• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Nov 13, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Dec 15, 2015
    The best of these 10 tidy songs are fun and uncannily recognizable, even the first time you hear them, as songs by Lynne. The worst are still uncanny, but less hooky, and earn the biggest insult you can throw at any ELO song: They're colorless.
  2. Dec 11, 2015
    Few of the new tracks reach that level of greatness [of his classic hits], and flimsy lyrics mar a couple. But several worm their way into the ear endearingly.
  3. Dec 3, 2015
    The shortcomings of this DIY approach sometimes show up in the lyrics. In contrast to ELO's early prog-rock sprawl, Alone is bracingly succinct both in words and music.
  4. Nov 19, 2015
    Alone in the Universe bobs along pleasantly, but you can’t help but notice the lack of any song as strong as Mr Blue Sky, Don’t Bring Me Down or Livin’ Thing.
  5. Nov 16, 2015
    There is only one misstep--the clumsy, Whitesnake-worthy lyrics to Dirty to the Bone are rooted a little too firmly in the 70s--but otherwise this is an excellent return.
  6. Nov 16, 2015
    At 32 minutes, Alone in the Universe is remarkably devoid of excess--notably, it's just five minutes longer than his breezy 2012 covers album Long Wave--but it doesn't feel shrugged off, nor does it feel especially attached to its time.
  7. 80
    Lynne’s melodic sparkle, as ever, acts as ELO’s warp drive. He expertly gives tired old genres shots of refreshing stardust.
  8. Nov 13, 2015
    There’s a gauzy thinness to the sound, an inescapable two-dimensionality that occasionally hinders Lynne’s mission. Still, this is a fine addition to their catalog, perhaps not as consistent as 2001’s Zoom but much better than these late-career revival albums tend to sound.
  9. 70
    A perfectly pleasant, largely successful return to form that’s a delight for existing fans yet ultimately missing a bit of the “je ne sais quoi” that made the best ELO music so timeless and classic.
  10. Nov 11, 2015
    Four-and-a-half decades on from the original band’s formation, Lynne’s voice is as warm and comforting as ever, his ear for a hook still sharp and his production is as shiny and gorgeous as a celebrity model’s hair from a shampoo advert. But still, there’s something missing.
  11. Nov 10, 2015
    While some of it falls short of past greatness, the core of the album shows Lynne hasn’t lost his mad genius after more than a decade of silence.
  12. 80
    This is your echt ELO in all its familiar state of sub-Beatlesy woe.... Whether his form of “properly” meets with your approval will, of course, depend on your capacity to perceive virtue in the familiar and the sentimentally melancholic (and in brevity: Alone in the Universe clocks in at roughly 35 minutes’ duration).
  13. Nov 6, 2015
    The predictability of Alone In The Universe is its strongest suit, these are all cast-iron songs that will sit on an ELO retrospective beamed down from that spaceship in 10538 and nobody would imagine they were released 40 years after their golden age.
  14. Q Magazine
    Oct 28, 2015
    Alone In The Universe is warm-hearted, consummate, just about perfect. [Dec 2015, p.110]
  15. 90
    Alone In The Universe is a triumph of songcraft and studio invention, one that trounces notions of soft rock and guilty pleasures. He might be a man alone, but he’s got the whole world, potentially, in his hands. Again.
  16. Oct 28, 2015
    The definitive elements of this bijou gem are the author's own. [Dec 2015, p.86]
  17. Uncut
    Oct 28, 2015
    This is a seasoned master of what he does operating in his comfort zone, and doing it very well indeed. [Dec 2015, p.66]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 32
  2. Negative: 4 out of 32
  1. Nov 25, 2015
    I thought this album was very instant and there wasn't a song that I didn't like on first playing. Normally there's one or two song on pastI thought this album was very instant and there wasn't a song that I didn't like on first playing. Normally there's one or two song on past ELO albums that have had to grow on me but this one was a winner right away. Over time I suspect it will be a real favourite with ELO fans. It's taken different elements from different phases in Jeff Lynne's style development and blended them into a very pleasing album. My only criticism is that it is too short - but, I'd rather that than a CD that outstays it's welcome. Definitely get the deluxe edition though, the extra tracks are good and it makes for a better length of album. Full Review »
  2. Nov 19, 2015
    "When I Was a Boy" is perhaps Lynne's best song ever. Most ELO songs, beautiful as they may be with harmonies and orchestral arrangements"When I Was a Boy" is perhaps Lynne's best song ever. Most ELO songs, beautiful as they may be with harmonies and orchestral arrangements mixed with rock guitars, have no real meaning, but this song does, and it's touching and very, very catchy, and beautiful. Not sure about the other songs, save for "Ain't It a Drag," another nice one! But, "When I Was a Boy" is like a masterpiece in 3 minutes, so it's hard to compete with. It's not New World Record or Face the Music, but f you love Lynne, and ELO, you'll have to have this, too. Full Review »
  3. Nov 19, 2015
    I have just bought and listened to this album (Alone in the Universe).
    At 67 I still love Jeff Lynns music, some songs I like more than
    I have just bought and listened to this album (Alone in the Universe).
    At 67 I still love Jeff Lynns music, some songs I like more than others but their is not a bad song.
    Well done Jeff and thank you, a really good album that sits well aside the others.
    I think some of these lyrics may be about Jeff Lynns experience of life and I am sure the lyrics will strike many a chord with the listening public.
    10 out of 10 from me.
    Judd123 on the 19th of November 2015 at 15.55 hours.
    Merry Christmas to you all.
    Full Review »