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  1. Dec 7, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Más de lo mismo, una y otra vez las mismas frases sin sentidos, con falso empoderamiento, sonido pegadizo y sonidos rimbombante Expand
  2. Jan 12, 2023
    mmm.. I can't like their songs no matter how hard I try it's so bad thank god it will be their last year as a group!
  3. Apr 14, 2023
    A majorly disappoiting debut album. A distinct sound and message as expected from a debut album was not delivered. the melodies are extremely repetitive and predictable. The lyrics have no clear message, with an excessive use of aave, theyre a bit hard to listen to.
  4. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wish I could see some depth in these songs. It's also known that they don't write their own music, which probably limits them. As a non kpop fan who just started getting into KPOP, it's hard to judge work with such formulaic method, it's just so typical of others in their genre, more flash than actual musicality Expand
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    FINALLY an album after so much time and they choose that song as the main track Lisa's solo Lalisa wes better
  6. Oct 2, 2020
    Very refreshing the girls até stunning in everything.
    Rap, singing and the other things that I don't remembrer now. ♥️♥️♥️
  7. Oct 2, 2020
    Lovesick Girls being their title and being a different concept from the songs they've been releasing was such a dangerous move but i'm glad they did it... Jennie and Jisoo really did a good job in that song. And all the girls did an amazing job in all of the tracks! Pretty Savage soty
  8. Oct 2, 2020
    Excelente álbum, puro bop tras bop, cada vez que lo escuchas te gusta más, te atrapa muchísimo más.
  9. Oct 2, 2020
    It’s a very good pop album! The girls vocals are so good, Jisoo’s vocals are just so pretty and Rosé’s high notes are perfect. Lisa and Jennie’s raps are insane. It’s so good for a first album! Loved it!
  10. Oct 2, 2020
    This is what we all need of a pop album, and it's kpop. Amazing, everything that we've waited.
  11. Oct 2, 2020
    im truly in love with this album hense my rate... they served everything they could and more!!! literally one of the best pop-perfection albums i’ve heard in awhile, all tracks are perfectly good and track 8 “you never know” explains so much about their reality and what they go through... it’s so emotional yet so beautiful not to mention the instrumental- the violins omg!! they put soim truly in love with this album hense my rate... they served everything they could and more!!! literally one of the best pop-perfection albums i’ve heard in awhile, all tracks are perfectly good and track 8 “you never know” explains so much about their reality and what they go through... it’s so emotional yet so beautiful not to mention the instrumental- the violins omg!! they put so much effort in it and you can see they’ve worked hard, it was worth waiting. Expand
  12. Oct 2, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  13. Oct 2, 2020
    Absolutely amazing, every track has something unique about it. From vocals to rap verses, the album has everything. If I had to pick something bad about it it would definitely be the length, 8 songs and it’s still only 24 minutes long. Overall, amazing can’t stop listening to it
  14. Oct 2, 2020
    I'm just going to say it's a great album, every song is a bop... blackpink is te revolution ok
  15. Oct 2, 2020
    perfect album perfect album
    perfect album
    perfect album
    perfect album
  16. Oct 2, 2020
    Antis can screw themselves, this is THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!! Saddly it's too short, but it doesn't have fillers, which is great.
  17. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O melhor album do ano, depois de quatro anos de espera finalmente o tão aguardado full album do blackpink chegou. The Album não tem esse nome atoa porque ele e o melhor album de todos. Parabéns Jisoo, Jennie , Rosé e Lisa, e parabéns também para o produtor/diretor criativo do blackpink Teddy Park. Expand
  18. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great album, the outro song is very pleasing as an ending, they did a incredible job can't wait to see it live Expand
  19. Oct 2, 2020
    Blackpink uso nuevos sonidos y ritmos a los que no estaban acostumbradas, se siente una vibra refrescante en todo el álbum, les quedó de maravilla.
