• Record Label: Hudson
  • Release Date: Oct 13, 2017

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Nov 13, 2017
    Recorded in Sheffield with crack producer Andy Bell, Afterglow is an ambitious addition to the sounds of a city that is fast becoming the central hub for the UK’s best folk talent.
  2. Mojo
    Oct 25, 2017
    It's no instant hit, but some cracking songs like Moths In The Gas Light and Dancing In The Ruin rise to the top and a brilliantly vivid production keeps you riveted. [Dec 2017, p.90]
  3. Oct 25, 2017
    You can’t deny Afterglow’s big dreams, but it often feels somnolent, not superlative.
  4. 40
    Musically it’s pleasant enough, with string and wind flourishes either emboldening or offering solace from the folk-rock arrangements; but it’s all a bit samey, and after a while, rather dull.
  5. Oct 25, 2017
    There are appealing acoustic and woodwind moments--Yellow Lights, Aubade--but the thumping orchestral pieces verge on overkill and the dystopic descriptions of burning barrels seem hysterical at a time of rocketing renewables. Compared to Bellowhead, it’s a damp squib.

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