
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
  1. Lyrically, Allen spins the street-slang tales of blowjobs and booze told with varying success by everyone from The Streets to Shampoo.
  2. Sheâ??s funky, confident and fun, and thatâ??s just on the first song.
  3. For now, it's way more than a stop-gap but sadly not the second coming you might have been hoping for.
  4. As much of a cliché as it is, you're either going to love Allen or hate her.
  5. Pop music needed saving and in Lily Allen we've found just the woman to do it.
  6. If the pop dreams get slightly tarnished by the graffiti put-downs of 'Not Big' (her ex has a 'size problem') and 'Alfie' (her brother smokes too much dope) then that's not too worrying. With a personality this size, this isn't the last time you'll be hearing from her.
  7. Allen has fused together a uniquely acidic brand of pop, and the icing on the cake is that brutally barbed tongue.
  8. In terms of a debut record-- and especially given the weight of expectation placed on her to deliver something special-- Alright, Still isnâ??t anything else but a fantastic success.
  9. A simple, smart pop record by one of the most charismatic young talents to come along in a while.
  10. Q Magazine
    The overall effect is not dissimilar to Sugababes, only with added adult content. [Aug 2006, p.111]
  11. Alright Still is nothing more than pop for people who hate pop music, poptimist Quorn, phony music for people who can't let go of their inhibitions (indie-bitions?) and have to have their music classified as REAL.
  12. The female Mike Skinner? She's far, far better than that.
  13. Uncut
    This may just be [the] finest pop break-up album since [Justin] Timberlake's Justified. [Aug 2006, p.95]
  14. Mojo
    A blast from start to finish. [Aug 2006, p.102]
  15. The music deliberately sits somewhere between glossy and unobtrusive. It shimmers enough to mask Allen's tepid singing voice but remains far enough away to allow her largest asset -- her snappy personality -- to take charge.
  16. Enough of Alright, Still works -- as pure pop and on the meta level Allen aims for -- to make the album a fun, summery fling, and maybe more.
  17. The production on tracks like "Shame For You" and "Alfie" is fantastic, and there are plenty of catchy melodies and clever samples, but Allen is a poser who lacks charisma, bites off of everyone else, and is so sickeningly contemptuous of everyone but herself that it makes the pretty, melancholy piano-and-drum-loop ballad "Littlest Things" seem like a farce.
  18. Under The Radar
    Allen [is] one of the wittiest new voices in pop. [#16, p.89]
  19. Spin
    Alright's sparkly high-life beats... all gleam with upmarket panache. But strong medicine always requires a little sugar. [Feb 2007, p.82]
  20. A great summer record it remains, even in the dead of winter.
  21. An incisive and funny introduction to the 21-year-old English singer.
  22. She never sounds like she's trying too hard.
  23. MSN Consumer Guide (Robert Christgau)
    Only two songs ring false. [Feb/Mar 2007]
  24. Blender
    What's amazing about Alright, Still is how similar the girl with the blog is to the girl with the hit record. [Mar 2007, p.129]
  25. 86
    A seeping, heaving summer album through and through.
  26. Like Blondie circa 1981, Allen breathes needed fresh air into the game.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 183 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 20 out of 183
  1. Sep 9, 2015
    Though it feels quite derivative of pissy Brits that have come before, I LOVE PISSY BRITS! I find this album to be super fun and has a soundThough it feels quite derivative of pissy Brits that have come before, I LOVE PISSY BRITS! I find this album to be super fun and has a sound that feels like a breathe of fresh air. I love the pace of the album and each song has a special place for me... plus, I find the lyrics to be genuine, which is always what I'm looking for! Full Review »
  2. Apr 16, 2014
    I laughed a lot with this album. Lily just explores things through other points of view. She's literal: she doesn't need to say what sheI laughed a lot with this album. Lily just explores things through other points of view. She's literal: she doesn't need to say what she believes with metaphors, she just says what she feels with the words she feels. All tracks are catchy and lovely. Her voice is sweet, and the music is just great. I really enjoyed this album: it's hilariously good! Full Review »
  3. Aug 6, 2013
    There are no bad songs on this album. This will always be my favorite CD and Lily will always be one of my favorite singers. The best trackThere are no bad songs on this album. This will always be my favorite CD and Lily will always be one of my favorite singers. The best track is probably "Friday Night". Full Review »