  20. Oct 2, 2020
    Álbum perfeito, todas as músicas poderiam ser title sem esforço algum, merece nota 10
  21. Oct 2, 2020
    For the first album, it's pretty good. Love to Hate is one of my favorites. These girls have potential and their music is powerful. I liked it
  22. Oct 2, 2020
  23. Oct 2, 2020
    Perfeitas, nunca erraram.Love to hate me já é minha preferida. Muito orgulhosa e feliz pelos bebês
  24. Oct 2, 2020
    This album was very expected for blackpink fans for a long time and they gave to us everything we wanted and more!
  25. Oct 2, 2020
    Album perfeito, sonoridade impecável, ponto alto a originalidade de “Ice Cream”, com uma mistura de gêneros, mas sem perde a identidade, com um divisão que beira a perfeição nos vocais, com certeza este álbum mostra que o BlackPink esta no jogo, e é para ganhar.
  26. Oct 2, 2020
    É um obra prima, me surpreendeu bastante. Blackpink conseguiu mostrar para os fãs e não fãs todo o seu potencial e a distribuição de linhas está impecável.
  27. Oct 2, 2020
    This is the best ever debuted album! No skip songs! 10/10! I would like to hear their songs more!
  28. Oct 2, 2020
    o álbum perfeito elas foram muito perspicazes a batida e a letra combinando perfeitamente tudo
  29. Oct 2, 2020
    this album explores new sounds never heared before by blackpink and lets them express good lyrics with very catchy beats
  30. Oct 2, 2020
    Udhsid dos si sei sua dia sua dia sua dia sua dia sua dia sai daí sai a si dia sua dia sua dia saia ideia suxnxvsud is dúzia seis d vdd ud suas uns dos suxvvdid dusvsind dudvdidn dixhxjs
  31. Jun 12, 2022
    Anyone who wants to get a glimpse at purely fabricated music with its only focus being the visuals and the least priority being the actual music, here you go. Enjoy
  32. Oct 2, 2020
    This album is a literal cultural reset, and, as always, BLACKPINK proves their place (pretty high btw) on the music industry. I have nothing to say beyond Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa, keep going with your journey.
  33. Oct 2, 2020
    short, but perfect
    jennie did great writing her own verses on lovesick girls
    THE ALBUM is super cohesive
  34. Oct 2, 2020
    The album of the year, Blackpink artist of the year and How you like that song of the year!
  35. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum adictivo de principio a fin. Poderosos ritmos como How You Like That y Pretty Savage. Ritmos frescos como Ice Cream y Bet You Wanna. Y la gran y hermosa balada de You Never Know Expand
  36. Oct 2, 2020
    many genres in one package. love all the songs. all of members stood out. charming. the best.
  37. Oct 2, 2020
    All their song are masterpiece. They're mostly rapping part are mostly lit. Every member nailled it
  38. Oct 2, 2020
    absolutely amazing! they keep making good music, always bringing new concepts! i wish them well and success! queens of k-pop!
  39. Nov 12, 2020
    tanked as usual keep making the same trash music and keep collabing with mediocre artist especially cardio vascular so we are not streaming at all
  40. Oct 2, 2020
    The Album is a masterpiece!!! Blackpink once again proved its potential and they all managed to stand out on this album. Flawless vocals and rappers, beautiful music! They are the largest female group today, without a doubt.
  41. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As canções presentes nesse album dão ao Blackpink uma nova face nunca mostrada antes. Isso revela o quão grande é o sucesso das meninas, que sempre entregam músicas de qualidade acompanhadas de uma mensagem poderosa. Expand
  42. Oct 2, 2020
    the best album of blackpink, you never know and love to hate me 10/10, all the songs are 10/10
  43. Oct 2, 2020
    The definition of art, 4 girls gather together all we needed on this moment and they served to well. One of the best album of this year and definitely will make history. Blackpink its just on their begging to the world control
  44. Oct 2, 2020
    Everything about this album make it special. The wait was worth it. Pretty Savage and Crazy Over You are the best songs aside from How You Like That. Best debut album for a kpop act.
