
Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Nov 9, 2015
    Allas Sak is a nice enough record. It sounds exactly like Dungen. No surprises.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 14, 2015
    A brilliant pastiche of styles. [No. 125, p.57]
  3. Oct 8, 2015
    Ttheir latest offering is inevitably a step forward. By moving on while still playing around with their familiar aesthetics, they reach the kind of artistic balance most people can only envy. That is, effortless progress.
  4. Oct 7, 2015
    Things mostly stay low-key and subtle, with Ejstes's guitar growing righteously wild just once, on En Dag På Sjön, one of several instrumentals.
  5. Oct 7, 2015
    Even when Ejstes and his combo stretch out, they do so in a catchy way. Sometimes they do it the old-fashioned way with a big, memorable melody. Other times it is a cool sound framed just so.
  6. Sep 28, 2015
    This may be the sound of an artist working with a formula: a formula that is certainly an effective, endearing one, but a formula nonetheless.
  7. Uncut
    Sep 25, 2015
    Allas Sak marks another gentle shift in direction for Gustav Ejstes, and though Dungen are not saying anything new, they're at least articulating timeless emotion in a classy fashion. [Nov 2015, p.75]
  8. Sep 25, 2015
    Whilst bands like Tame Impala made a quick buck imitating aspects of Dungen's sound, Allas Sak shows that Gustave Ejstes will continue to perfect and update his craft.
  9. Sep 24, 2015
    Allas Sak proves that they are still as good as ever, if not better, and can still teach those who have followed in their wake a thing or two about crafting a satisfying album.
  10. Sep 23, 2015
    What’s special is the less cosmic parts: the hard, self-contained compositions at the center of these tracks.
  11. Mojo
    Sep 23, 2015
    A serious trip. [Oct 2015, p.95]
  12. 80
    Dungen are back, the same as ever but a little bit more so this time around.
  13. Sep 23, 2015
    The instrumental and compositional mastery on show is staggering. Whether it will make a dent in the consciousness of those who don't spend their time watching at the edges of the prog-rock firmament is another question entirely.
  14. Sep 23, 2015
    On 'Franks Kaktus' they squeal and screech against skirls of powerful blues strumming and thumping congas; things calm down on 'Flickor Och Pojkar' ('boys and girls' in Swedish), whose vibes and languid bass recall classic Air.
  15. Sep 23, 2015
    While the execution has at times wavered over the years, Allas Sak finds the band fully re-engaged in the sound that it has staked out over the past decade--performing music that’s still as beautiful, optimistic, strange, and singular as ever.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Oct 14, 2015
    I was amazed to find that most of the songs on this album are good. Usually I can only find one or a few good songs on any album, however thisI was amazed to find that most of the songs on this album are good. Usually I can only find one or a few good songs on any album, however this has a good feeling all over it. It helps if you understand Swedish, since the lyrics themselves are a big part of the whole experience. If you like Tame Impala, you will enjoy this as well. Full Review »
  2. Sep 27, 2015
    Ihr bestes seit Ta Det Lugnt (für mich eine starke 9 von 10), immer noch nicht annäherend so gut leider, aber immerhin! Sehr geiler Sound undIhr bestes seit Ta Det Lugnt (für mich eine starke 9 von 10), immer noch nicht annäherend so gut leider, aber immerhin! Sehr geiler Sound und ein paar tolle Momente

    schwache 8 für mich
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