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Universal acclaim- based on 302 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 17 out of 302
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  1. Apr 8, 2017
    Joey Badass has done it again. he has delivered an amazing album from front to back. this album is excellent on so many levels. i definitely love this project from beginning to the very end.
  2. Apr 16, 2017
    A lot better than his last album. One of the best albums of the year. I loved the first 5 tracks, and Babylon and Legendary. Those are my favorites tracks.A lot of replay value. Its has a concise theme and style. The production is perfect and very smooth.
  3. Apr 16, 2017
    Joey's sophomore album puts him right into the spotlight - but not in the drugged up, bad and boujee, hot women, smoking blunts kind of way. This album is as political as it gets, at a time when the country seems to be as divided as ever. Joey seems to unite the black community, and his album definitely shows that Kendrick Lamar is not the only one moving hip-hop and rap in the rightJoey's sophomore album puts him right into the spotlight - but not in the drugged up, bad and boujee, hot women, smoking blunts kind of way. This album is as political as it gets, at a time when the country seems to be as divided as ever. Joey seems to unite the black community, and his album definitely shows that Kendrick Lamar is not the only one moving hip-hop and rap in the right direction. From "Good Morning Amerikkka," people can learn what the album is about just through the title of the lead track. "Three K's, two A's in America" Joey says in Land of the Free, an obvious allusion to the fact that the KKK is very much alive in the souls of many Americans today. "Super Predator" is an ode to the term that Hillary Clinton used to call black people - something that a lot of Hillary supporters would like to shrug off as being uncharacteristic of the 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee. However, Joey makes it clear that we cannot easily forget history, and that black people are still being marginalized in America. One of the silent highlights of the album is the second track, "For My People" which sounds as if maybe he is a Robin Hood-esque kind of artist attempting to give black people vital information back which they somehow lost in recent history. This album is phenomenal, and it will go down as one of the most politically charged albums released in all of 2017. Expand
  4. Jul 4, 2017
    a promising career whether for big or other he has a potential to be salutify as a hip hop artist of all time contextual and hard written lyrics tht will literally blow u out of this world he proves tht hip hop is live and well in a transition to the more awful trap and shows tht he lives with a classic gd stuff
  5. Mar 29, 2019
    Joey Bada$$ has improved with is his sophomore album AABA. And it's one of the best albums of his career and one of my top ten best Hip Hop albums of 2017. I loved the production on the album, I loved all the songs from start to finish, and the features on the album are on fire. Joey has improved his storytelling ability, his flow, and his bars from his last album. Everything about thisJoey Bada$$ has improved with is his sophomore album AABA. And it's one of the best albums of his career and one of my top ten best Hip Hop albums of 2017. I loved the production on the album, I loved all the songs from start to finish, and the features on the album are on fire. Joey has improved his storytelling ability, his flow, and his bars from his last album. Everything about this album is beautiful, AABA is a must listen for lyrical rapper fans and old school hip hop fans. 10/10 Expand
  6. Oct 12, 2019
    This album is a masterpiece. I love everything about this album from the production, the voice, to his lyrics. this album mostly focuses on racism with tracks like "Land of the Free" and "BABYLON". His voice on this album is really raw, he actually switched up his voice sometimes on tracks like "BABYLON".
  7. Feb 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I created a count just to rated this amazing album, for is a classics, this album have no skips !! Expand
  8. Dec 20, 2022
    10, I love you joey, I love the animal joey, and missing g a denzel feature but I'll still give it a 10 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  9. Apr 10, 2017
    Joey Delivers a **** classic, on this beautifully crafted politically charged, almost jazz/punk, hip/hop masterpiece.

    Joey is blunt and harsh, the album never pulls away from any punches. Joey captures that feeling of paranoia, being a black man living in the states right know, how **** awful the racist tensions are, that fear of not knowing what is right around the corner, not
    Joey Delivers a **** classic, on this beautifully crafted politically charged, almost jazz/punk, hip/hop masterpiece.

    Joey is blunt and harsh, the album never pulls away from any punches.

    Joey captures that feeling of paranoia, being a black man living in the states right know, how **** awful the racist tensions are, that fear of not knowing what is right around the corner, not knowing what the answer is to this problem. And just the constant anger, and the feeling of hopeless, just not knowing what to do. Which, in a sense, gives the album a much more grounded and more abstract open ended discussion to this topic, one that I haven't really seen discussed in so much depth and detail before. Opposed to Kendrick's more personal emotional experiences with the issue through his hip-hop career, Joey gives a wider more full on approach, looking at the issue in itself as a whole.