  45. Oct 3, 2020
    Honestly this is really mediocre, nothing stands out and the album lacks cohesiveness. Expected more after four years of waiting
  46. Oct 2, 2020
    I just love the album and everything about it. the production of all those songs is just unbelievable, the vocals are amazing.
  47. Oct 2, 2020
    even tho there's only 8 songs the album is completely amazing, lyrics, beats and everything is amazing
  48. Oct 2, 2020
    When BLACKPINK takes control of how they want the album to sounds like, you realize how great musicians and producers they really are. The title song "Lovesick Girls" was written by Kim Jisoo and Jennie Kim and produced by Jennie impacts the listeners with great vocal range from Rosé and Jisoo, and how amazing rappers Lisa and Jennie are.
  49. Oct 2, 2020
    The album has plenty of schemes and surprises in store for us. One of the best albums I have heard recently
  50. Oct 2, 2020
    No skips. Amazing vocals and visuals. Perfection. Strongly recommend to listen to it. Stream, buy and stan BLACKPINK
  51. Oct 2, 2020
    I didn't know them at all and then I saw the trendings on Twitter and I was curious to know more about who they are, I looked for them on Spotify and I was totally surprised by everything I came to hear, each track is completely refreshing and generates a desire to dance and have fun.
    To these girls my most sincere congratulations on these piece of Art.
  52. Oct 2, 2020
    Un álbum muy variado, definitivamente su mejor trabajo hasta ahora, demostrando lo versátiles que pueden llegar a ser
  53. Jun 12, 2022
    One of the worst albums I've ever heard, total waste of time. After waiting for years and this being their first full length album, I was extremely disappointed. The songwriting is lazy, the production was terrible and the lyrics just do not make sense. I would be so embarrassed to make my fans wait for ages and then drop this absolute trash of an album. Wish I could give it a rating inOne of the worst albums I've ever heard, total waste of time. After waiting for years and this being their first full length album, I was extremely disappointed. The songwriting is lazy, the production was terrible and the lyrics just do not make sense. I would be so embarrassed to make my fans wait for ages and then drop this absolute trash of an album. Wish I could give it a rating in negatives, so generic and a complete waste of time Expand
  54. Oct 2, 2020
  55. Oct 2, 2020
    2 good tracks 3 overprocessed tracks (weird thats the only tracks they decide to showcase) 3 tracks that gets going but falls flat. Lyrics were never their strong suit so I wouldn't come into this album expecting an experience. The Album just didn't live up to The Hype.
  56. Jul 24, 2021
    didn't like it.. tbh the beats are so overused empty lyrics everything's a mess!
  57. Jul 24, 2021
    epitome of mediocrity. no artistry and lyricism on their members' part and they completely relied on the producers.
  58. Oct 2, 2020
    Same old thing. Same things. While girl group like little mix are doing big things and amazing show and no one care about.
  59. Oct 2, 2020
    Sounds without rhythm, empty letters, very good video effects, but the choreography is stressful and the concept is mediocre
  60. Oct 2, 2020
    Infelizmente, mesmo com um grupo tão poderoso em suas mãos, a YG Ent. provou mais uma vez que não consegue administrar um álbum completo. Quando o CD começa a ganhar forma, ele acaba. Parece que está faltando alguma coisa, o toque final até chegarmos no fim. Seguindo a lógica, seria compreensível serem lançados dois mini álbuns com este conteúdo, afinal, se a proposta é lançar um álbum comInfelizmente, mesmo com um grupo tão poderoso em suas mãos, a YG Ent. provou mais uma vez que não consegue administrar um álbum completo. Quando o CD começa a ganhar forma, ele acaba. Parece que está faltando alguma coisa, o toque final até chegarmos no fim. Seguindo a lógica, seria compreensível serem lançados dois mini álbuns com este conteúdo, afinal, se a proposta é lançar um álbum com somente 8 músicas, no mínimo, todas elas precisam ser excelentes. As colaborações destoam muito. Mesmo que elas quisessem, Selena Gomez e Cardi B não dariam as mãos juntas até o estúdio para gravarem com as meninas. Lovesick Girls tem muito potencial comercial e com certeza pode dominar as rádios, basta a Interscope investir nisso aqui no Ocidente. O lado bom disso tudo? É saber que Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo e Rose são muito talentosas, lindas, carismáticas e com certeza darão o seu melhor em qualquer trabalho proposto. No mais, espero que a gravadora tome mais cuidado nos próximos lançamentos. Expand
  61. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não gostei muito genérico é sempre a mesma batida as letras são vazias sem sentido algum Expand
  62. Oct 4, 2020
    No skips! 10/10! The long time awaited full album finally has arrived and it has shown everyone what Blackpink is about!!
