster is still light years beyond what most rap artists are content to put their name on these days (lyrically or otherwise). Even more refreshing is how sonically bold the tracks are. Rock Star, indeed. While some long for an album where Jay sits down and writes his lyrics while pain-stakingly constructing an album over a 2 to 3-year period, American Gangster makes it clear that musical inspiration and spontaneity are as much a part of his genius as lyrical ability. Expand
  36. Aug 22, 2011
    This album is excellent. Every tracks is on the topic of being an "American gangster" it sounded more like classic Jay Z then "kingdom come" Jay Z. This album proves why Jay Z is one of the best rappers of all time.
  37. Aug 15, 2019
    It’s not for everybody, but if you loved reasonable doubt and Blueprint sprinkled with that Bad Boy Biggie street storytelling beatstyle. This is for you, and your looking familiar.
  38. MichaelE.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Exceptional. One of the best albums of the year. Definitely better than the disappointing "Kingdom Come". This is the calibar of material that we've come to expect from Jay Z.
  39. JoeL
    Nov 7, 2007
    A Classic when judged against todays music
  40. UNReal101
    Nov 8, 2007
    Every lyric, every beat, every calculated step of this album comes together to pull off an excellent journey through the mind of Frank Lucas & the feel of the 1970s. Haven't heard something this entertaining since 'Hip Hop is Dead' from NaS... well there was also Kanye's ish, but this is a real Hip Hop album.
  41. JayO.
    Nov 10, 2007
    First time through the album, I didn't think there was much there. Obviously tracks like 'No hook', 'Ignorant Sh*t', and 'Fallin'' stood out right away. However, after the third time listening to the album, I was hooked on every single song. 'American Gangster' is an amazing C.D. and a great complement to, not only the movie by the same First time through the album, I didn't think there was much there. Obviously tracks like 'No hook', 'Ignorant Sh*t', and 'Fallin'' stood out right away. However, after the third time listening to the album, I was hooked on every single song. 'American Gangster' is an amazing C.D. and a great complement to, not only the movie by the same name, all those who grew up and the lived that street life. Expand
  42. Kevin
    Nov 13, 2007
    This CD is really good, i'm glad he could recover from his last couple of cds. I like the feel of this album...
  43. EthanH.
    Nov 5, 2007
    Fantastic album; his best since "The Blueprint".
  44. MarquesH
    Nov 6, 2007
    Jay-Z went back to his roots on this one. There are no pop hits on this album. It is a grind/gridy album which put meaning back into gangsta sh*t. Buy this album. You will not be disappointed.
  45. RachaelW.
    Nov 7, 2007
    Jay-Z is back! Making the old new ... SOLID album. He got some really good beats from the Neptunes and the others... all i have to say is "ANd I don't need a hook for this SH*T1" - and he didn't on that track.
  46. Travis
    Nov 8, 2007
    You can't help but feel like he's got a swagger again. Not like he ever lost that, but its back to a "Imaginary Players" and "Dead Presidents" level of being versatile and cool as hell at the same time. Not like it was bad, but Kingdom Come and American Gangster are like night and day. KC feeling like it was just thrown together with A-List musicians added in, and American You can't help but feel like he's got a swagger again. Not like he ever lost that, but its back to a "Imaginary Players" and "Dead Presidents" level of being versatile and cool as hell at the same time. Not like it was bad, but Kingdom Come and American Gangster are like night and day. KC feeling like it was just thrown together with A-List musicians added in, and American Gangster has a flow to it, something that adds to it. It's a sick album, and although it isn't on a "classic" level, it's new Jay, and that alone deserves a purchase in a time where most out there don't. Expand
  47. BarryM.
    Jan 10, 2008
    Amazing. Jay is back on top form after a disappointment with Kingdom Come.
  48. AlexS.
    Nov 14, 2007
    I luv dis artist!