    Which is why, i personally think this record will go down in history as a hip/hop classic. Cause while having beautifully produced instrumentals, that I **** love, im always for jazz beats, the album has a strong personal, emotional, connection delivered through Joey's strong very passionate brutal take on this issue, and whilst not giving any clear answers to the problem, he bluntly shows how **** tiring, how awful, how gritty and just hopeless it all feels, frustrating is definitely the feeling that sticks with me throughout the listen, just **** frustration. Joey begs for his brothers, for people, for all of us to stand up for our fellow man and woman, to take a stand, that something needs to be done, and that we need to act and do something, right KNOW, not later, KNOW.

    So **** guys. This gets a high recommendation from me. Go check out this classic, I'm **** digging it. Strong solid 9/10 from me.
  10. Apr 8, 2017
    So amazing! What a mature album from such a young mc. I'm stunned at the depth of the lyrical display and wisdom shown from such a great mc. And the production is amazing too!
  11. Apr 8, 2017
    (MY RATING 8.8) This album surprised me been a fan since 1999 mixtape back in 2012 and have literally grown up with his music in these 5 years. B4DAMONEY was good but very disjointed nonetheless a good start. The way this was hyped I thought it would be a good album maybe more mainstream due to devastated vibes but he stuck to his guns and to put a socially conscious album with amazing(MY RATING 8.8) This album surprised me been a fan since 1999 mixtape back in 2012 and have literally grown up with his music in these 5 years. B4DAMONEY was good but very disjointed nonetheless a good start. The way this was hyped I thought it would be a good album maybe more mainstream due to devastated vibes but he stuck to his guns and to put a socially conscious album with amazing production. In a time were we are filled with basic summer tunes by Drake or Mumble rappers over trap beats this was refreshing. Only very few can do it better (Kendrick) but this is the beginning of a bright career for Joey! Expand
  12. Apr 14, 2017
    Really like this album for the overarching theme throughout. Does a great job at highlighting many aspects of the African American experience by spitting bars about police brutality, mass incarceration, racial profiling & corrupted politicians. Joey shows a lot of progression with the melodic first half of the album and I thought the second half was exactly what we come to expect from him:Really like this album for the overarching theme throughout. Does a great job at highlighting many aspects of the African American experience by spitting bars about police brutality, mass incarceration, racial profiling & corrupted politicians. Joey shows a lot of progression with the melodic first half of the album and I thought the second half was exactly what we come to expect from him: in your face, gritty and clever wordplay accompanied by bass-heavy and fast beats. Personal favourites are 'Ring the alarm', 'Super Predators' & obviously 'Amerikkkan Idol' goes **** HARD! Great album overral! Expand
  13. Apr 9, 2017
    Joey has been making great songs since day 1. This is by far is most hyped up album to date and he delivered. This album is a breath of fresh air from many of the rappers today who focus on girls, drugs, and money. Joey is one of the few rappers out there who stick their roots but still make amazing songs and albums. This album is concise and delivers the message he meant to get across
  14. Apr 19, 2017
    Joey's latest record is the great American rap album with a recognizable artistic growth from B4.DA.$$. Highlights are Temptation, Land of the Free, Devastated, Rockabye Baby and Amerikkkan Idol.
  15. Apr 23, 2017
    AABA is Joey's most focused and well-constructed project to date. B4.DA.$$ was a good debut but spotty in several areas as he tried to play a thoughtful, calmer ODB at times. For this album Joey trades in a great deal of signature grittiness for a more melodic sound. It's a risky and ambitious move, but it makes for one hell of a trade off. The smooth jazzy production from "GOOD MORNINGAABA is Joey's most focused and well-constructed project to date. B4.DA.$$ was a good debut but spotty in several areas as he tried to play a thoughtful, calmer ODB at times. For this album Joey trades in a great deal of signature grittiness for a more melodic sound. It's a risky and ambitious move, but it makes for one hell of a trade off. The smooth jazzy production from "GOOD MORNING AMERIKKA" right down to "Y U DON'T LOVE ME" (one of the weaker tracks overall, but still) gives the record an excellent start and serves as a terrific contrast to the second half of the album's more fierce and hard hitting attacks on the political overtone of the album. Speaking of which, Joey's lyrical prowess gets put to amazing use as he lashes out against racial tensions in the US on tracks like "LAND OF THE FREE" and "AMERIKKAN IDOL", the latter of which may be song of the year so far, meanwhile he makes room for a posse cut on "RING THE ALARM" and a straight banger with "ROCKABYE BABY". "BABYLON" is the zenith of it all, as Joey delivers two extremely well written verses with incredible passion and a perfectly placed Chronixx feature over a great jazz rap beat, making for quite possibly song of the year. Brilliant album, excellently executed. Expand
