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Generally favorable reviews- based on 183 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 20 out of 183

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  1. LoLa
    Jul 21, 2007
    Really enjoyed some of her tracks......but listening to the album straight through is a straight bore. She has this nonchalant monotone voice that gets on your nerves after 4 songs.
  2. petec
    Aug 10, 2007
    I thought this album was really good! Its way different to other pop albums and Lily uses really new and unique lyrics! She also deals with issues which teens can relate to! Such as having an annoying sibling (Alfie) or finding out people arent true friends (friend of mine)! This is a must have album in my opinion!
  3. Nov 15, 2011
    The best of britpop began with this beautiful pin-up album from Lily Allen. She setted again the fire for the pop from the Great Britain, with different style. We get the best from her in 'Alfie', 'Smile' and 'LDN', songs that remind us from the very first beggining of the knockout of England, musically speaking.
  4. Apr 16, 2014
    I laughed a lot with this album. Lily just explores things through other points of view. She's literal: she doesn't need to say what she believes with metaphors, she just says what she feels with the words she feels. All tracks are catchy and lovely. Her voice is sweet, and the music is just great. I really enjoyed this album: it's hilariously good!
  5. Sep 9, 2015
    Though it feels quite derivative of pissy Brits that have come before, I LOVE PISSY BRITS! I find this album to be super fun and has a sound that feels like a breathe of fresh air. I love the pace of the album and each song has a special place for me... plus, I find the lyrics to be genuine, which is always what I'm looking for!
  6. Aug 6, 2013
    There are no bad songs on this album. This will always be my favorite CD and Lily will always be one of my favorite singers. The best track is probably "Friday Night".
  7. VincentH.
    Feb 20, 2007
    Good...but not great...and not anything close to a masterpiece, despite what some reviewers/hype-bloggers have been saying. I'd heard Smile on TV a few times here and there, and liked it, but it was really LDN that did it for me. This song is like a pop lover's wet-dream, so of course I loved it, but the rest of the album is kinda dissapointing. It's not necessarily bad at Good...but not great...and not anything close to a masterpiece, despite what some reviewers/hype-bloggers have been saying. I'd heard Smile on TV a few times here and there, and liked it, but it was really LDN that did it for me. This song is like a pop lover's wet-dream, so of course I loved it, but the rest of the album is kinda dissapointing. It's not necessarily bad at's really listenable and all the songs are well-arranged and clever...they just all blend into each other. None of the melodies (besides LDN and Smile) really stick in your head afterwards and despite the overall happy-vibe of the album, it just didn't stick. Like I said, I can't actually find fault with any specific songs, due to the fact I couldn't tell them apart. The whole thing just kinda dragged and bored me (and it's only like 35 minutes long!!). I would recommend waiting for this CD cheap in your local used CD shop until you buy. Expand
  8. OrlandoC
    Mar 28, 2007
    Trash trash trash
  9. scummerb
    Apr 15, 2007
    not much good
  10. [Anonymous]
    Oct 24, 2006
    Why do we have to be subjected to another talentless Brit Pop waste of space. I wouldn't buy this even if it were the last album on the face of the planet
  11. wander
    Jan 30, 2007
    good lyrics and sound, very funny and honest
  12. olit
    Feb 15, 2007
  13. AntoineG
    Apr 9, 2007
    Catchy tunes, the overall quality is high
  14. matta
    Aug 14, 2006
    People who rate this album low are trying way too hard to be cool. Like last year's Annie-Anniemal disc, this is just pure pop music, and anyway who thinks its overproduced, or the lyrics are cheesy need to lighten up (or just stick with tv on the radio).
  15. GretchenV
    Sep 27, 2006
    I think Lily is truly a unique talent. Could the music be a little more gritty like her lyrics, sure, but the bubble gum makes the lyrics seem sarcastic and silly. I love the giggle I get just listening to her make light of getting her friends to beat up her's classic.