  49. GiovanniR.
    Nov 27, 2007
    First impressions: The content did not pull me out of my seat with any immediacy--though, the production was refreshing compared to the trendy beats that are often scantily thrown about on radio stations and clubs. I enjoyed the gritty feel of the entire album--generally, the work was consistent. The beginning of the album begins slowly, urging the listeners to actually listen. This album First impressions: The content did not pull me out of my seat with any immediacy--though, the production was refreshing compared to the trendy beats that are often scantily thrown about on radio stations and clubs. I enjoyed the gritty feel of the entire album--generally, the work was consistent. The beginning of the album begins slowly, urging the listeners to actually listen. This album is meant to tell a story about an American Gangster and Jay-Z succeeds in telling the stories of two of them: himself and Frank Lucas. Context of this album is very important in order to fully appreciate it. As the album is a soundtrack of sorts to the movie, the listening value increases much more when the scenes of American Gangster the movie parallel the Jay-Z's lyrics in American Gangster the album. The album struck me as just another coked out album about hustle, ego, and hard-earned success with at least satisfactory production initially. But, watching American Gangster the film helped to add more dimensions to appreciate when listening to the ruggedly freestyled verses of Jay-Z. American Gangster may not be worth its entire price outright, but after the expectations have gone and genuine listening takes over, American Gangster gradually repays your initial investment on those late night drives by your lonesome. Expand
  50. CJAn
    Nov 5, 2007
    Another classic from the god mc.
  51. JamesS.
    Nov 5, 2007
    Epic album.
  52. PIJ.
    Nov 6, 2007
    He's back...perfectly sequenced and a great fit to his collection of 'classics'
  53. AjayD
    Sep 25, 2008
    People need to shut up about Lupe, Jay has nothing on him! losers! This Album is superb, This got me into Rap and Jay-z! His Verses and flow is sick! The beats are soulful and compliment the lyrics. It tells a story, not just hate music! I would recommend it any rap fan!
  54. StevenS.
    Nov 29, 2007
    I definetly think this is the best album of the year. kanyes album was hot but it just didnt feel like a kanye album he didnt come the way i expected. Jay on the other hand came waayyyy better then i expected. i thought it was another kingdom come when i heard it but after listning to it every song except hello brooklyn and blue magic grew on me. As far as a complete album its the bestI definetly think this is the best album of the year. kanyes album was hot but it just didnt feel like a kanye album he didnt come the way i expected. Jay on the other hand came waayyyy better then i expected. i thought it was another kingdom come when i heard it but after listning to it every song except hello brooklyn and blue magic grew on me. As far as a complete album its the best since blueprint 1. Expand
  55. KurisuM.
    Nov 13, 2007
    Above average album, Not as well put together as The Streets (Mike Skinner) album A Grand Don't Come for Free... similar concept from a couple years back. The album is meant to be more of a story... as opposed to seperate tracks, you're listening to seperate chapters. Decent overall, worth the buy.
  56. Fantasy
    Nov 7, 2007
    Good movie with outstanding peformances by Denzel, Ruby Dee, and Russell. Denzel's wife was totally miscast and without chemistry.
  57. NajehD.
    Nov 7, 2007
    One of the top 3 rap albums this year along with Chamillionaire and Talib Kweli. Nice bounce back from Jigga.
  58. DavidA
    Nov 9, 2007
    Considering how he supposedly put the album together with the quickness, and it still came out pretty damn good, he gets more credit. But if you want to compare with his latest, I think it's as good as Kindom Come, but not as good as the Black Album or The Blue Prints.
  59. JiggyW.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Much, much better than Kingdom Come. Jay-Z's best album since the Blueprint. Consider this his real comeback album.
  60. johnS.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Is it me or has the teacher become the student? Catchy, soul driven beats and a slowed flow, this sounds like a Kayne album, not that that's necessarily a bad thing. i'm just sayin'.
  61. GeraldW
    Nov 7, 2007
    Hovie hits us with some slammin' tracks but when he passed the torch to Kanye, he really passed the torch. Listening to American Gangster was a real experience but ultimately it takes the silver to Graduation's gold.
  62. ToryH.
    Nov 13, 2007
    A great album but it falls just short of a classic. The forgettable "Hello Brooklyn" is one of the worst songs, not just for Jay, but ever. However, the rest of the albums songs rate from solid to simply outstanding. The Neptunes produced "I Know" doesn't immediately stand out as exceptional but the running metaphor is reminscent of the Blueprint's bonus track "Breathe A great album but it falls just short of a classic. The forgettable "Hello Brooklyn" is one of the worst songs, not just for Jay, but ever. However, the rest of the albums songs rate from solid to simply outstanding. The Neptunes produced "I Know" doesn't immediately stand out as exceptional but the running metaphor is reminscent of the Blueprint's bonus track "Breathe Easy"/"Lyrical Exercise". After a poor (by his standards) Kingdom Come, Jay stepped his game up and this is easily his 3rd best album to date. Expand
  63. Jul 18, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  64. K-SeanN
    Nov 8, 2007
    good album.. but nowhere near graduation
  65. KingZ.
    Nov 13, 2007
    So Jay-Z didn't completely fall off. It's nowhere near my favorite album of his, but I'm damn happy to not hear another 'Kingdom Come'. It's a little stale but I think that if he does another after this, it has a chance to actually be a great album.