  63. Oct 2, 2020
    The album is small and I think this is the lowest point that is generating the (few) criticisms. But only the fans understand that it was in their time, they did everything to deliver a job that was perfect in their eyes and those of the fans. pretty savage could be the record of the year.
  64. Oct 3, 2020
    The album has the widest range of music a kpop album ever had. Deserves critical acclaim.
  65. Oct 3, 2020
    Typical kpop album with few bops. Bet you wanna is my fave. Queen thingsssss
  66. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Album is their best work so far. Lovesick Girls has that country like guitar sound with retro vibes, Crazy Over You has that oriental hip-hop feel, Pretty Savage has that minimal trap beat, How You Like That being their signature sound with the song format, Ice Cream is a very chill-vibe and a dance-pop song featuring Selena Gomez, Love to Hate Me has a feel-good vibe which I like, You Never Know being a ballad, Bet You Wanna having a RnB vibe and being an entirely English song collabing with the hot rapper, Cardi B. You can’t name a more experimental album this year with only having 8 songs that has no skips, has 1M pre-orders, breaking records, etc. Best releases of 2020. Expand
  67. Oct 2, 2020
    deserve 10/10
    this album really showed BlackPink's taste
    it’s so emotional yet so beautiful not to mention the instrumental- the violins omg!! they put so much effort in it and you can see they’ve worked hard, it was worth waiting.
  68. Oct 2, 2020
    Was it worth 4 years of wait? F yeah it was. Every song is title track material and the Album truly deserves it's name. BLACKPINKS IS THE REVOLUTION
  69. Oct 2, 2020
    The album brings a different side to BLACKPINK that we are used to seeing in his previous work. Although it is 8 songs I feel that all the songs fit what the 4 girls want to show to the public and their fans. The title track has a little of what Jisoo and Jennie have to show as songwriters, I hope to see more of them in the future. I feel that this is just the beginning of somethingThe album brings a different side to BLACKPINK that we are used to seeing in his previous work. Although it is 8 songs I feel that all the songs fit what the 4 girls want to show to the public and their fans. The title track has a little of what Jisoo and Jennie have to show as songwriters, I hope to see more of them in the future. I feel that this is just the beginning of something great that is coming Expand
  70. Oct 2, 2020
    The album overalls is great. My favorite song is you never know . Blackpink always impressed me.
  71. Oct 2, 2020
    A true masterpiece. Every song is addictive and leaves you wanting to play it again and again. The BLACKPINK members constantly set the standard for girl groups by always coming back better than ever, and this comeback is no different. Definitely the most talented at what they do, BLACKPINK has left me craving for more music, and I absolutely cannot wait for their next release!
  72. Oct 2, 2020
    The songs from The Album by Blackpink are really great and fun to listen to. No skip
  73. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the girls dedicated themselves a lot in this album, after four years even with few songs they grew a lot, this album is very good with the distribution of lines, like the songs, The rap, blackpink I don't come with quantity, yes with quality Expand
  74. Oct 2, 2020
    All the songs were perfectly chosen, to collectively make an album with a good variety of sounds and genres. Each song has a different vibe and shows the different sides of Blackpink. The songs are good, in some of them the vocals stand out and in others the rap, making a good balance and showing as a result a good and complete full album.