  16. saramcg
    Jan 2, 2007
    Bland and dull. Why such a success - well because Lily is brilliant at being ... well ... Lily Allen. But musically? Its nothing much. poppy, ephemeral, quick to date and really a bit vapid. Prediction: 1 more album, then an acting - or possibly presenting - career will beckon. She's good, but not neccesarily at this. She is also - lets be honest - just a tad irritating.
  17. HenrikA
    Feb 3, 2007
    a really refreshing album with varation in the songs, lots of really good songs and few stinkers makes this a good buy for anyone that likes this kind of music. Personal favorites: 1. Littlest Things 2. Alfie 3. Smile 4. Not Big 5. Friday Night I won't push it as far as to give it a 10 because there are better albums out there but still, it's a pretty darn good album.
  18. Seeds13
    Feb 9, 2007
    4 points go to Lily's legs. 1 point for the music. Dull. Belongs in an elevator. When will we divide music into two groups: people who are musicians, and people who make music. Lily Allen belongs to the latter.
  19. GraemeS
    Mar 7, 2007
    this has been my favourite cd for months now....superb
  20. b
    Nov 22, 2006
    this is bubblegum music with an edge.....she brought salvation to ska and rescue to pop....and does it with more wit than most platinum music stars today
  21. time
    Oct 18, 2006
    I paid $23 for this record and I have to say it was worth every penny. Yes she's brash, arrogant, rude and perverse but that's what makes her so endearing.
  22. ixata
    Dec 5, 2006
    i dont understand it why some people n critics gave dis album less than 7... its fresh n maddeningly catchy n outspoken 4 sumone who's just debuted in d music scene.. I love every track n Litllest Things is very classical!
  23. Tasmin
    Jul 24, 2006
    It is a very good album and my favourite song is 'Smile'!!
  24. GraemeR
    Jul 29, 2006
    Smells a little too much of major record label involvement to be the 'real thing'. She signed her record deal with EMI in 2005, which takes all of the truth out of her coming through myspace. Oh well, we always get the pop music we deserve
  25. FionaL
    Jul 30, 2006
    I'll give it to her, she has a good voice. But the music is so overproduced and the lyrics vapid. Sorry, I don't get it.
  26. peterc
    Sep 25, 2006
  27. JuniorB
    Jan 30, 2007
    Lily brings indie pop to another level, combining ska, hip hop, calypso, & other genres into her music. Best Songs - LDN, Smile, Knock'em Out, Nan You're a Window Shopper. Also look out for Kooks cover song Naive. Also Stylus and Slant magazines reviews are straight bullshit, obviously myspace backlash or they don't like her character which has nothing to do with a music Lily brings indie pop to another level, combining ska, hip hop, calypso, & other genres into her music. Best Songs - LDN, Smile, Knock'em Out, Nan You're a Window Shopper. Also look out for Kooks cover song Naive. Also Stylus and Slant magazines reviews are straight bullshit, obviously myspace backlash or they don't like her character which has nothing to do with a music review. Revenge is imminent. Expand
  28. MichaelW
    Feb 10, 2007
    2nd best album of 2006 (after Arctic Monkeys), but I guess it'll be for 2007 thanks to Capital.
  29. MartinS
    Feb 26, 2007
    I'm probably like some starved beachcomer stubling on a saltine but after the last year of switch stations when a Gwen Stefani song comes on this album is a real breath. Let's hope it starts a trend.
  30. BenK
    May 11, 2007
    Although there are weak spots on the album, it is generally a pretty solid effort. Lily's music both quirky and original. Her lyrics are very straight-forward and witty, with really blunt innuendo. I enjoy her music a lot...."Everything's Just Wonderful" and "Alfie" are just amazing.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
  1. Lyrically, Allen spins the street-slang tales of blowjobs and booze told with varying success by everyone from The Streets to Shampoo.
  2. Sheâ??s funky, confident and fun, and thatâ??s just on the first song.
  3. For now, it's way more than a stop-gap but sadly not the second coming you might have been hoping for.