  66. Wash
    Nov 25, 2007
    On his latest, Jay-Z hopes to create a secondary soundtrack to the film "American Gangster" by lyricizing his own experiences... too bad he already did it perfectly with 1996's "Reasonable Doubt," the smoky-sounding masterpiece that introduced him to us. "American Gangster" doesn't rank in his top 5, but he redeems himself nicely from the musical ED that was "Kingdom Come" by On his latest, Jay-Z hopes to create a secondary soundtrack to the film "American Gangster" by lyricizing his own experiences... too bad he already did it perfectly with 1996's "Reasonable Doubt," the smoky-sounding masterpiece that introduced him to us. "American Gangster" doesn't rank in his top 5, but he redeems himself nicely from the musical ED that was "Kingdom Come" by using better beats and a less ostentatious swagger. Highlights include "No Hook," "Ignorant Sh*t" with Beanie Sigel and "Success," where he narrowly upstages former rival Nas. "Hello Brooklyn" disappoints with a garbled hook and lackadaisical verse from Lil Wayne; considering the talent on the song, it easily should have been Jay's best song since "99 Problems" and the single of the year. Unfortunately, two sub-par albums after his "Black Album" makes one wonder: we know hip-hop has always come easily to Mr. Carter, but is he now underestimating the amount of effort he needs to put into it? Expand
  67. footclan
    Nov 8, 2007
    Best thing on the album is the Intro. Beats sound too similar. Yes the album is more raw. But no killer hook, expect better from jigga. A little overated this album.
  68. Aug 26, 2013
    American Gangster, Jay-Z’s tenth studio album, is the unofficial soundtrack to Ridley Scott’s movie of the same name, but it is absolutely no concept album. I’m aware that the New York rapper wanted his audience to believe this and he even ‘forbid’ iTunes to sell the individual songs on their own, but there is no continuity at all, it follows the same desultory formula as every other ofAmerican Gangster, Jay-Z’s tenth studio album, is the unofficial soundtrack to Ridley Scott’s movie of the same name, but it is absolutely no concept album. I’m aware that the New York rapper wanted his audience to believe this and he even ‘forbid’ iTunes to sell the individual songs on their own, but there is no continuity at all, it follows the same desultory formula as every other of his albums before and after it. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but promoting it as one is and made me resent Jay-Z. However, I managed to get over that disappointment and then, American Gangster really is a fine record and not only in comparison to his previous album, Kingdom Come. A multitude of able producers, a good general message, and most of all Mr. Carter’s rapping skills make it absolutely worth listening to and an entertaining hour of hip hop that can entertain you more than just once. There are only rare instances in which Jay-Z shows off his ingenuity in rapping No Hook, I Know, and Blue Magic but even the indifferent tracks are still above average when likened to other hip hop songs in this day and age. And while that does prove that Mr. Carter is one of the best rappers alive, it’s also undeniable that this is far behind of what he’s able to do the worst song on The Black Album is better than the best one on American Gangster. Expand
  69. M.Mahar
    Nov 7, 2007
    This is such a copy of the movie, "American Gangster." I prefer the movie over the album. Jay-Z is such a copy cat!
  70. jkm.
    Feb 5, 2008
    I'm tired of this getting put of Lupe the cool but its really not that good you could jay z on anything and it will sell doesn't mean that its good
  71. RyanA
    Nov 5, 2007
    Here is a guy who has made a life off of producing and rapping, not off kill and selling coke; the pretending has got to stop somewhere. Jay-Z has the capability to produce much better than this. That's not to say this album is with out merit, there are some decent songs scattered throughout, but nothing ground breaking. This album missed the mark. Better luck next time.