  16. Jun 11, 2018
    92 which rounds down to a 9/10. Joey Bada$$ set the bar high with B4.DA.$$, however, he was able to reach that bar with his release of AABA. This album was just full of straight New-York style bars, which shows resemblance to many artists who rapped in the 90's. However, the difference, and to me the only fault was that this album was too pop-orientated, with songs such as Temptation and92 which rounds down to a 9/10. Joey Bada$$ set the bar high with B4.DA.$$, however, he was able to reach that bar with his release of AABA. This album was just full of straight New-York style bars, which shows resemblance to many artists who rapped in the 90's. However, the difference, and to me the only fault was that this album was too pop-orientated, with songs such as Temptation and Devastated which were both brilliant songs, however, had that poppish element to it which was unlike Joey, However, many of the songs were lyrically deep, such as the political references dropped. The beats were amazing too, with simple Brooklyn beats which may sound simple, however, are very creative and used efficiently. Everything was good about this album, including the album artwork, which was just perfect. I bought the CD, and the CD case/protector was covered in the colours of the flag Joey holds and then when you take it off, it reveals the artwork which is present on streaming services. In my own opinion, this album was the greatest rap album of 2017 and should have won at least one Grammy. It was frustrating to see him not even be nominated for such a great album. Strewth. Expand
  17. Jun 8, 2020
    Joey's most listened to track is the first and most succesfull single from AAB, Devastated, which ironically is my least favorite track from this album. It's not bad, I just like the other tracks a lot more. With this album, Joey really switched up what he usually talks about, and I like it a lot. This album sometimes feels poppy, but still has great lyrics, meaning everybody can listen toJoey's most listened to track is the first and most succesfull single from AAB, Devastated, which ironically is my least favorite track from this album. It's not bad, I just like the other tracks a lot more. With this album, Joey really switched up what he usually talks about, and I like it a lot. This album sometimes feels poppy, but still has great lyrics, meaning everybody can listen to it, and Joey's message, not just Hip Hop Heads, I even got my girlfriend, who usually doesn't like rap at all, to listen to some of the tracks, she immediately fell in love with FOR MY PEOPLE. My personal favorite is TEMPTATION, which is just a really powerful and fun track to listen and rap along to. Great job Joey, hope your next album is just as good. Expand
  18. Dec 7, 2021
    Honestly, I was not expecting such a high quality product on my first listen but there really is nothing to complain about this album. Great beats, great guests and lyrics, conceptually consistent, great flow. Apart from last track dragging on for too long, every track on here is solid, no skips. My favourite tracks are LEGENDARY, SUPER PREDATOR, BABLYON, ROCKABYE BABY, FOR MY PEOPLE.
  19. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  20. May 16, 2017
    His ear served him well here, with this album having a pleasing, potent sound from start to finish while staying appropriate for the mood, and even through some underlying harmonic structures and choruses were not very spirited, the music was organized well and reached a level of maturity and bravery that not many his age or style has. My Score: 136/180 (Solid) = 7.6/10
  21. Apr 10, 2017
    Hats off for Joey! Changing his style without forgetting who he is. 1999 had more old school beat selection with a more cultural flow to it, while All Amerikkkaan Bada$$ has a more slight jazzy tune to it, with the message he wanted to say to the listener being loud and clear, showing that he has matured as a rapper

    BEST SONGS: Temptation, Land of the free, For my people
  22. Apr 18, 2017
    this perfectly summarizes the side of black america that only they can see. A beautiful album that clearly took a lot out of Joey, and solidified his status as an OG
  23. Apr 14, 2017
    Probably the best project from Joey Bada$$ to date. Never been a huge fan, but was pleasantly surprised to find how great this album turned out to be. Lots of replay value, and will no doubt become a classic among hip-hop fans.
