• Record Label: Maverick
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 68
  2. Negative: 7 out of 68

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  1. robl
    Jan 17, 2005
    first two tracks are good - after that it tails off into confused mediocrity. Christ, the chemical brothers did the oasis/dance crossover ides ages ago. I wonder what all the discarded stuff sounded like - sorry but baby's got a temper was better than most of this!
  2. DanN
    Oct 13, 2004
    Has anyone who reviewed this album poorly every listened to any pre-'Fat of the Land' Prodigy? Me thinks not. This is a great amalgamation of Music for the Jilted Generation and Fat of the Land without borrowing too much from either album. What do you people want, another Firestarter? This is one of the better dance albums of the past few years...Liam Howlett on his worst day is Has anyone who reviewed this album poorly every listened to any pre-'Fat of the Land' Prodigy? Me thinks not. This is a great amalgamation of Music for the Jilted Generation and Fat of the Land without borrowing too much from either album. What do you people want, another Firestarter? This is one of the better dance albums of the past few years...Liam Howlett on his worst day is better than 95% of producers out there.. Expand
  3. adamb
    Oct 7, 2004
    i dont know why this cd is being smashed by critics but from my point of view it is plain simple excellent waste no more time go get it
  4. ScientiztD
    May 11, 2005
    This is the worst Prodigy album ever, i am a hardcore prodigy fan from the first beginning and not commercially minded. This is only a collection of samples glued together like i heard one of the local wizzkids could do better, only spitfire had a bit of edge, the rest is crappy. It just lackes the typical prodigy attitude. It scares me, whats going on?
  5. MacM
    Oct 2, 2004
    This is nothing short of a woeful Hardknox tribute. Girls is one of the best singles of the year but the rest of this is embarrassingly bad.
  6. FudoM
    Sep 13, 2004
    Not as bad as the press it's getting. Fans will not be disappointed, and this is aimed at them anyway. There's some real stormers, there's a lot that's new, and it's still better than 99% of the drivel being produced right now. It's not Fat of the Land, but it still satisfies in a way that only Prodigy can.
  7. Sameer
    Sep 15, 2004
    Ok ok...so its no Fat of the Land. I have to admit that when i first bought this album, i seriously considered returning it...but i gave it chance, and stopped trying to hear "Fat of the Land in my Head". What you have to realise is that even though Liam has kept the name The Prodigy, its not..at all. This is a Solo...kind of like Wyclef from the Fugees or whatever the case may be. So Ok ok...so its no Fat of the Land. I have to admit that when i first bought this album, i seriously considered returning it...but i gave it chance, and stopped trying to hear "Fat of the Land in my Head". What you have to realise is that even though Liam has kept the name The Prodigy, its not..at all. This is a Solo...kind of like Wyclef from the Fugees or whatever the case may be. So listen to it as such and maybe you might just find yourself, as i did, tapping along and adding it to your collection. Expand
  8. diablom
    Sep 28, 2004
    Garbage. Half-baked and half-arsed.
  9. JamesW
    Sep 30, 2004
    I believe this is one of the greatest Prodigy albums available, second only to Gilted Generation. How anyone can rate this album bad is beyond me. Put your headphones in, turn up the volume and appreciate it for what it is. Don't judge form the comments on this page, look further and you will find it has many great reviews!!
  10. mattr
    Jan 26, 2005
    "heavier than metallica, more punk than punk itself"
  11. jacobm
    May 20, 2005
    I was thrilled when they finally released another album, and they definately delivered! Sure a few tracks (4 to be exact) aren't enjoyable for me, the other 8 are fucking rad; meant to be played at high decibals. I just don't understand the harsh reviews... this album is going to be a classic electronic album in my collection (along with Vegas, In Dust We Trust, Acid 8000, Music I was thrilled when they finally released another album, and they definately delivered! Sure a few tracks (4 to be exact) aren't enjoyable for me, the other 8 are fucking rad; meant to be played at high decibals. I just don't understand the harsh reviews... this album is going to be a classic electronic album in my collection (along with Vegas, In Dust We Trust, Acid 8000, Music for the Jilted Generation ETC.) Expand
  12. PaulF
    Jun 30, 2005
    I put off buying this album for so long. I loved FOTL but I just didn't think i'd enjoy an album that took such a panning by almost everyone, plus offloading keith flint & maxim reality. But how wrong was I? It was only when a mate played it full blast on his stereo that I came to realise how good it is. As soon as I heard Spitfire I just knew I'd love the rest of the I put off buying this album for so long. I loved FOTL but I just didn't think i'd enjoy an album that took such a panning by almost everyone, plus offloading keith flint & maxim reality. But how wrong was I? It was only when a mate played it full blast on his stereo that I came to realise how good it is. As soon as I heard Spitfire I just knew I'd love the rest of the album, and I did. Definately one to get. Expand
  13. yy
    Nov 23, 2006
    good fucking album.