  72. LouisP.
    Nov 13, 2007
    Seems I am one of the few that realizes that this time out, Jay-Z is not only dumbing it down but phoning it in. The producers fill the album with amazing head-knodders, bringing there best beats to the table but Jay-Z's material hardly regsisters. I hoped for a throwback album, on par with the days of "Resonable Doubt", what I found is the wordsmith has lost his way. With lyrics Seems I am one of the few that realizes that this time out, Jay-Z is not only dumbing it down but phoning it in. The producers fill the album with amazing head-knodders, bringing there best beats to the table but Jay-Z's material hardly regsisters. I hoped for a throwback album, on par with the days of "Resonable Doubt", what I found is the wordsmith has lost his way. With lyrics that barely flow and content that doesn't regsister on even a simplistic level, "American Gangster" is the first time Jay-Z doesn't only fail his audience, but himself. This album is nothing but a cash-grab hooked on the tail of a hit movie. He should be ashamed of himself. Expand
  73. PJB.
    Jan 27, 2008
    People hated on Kingdom Come, so now we get this pile of filler. I am still amazed how so many publications gave this album such high scores, when the only people who could really enjoy this album are those who never listen to hip-hop. This album is primarily produced by two of Puff Daddy's underlings, LV & and Sean C, who are also responsible for the disappointing Big Doe Rehab People hated on Kingdom Come, so now we get this pile of filler. I am still amazed how so many publications gave this album such high scores, when the only people who could really enjoy this album are those who never listen to hip-hop. This album is primarily produced by two of Puff Daddy's underlings, LV & and Sean C, who are also responsible for the disappointing Big Doe Rehab (Ghostface). Their beats are AWFUL. Generic soul samples with no variation or innovation make listening to this album a chore. It's almost pathetic to hear Jay-Z rapping about selling coke and cooking up drugs when he's been out of the ghetto since 1995. The only real highlight of this album is an appearance by Nas, who outshines Jay-Z not just on that track, but the whole album. Frankly, I don't know why Nas every squashed the beef between them. I would hate Jay-Z too if he was making millions claiming to be the best, while I was the true lyrical king of New York who only got respect from white boys and rock critics. Expand
  74. Ralph...
    Nov 5, 2007
    jay z has become a one dimensional artist. the album fails to carry any substance. his lyrics are mediocre and he fails to paint pictures or showcase and true artistry as an mc. pray, noo hook and fallin are the good tracks. nas had a great verse on success but the beat and jays blatant biting of eminems rhymes make the track an underwhelming experience.
  75. JonnisJ.
    Nov 18, 2007
    It's a stinker. The beats are pukealicious.
  76. ChrisC.
    Nov 22, 2007
    Jay Z has always said he is "the best". However if you truly do listen to his lyrics, you will realize that many of them are taken directly from *real* rappers. He has copied lyrics from the likes of Tupac and Biggie.. most of the time verbatim, and makes into his "own" song which gives him money. This album also features lil wayne. Two terrible rappers on one track. The only good song on Jay Z has always said he is "the best". However if you truly do listen to his lyrics, you will realize that many of them are taken directly from *real* rappers. He has copied lyrics from the likes of Tupac and Biggie.. most of the time verbatim, and makes into his "own" song which gives him money. This album also features lil wayne. Two terrible rappers on one track. The only good song on this CD features Nas. Nas begins to rap and he basically steals this song. If you truly love hip hop you already know this is crap. I am just trying to inform people that this is what makes rap bad. Expand
  77. SérgioF.
    Nov 15, 2007
    I don't quite appreciate Jay's music and this album can prove his lack of talent
  78. Apr 10, 2011
    Dude always calls himself the "Best" and that's exactly why he is not the best. He brags so f****kin much, i can call at least three rappers am 100% sure are far better than him (Eminem, Andre 300, Nas). Am only giving this a two because of the two songs i like( Roc Boys and Success) outside those two, The rest=Garbage !!!
  79. AaronM
    Nov 10, 2007
    This CD is pure garbage. I don't know what you all are smoking. There is not one hit song on this CD and the production value is so poor, it's ridiculous! Jay should have stopped at the Black Album. Ever since, his flow has been breezy and choppy, and his arrogance won't carry him like a Kanye album.
  80. whathuh
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought this guy retired...

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Feb 4, 2011
    It's excellent, to be honest. Jay-Z sounds relaxed and comfortable in his legacy on the mic: he's not feeling as pressed to perform as he did on Kingdom Come, and the MC just lets his talent flow effortlessly.
  2. This is a very good Jay-Z album. He is, for the most part, doing what he has done before: what he does best.
  3. There are also sparse, programmed beats from the Neptunes and lesser-knowns like No I.D., with Jay-Z fixing his flow accordingly. What unites the collection more than a specific sound is a narrative arc that loosely parallels Lucas' rise and decline.