  24. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is a great project filled with passion from Joey. Joey is insistent on making a political statement across the album, which is great for a relatively commercial rapper and he succeeds in putting across his points. The albums first half is much more accessible than his previous output, songs like 'Devastated' and 'Temptation' are both excellently crafted pop-rap crossovers. TheThis album is a great project filled with passion from Joey. Joey is insistent on making a political statement across the album, which is great for a relatively commercial rapper and he succeeds in putting across his points. The albums first half is much more accessible than his previous output, songs like 'Devastated' and 'Temptation' are both excellently crafted pop-rap crossovers. The second half is gritty and more lyrical, 'Babylon' is undoubtedly one of the best rap songs so far this year. Overall a great step forward for Joey with this unique and interesting album. Expand
  25. May 13, 2017
    Joey has fully blossomed and successfully avoided being pigeon holed by recycled DJ Premier style beats from way back when. He stays true to his boom bap roots but adds a modern twist to it in a refreshing way. Very good rhymes, always staying conscious and positive, he explores America, 2017. However, he has fallen into the same tropes of his conscious rap predecessors and fails to bringJoey has fully blossomed and successfully avoided being pigeon holed by recycled DJ Premier style beats from way back when. He stays true to his boom bap roots but adds a modern twist to it in a refreshing way. Very good rhymes, always staying conscious and positive, he explores America, 2017. However, he has fallen into the same tropes of his conscious rap predecessors and fails to bring up a solution, or anything to help us move forward. A huge improvement from his previous work, solid metamorphosis and a great sounding album. Can't go wrong with Joey. Expand
  26. Apr 19, 2017
    Right of the gate, this is his best work. The most easy on the ear, conscious and diverse album of Joeys. Lush production, profound lyricism and -on top of his game- Joey, ups himself and makes us excited for his next move. Some minor missteps ( that can be improved ). Im holding on a perfect rating so i can see the progression for the future albums. Fav. songs : For my people, Land of theRight of the gate, this is his best work. The most easy on the ear, conscious and diverse album of Joeys. Lush production, profound lyricism and -on top of his game- Joey, ups himself and makes us excited for his next move. Some minor missteps ( that can be improved ). Im holding on a perfect rating so i can see the progression for the future albums. Fav. songs : For my people, Land of the free, Devastated, Y u dont love me, Rockabye baby, Ring the alarm, Legendary. Least Fav. Super Predator. Expand
  27. Jul 18, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  28. Jan 23, 2018
    This album is truly great. there are no bad tracks here. the only real complaint i have is a times it gets a little boring and i can only listen to it when im in the mood for it. but thats more a personal thing. there are very few albums that stick to the concept on every track but this one did. My fav songs would probably be For my people, Rockabye baby, good morning amerikkka, amerikkkanThis album is truly great. there are no bad tracks here. the only real complaint i have is a times it gets a little boring and i can only listen to it when im in the mood for it. but thats more a personal thing. there are very few albums that stick to the concept on every track but this one did. My fav songs would probably be For my people, Rockabye baby, good morning amerikkka, amerikkkan idol, devastated, and ring the alarm. as for the track y u dont love me i absolutely love this track lyrically (like its probably the best on the album) but theres something about it that keeps me away from it. overall great album and even though i gave it a 8 its a high 8 out of 10 Expand
  29. Jun 8, 2020
    All Amerikkkan Badass is a perfect example related to the fact that even conscious and political hip hop music can be enjoyed as much as lighter styles of rapping. There are precious tracks like Babylon, that are full of references to politics, reality, racism, discrimination and so on; but on the other side, there are tracks like Devasted and Temptation which sound really good even forAll Amerikkkan Badass is a perfect example related to the fact that even conscious and political hip hop music can be enjoyed as much as lighter styles of rapping. There are precious tracks like Babylon, that are full of references to politics, reality, racism, discrimination and so on; but on the other side, there are tracks like Devasted and Temptation which sound really good even for those who don't want to listen to music in an actively involved way, but just for pleasure. Expand
  30. Apr 13, 2017
    Ok so, I'm 20 years old and I've been listening to Joey and PE since 2012. Honestly recently I thought I grew out of that and honestly B4DA$$ was not getting any listens and I thought Joey just wasn't an artist I was interested in anymore. But this album brought me back, he has a consistent subject matter throughout the album and he's definitely moved away from the corny 90s boom bap thirdOk so, I'm 20 years old and I've been listening to Joey and PE since 2012. Honestly recently I thought I grew out of that and honestly B4DA$$ was not getting any listens and I thought Joey just wasn't an artist I was interested in anymore. But this album brought me back, he has a consistent subject matter throughout the album and he's definitely moved away from the corny 90s boom bap third eye nonsense, the song writing and sequencing is way more coherent and the 12 tracks are perfect as you don't get any throwaways. Devastated is still terrible though, it's just bad honestly it's not interesting at all honestly, I thought Joey was washed when that **** dropped fam but the rest of the album was great. ROCKABYE BABY is hard as bricks and the BABYLON is sick. Overall it's his best project yet honestly, I love it, s/o to Joey b Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    There’s a telling lack of conviction when he uses the past tense saying “I used to feel so devastated… now we on our way to greatness”. It’s a shame because when he settles for articulating rage from a less lofty position at the centre of a crowd he’s rejuvenated, alongside Schoolboy Q, J Cole, Styles P and Kirk Knight admitting a burn in his gut and boasting of how he’s “flowing religiously... Amerikkka’s worst nightmare, the super predator”. [May 2017, p.62]
  2. Jun 13, 2017
    While it's disappointing that Bada$$ doesn't offer more inspiring rhymes, it would be a mistake to write off "All-Amerikkkan Bada$$" because he isn't the second coming of Ice Cube.
  3. Apr 24, 2017
    All-Amerikkkan Bada$$ is the sound of a young rapper finding a voice and higher purpose, an exciting and powerfully insightful statement.