  75. Oct 2, 2020
    my expectations for this album were REALLY big but it exceeded my expectations fr. unfortunately it has only 8 songs but maybe is meant to be like this because the 8 songs connect so well with each other
  76. Oct 5, 2020
    A espera valeu muito a pena. Álbum maravilhoso. todas as músicas com potencial de ser faixas títulos e com variedades. Blackpink realmente é a revolução
  77. Oct 5, 2020
    Overrated songs, basic lyrics, auto tunes everywhere.. though you may expect a huge, life changing songs there when you look at the amount of producers that have participated in the making of the album but no theyre all even lower than basic.
  78. Nov 11, 2020
    a whole song in the album sounds similiar melodys with too much random lyric like "teretetetetet" it's so weird.
  79. Oct 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trash trash trash trashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrashtrash Expand
  80. Oct 2, 2020
    Si bien es mejor que sus anteriores trabajos, sigue sin tener un contenido memorable.
  81. Oct 2, 2020
    Blackpink's first album (after having debuted 4 years ago) was highly anticipated by their fanbase but anyone with working ears will know that they have fallen short. Not worth listening to a second time. Highly disappointing.
  82. Oct 2, 2020
    Not really worth the wait... Blackpink keeps taking a long time to release something, I feel like it's just a strategy to make the fans engage more and be more eager when the thing releases, but it bothers me so much. Their songs never have much variety in sound, and this album didn't change a thing in how I feel for them. I used to be a fan when they debuted, it was a fresh concept andNot really worth the wait... Blackpink keeps taking a long time to release something, I feel like it's just a strategy to make the fans engage more and be more eager when the thing releases, but it bothers me so much. Their songs never have much variety in sound, and this album didn't change a thing in how I feel for them. I used to be a fan when they debuted, it was a fresh concept and their visuals were amazing (still are btw), but now I feel tired of the "strong bad ass girls" visuals and the songs don't make me interested enough to ignore the repetition of the visual. Also the feats on this album don't look organic, but more of a thing YG got for them to up the sales and visibility of the songs, Cardi doesn't add anything to the song she's in and Selena also does not feel "fresh" like I expected to. Expand
  83. Oct 2, 2020
    Nah.... Not the type of music should listen to i mean they just recognize cause of dancing but naah
  84. Oct 3, 2020
    Boring , the album is unsatisfying , short , no bops, the tittle track don't like me
  85. Oct 5, 2020
    "The album" does not try to be innovative or bring a great artistic content, Blackpink bet on its already known formula in the structure of the songs and the sound very generic and close to American pop, a probable attempt to introduce itself in the western market, something reinforced in the lyrics of songs that have more english than conventional k-pop. At the end of the day, "the album""The album" does not try to be innovative or bring a great artistic content, Blackpink bet on its already known formula in the structure of the songs and the sound very generic and close to American pop, a probable attempt to introduce itself in the western market, something reinforced in the lyrics of songs that have more english than conventional k-pop. At the end of the day, "the album" is more like an EP than an actual album, the eight songs are not far from what was heard in the group's discography and the featuring with western artists are poorly used and poorly performed. Expand
  86. Oct 2, 2020
    Es sin duda alguna todo lo que esperaba de este álbum, sin duda supero mis expectativas.
  87. Oct 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Feels like the album was made in a rush. Was expecting so much more for their first full album, turned out it only has 8 songs with 2 of them being pre-released singles. The songs are pretty generic, the only song i think is good is Pretty Savage. I looked up the lyrics and DEFINITELY not sth I expect, given that I rmb their fans said Blackpink has sth to do with woman empowerment... Expand
  88. Oct 2, 2020
    "the album" is almost an EP, but it still lacks in cohesion
    anyway it has good songs
  89. Oct 2, 2020
    Ice Cream and How You Like That were really poor pre-releases that set the tone for the overall album, that feels outdated and somewhat stuck in the early 2000s. Even the Cardi B feature could not save it from being mediocre at best. After waiting for nearly four years for a full album, I was really dissappointed by the lacklustre quality and lack of songs. I was looking forward to theIce Cream and How You Like That were really poor pre-releases that set the tone for the overall album, that feels outdated and somewhat stuck in the early 2000s. Even the Cardi B feature could not save it from being mediocre at best. After waiting for nearly four years for a full album, I was really dissappointed by the lacklustre quality and lack of songs. I was looking forward to the girls participating in the song writing and composing on LSG, but even that left me wanting something more authentic and genuine. Not Impressed. Expand
  90. Oct 2, 2020
    um álbum que com um hype enorme veio meio broxante, 3 músicas que salvaram! Tomara que tenha mais um álbum pra gente ter certeza que não morreram nesse
  91. Oct 3, 2020
    Took it so long to deliver an average content. The title song is nice, but very basic, nothing fresh...