  14. John.
    Jan 8, 2006
    wazz dis? u ppl dont understand dis da bomb? oke no joking around, i know this album uses alot of samples, but they do that anyways, n there was only 1 song i didnt like that much but sheesz, this album is friggin deadly (if u dont like, listen more than once retard)
  15. CameronS
    Oct 4, 2004
    Overall, no this album was not as great as it could have been. It one of the albums containing a few really good songs surrounded by crap. Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned also features a barrage of guest vocals - some of which made for good tracks. Others (like those with Juliette Lewis at the microphone) just hurt my ears. Essentially, you can get away with not buying this album, but Overall, no this album was not as great as it could have been. It one of the albums containing a few really good songs surrounded by crap. Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned also features a barrage of guest vocals - some of which made for good tracks. Others (like those with Juliette Lewis at the microphone) just hurt my ears. Essentially, you can get away with not buying this album, but you owe it to The Prodigy to give a listen. Expand
  16. Rico
    Sep 14, 2004
    This is an outdated mess. It's The Prodigy in name only. The spirit is gone. Ignore this and instead revisit the first 3 albums.
  17. philippel
    Sep 16, 2004
    This is simply 7 years too late. Awful.
  18. Beercan
    Sep 17, 2004
    Cover art: 7 "Songs": 3 Lyrics: 3 KaZaa: Priceless
  19. FlorianG
    Sep 20, 2004
    It's good that they are back! It's the worst album but the Girls single it's fantastic and that's about it...
  20. Kaz
    Jan 29, 2005
    I wish people who rated this album were prodigy fans from the start, not a fan of fat of the land. I can put the cd in my car and listen to it from start to end without skipping songs, which you can't do with about 99% of the other crap out there.
  21. franb
    Mar 14, 2005
    I just fucking like the album, most people seem 50/50, or worse, cant understand it
  22. Benk
    Apr 23, 2005
    This is a great album, i love it. Some of the songs i had to repeat over and over again constantly like Action Radar. There is 1 diapointment though Medusa's Path, what happened there!?
  23. MoysesN
    Sep 14, 2004
    Too much "more of the same".
  24. TristanL
    Sep 17, 2004
    Though not a classic this is eminently a grower and much better than the 40 given. Very good tracks abound, though a few are duff. Some classic hooks ARE present, despite what the critics say
  25. GrahamD
    Nov 26, 2005
    Definitely takes a few listens but a thoroughly enjoyable album. Give Liam Howlett some credit for this, its not easy creating an album with half a band! The beats are thick and fast and just because its not FOTL doesnt mean it should be dismissed. Its crazy how many crap reviews this has got...
  26. paul
    Feb 11, 2005
    Solid tunes, with two exceptions. Pure Prodigy material- could be made by no other. :)
  27. gdubya
    May 15, 2005
    Though grating and abrasive most of the time, at least one can't say Liam hasn't reinvented the Prodge's sound here on AONO. The "band" can only take a step backwards from perfection; after the first 2 brilliant albums, the better-than-average 3rd, and this puncher, hope still exists that Liam and crew will shine again.
  28. EdRM
    Jun 11, 2005
    An excellent record, fun and playful. Just becasue it is not as good and groundbreaking as "Fat of The Land" was, it is not bad. Why should Prodigy just make classics? Anyway, the basis of any pop culture is just make more of the same..
  29. May 25, 2012
    A truly weak record from a group that has an otherwise great catalogue of work. Two or three decent songs can't save an album full of questionable choices (Juliette Lewis on vocals) and melodies that just weren't appealing to me.
  30. Aug 22, 2013
    Not their best. but still goddamn great. It contains good tracks like "Spitfire", "Girls" or "You Will Be Under My Wheels", but not every song here is as great as these I mentioned.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 23
  2. Negative: 4 out of 23
  1. Los Angeles Times
    It's like a series of beats in search of a firestarter. [3 Oct 2004]
  2. If electroclash left you cold... then this is, idealistically, how it should have sounded.
  3. Q Magazine
    After all these years, is that it? [Sep 2004, p.110]