• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 21
  2. Negative: 3 out of 21
  1. Here's a set that suggests rock has got its head screwed on straight again, that the path to real feelings need not necessarily be led by Norah Jones.
  2. He shows the abandon and confidence of a long-term artist, not just a one-hit wonder.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Lost improves on the first disc at least five times over, partly because its starker focus might really take you back to...well, certainly not a club, but maybe an AM radio-equipped kid's bedroom circa 1973. [21 Sep 20007, p.80]
  4. There's plenty to scorn on All the Lost Souls; Blunt loves a well-worn phrase, and his attempts at humor can be surprisingly crude. But he's onto something. He's not making background music.
  5. But snobbery apart, this is a terrific album.
  6. It will seduce anybody already won over by his 2005 debut, "Back to Bedlam," since it's a tighter, more assured record than that. But chances are, they were seduced by Blunt already.
  7. Blunt has turned his attention away from his sound hole and his sensitive soul, refocusing his energies on the '70s and unearthing a measure of depth and ingenuity.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 98
  2. Negative: 28 out of 98
  1. RobbieC
    Sep 27, 2007
    It sucks.
  2. StefanV
    Feb 21, 2008
    The best, most emotionally-charged album of 2007, and i listened to the one by Radiohead. Some o fhtis stuff is sheer genius (I Really Want The best, most emotionally-charged album of 2007, and i listened to the one by Radiohead. Some o fhtis stuff is sheer genius (I Really Want You and Shine On) and some of the average stuff (Carry You Home and Give Me Some Love) is better than most songs you may hear on the radio. Blunt is very good at using his own life experiences in his songs - just listen to Same Mistake. This is a talent who isn't selling records, at least this album isn't. Meanwhile, every song off of Rhianna's terrible record is hitting #1. Yes, the state of music today is terrible, and James Blunt is one of the few bright spots. Full Review »
  3. Jul 27, 2017
    James Blunt's best album so far. A great evolution after the well-made "Back to Bedlam", that is already an amazing album. "All The LostJames Blunt's best album so far. A great evolution after the well-made "Back to Bedlam", that is already an amazing album. "All The Lost Souls" is a extremely deep, intense, emotional, and nicely executed album. Full Review »