  92. Oct 3, 2020
    es una completa basura, repetitiva , urge que se reinventen, esperando a que le hagan una critica buen a a cualquier album de TWICE
  93. Oct 2, 2020
    generic pop SILLY PINK song, this ep is full of basic pop 2010 music this ep is so boring and generic
  94. Oct 2, 2020
    Y esto que? El Kpop es lo mas genérico que puede haber en la actualidad y las únicas personas que consumen su música son sus fans que no hacen mas que reproducir sin parar sus canciones desde todos los dispositivos móviles que tengan al alcance para alcanzar buenas posiciones, además, estas chicas llevan varios años en la industria y recién se dignan en sacar un disco, como antes fuera deY esto que? El Kpop es lo mas genérico que puede haber en la actualidad y las únicas personas que consumen su música son sus fans que no hacen mas que reproducir sin parar sus canciones desde todos los dispositivos móviles que tengan al alcance para alcanzar buenas posiciones, además, estas chicas llevan varios años en la industria y recién se dignan en sacar un disco, como antes fuera de Asia no las conocía nadie pues no querían arriesgarse, tiene buena producción y ya, mas del montón. Expand
  95. Oct 2, 2020
    Eu estava esperando bem mais do álbum, principalmente por ser o primeiro full álbum da carreira delas mas acabei me decepcionando muito. How you like that, ice cream, bet you wanna e pretty savage conseguem ser ruins em muitos níveis, sério. As outras músicas também não tem nada de inovador. Love to hate me e Lovesick girls são as que "salvam" o álbum, são as menos piores. Apesar do refrãoEu estava esperando bem mais do álbum, principalmente por ser o primeiro full álbum da carreira delas mas acabei me decepcionando muito. How you like that, ice cream, bet you wanna e pretty savage conseguem ser ruins em muitos níveis, sério. As outras músicas também não tem nada de inovador. Love to hate me e Lovesick girls são as que "salvam" o álbum, são as menos piores. Apesar do refrão de Lovesick girls ser uma bagunça, até que é melhor do que as outras e Love to hate me é a mais diferente do álbum, até que é boazinha.

    É isso, eu esperava bem mais.
  96. Oct 2, 2020
    É um álbum extremamente massivo e vago. Parece que foi feito às pressas, com uma produção fraca e mais do mesmo apresentado nos EP's anteriores. Decepcionante.
  97. Oct 2, 2020
    When I listen to the first song, I say it's going well, a voice breaks a beat.
  98. Oct 2, 2020
    Basic as always. After 4 year of trying to get a hit Blackpink finally got a full album that is the same thing. They offer nothing new.
  99. Oct 2, 2020
    Song after song and nothing new. All their songs sound the same. Boring! Ice cream is atrocious. Lab created and no personality, I wonder if the girls even like these songs. Atleast they look beautiful

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Oct 6, 2020
    Crammed chockfull of crowd-pleasing EDM pyrotechnics and cheeky one-liners, The Album is undeniably a product of a well-oiled, state-of-the-art pop machine, but it feels stuck looking back to tried and true trends in both K-pop and Western pop music.
  2. Oct 5, 2020
    The Album showcases their signature style of blending genres and influences to create songs that are just as classically pop as they are identifiably BLACKPINK.
  3. Oct 5, 2020
    Overflowing with confidence, Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa conquer each track on The Album with their vocal ability (both singing and rapping) and effortless charm, switching up styles to offer something for every type of fan.