
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. New Musical Express (NME)
    Album of the year? It's definitely a contender. [7 Aug 2004, p.49]
  2. Rolling Stone
    Kasher... wrenches sad-eyed beauty out of slow indie-folk arrangements while eulogizing several affairs. [30 Sep 2004, p.188]
  3. Under The Radar
    Album Of The Year is able to sustain a listener for 53 minutes--not necessarily interest, and certainly not to inspire, but sustain. [#7]
  4. The attention to detail in the production, the punchy melodies, and the sympathetic performances by the group -- along with Kasher's writing that is nothing less than gripping and often head-shakingly brilliant -- make this record an indispensable artifact for anyone who likes indie rock with a real emotional punch.
  5. Album Of The Year isn't as compact or viscerally exciting as the EP that preceded it, mainly because it's not as loud.
  6. Alternative Press
    Like most good thematic albums, or films or books, for that matter, it's hard to put the pieces together on Album Of The Year, and just when you think you've got the narrative unraveled, you'll rediscover another lost passage or double entendre. [Sep 2004, p.122]
  7. Blender
    Listening to these tales of failing relationships feels like eavesdropping, but it's irresistible. [Sep 2004, p.136]
  8. May be his most mature, fully realized offering to date, though not necessarily his most thrilling.
  9. The songs are instantly welcoming, flickering with enough hope and tenacity to outlast Kasher's heartbreak.
  10. [Kasher's] ability to toss off seemingly effortless melodic hooks makes one wonder just what kind of water is in Saddle Creek.
  11. Filter
    Boldly, magnificently, unabashedly sappy. [#12, p.104]
  12. Yes, there is a lot in the way of failing relationship therapy on here, but when it's done with such eloquence and downright elegance it'd be churlish to treat it with the disrespect more easily afforded to music's legions of professional disenchanteds.
  13. Allow me to offer some parting advice: just because a record expresses emotion doesn’t make it bad.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. Dec 4, 2012
    My brother introduced me to this album, and I will admit, it is pretty great. The lyrics are amongst the saddest I've heard in awhile. It'sMy brother introduced me to this album, and I will admit, it is pretty great. The lyrics are amongst the saddest I've heard in awhile. It's fantastic though. The opener "Album Of The Year' is one of the best tracks I've heard ever. All In All, Album Of The Year is a great record with great lyrics. Full Review »
  2. Nov 14, 2011
    My favourite songs on the album are: 1) Inmates 2) Night and Day 3) Album of the Year 4) Under a Honeymoon. There are some very memorableMy favourite songs on the album are: 1) Inmates 2) Night and Day 3) Album of the Year 4) Under a Honeymoon. There are some very memorable songs found in this album and they all fit together very well with an over arcing story that I relate to. The lyrics are so good and while there are no happy endings to this story the whole album feels romantic in a sense of longing and desire for things to have happened differently. Album of the Year is an awesome album with a deep meaningful story. Ill remember these songs for the rest of my life. Full Review »
  3. Andy
    Aug 16, 2006
    One of those albums that needs to be heard all the way through to completely understand. The lyrics are probably the best you'll ever hear.