• Record Label: Vice
  • Release Date: Feb 6, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Those hoping to be converted are likely still to doubt the 'voice of a generation' tag.
  2. Under The Radar
    It's a given that some people will miss the raucous Bloc Party, but there are enough in-your-face moments and hidden gems to keep A Weekend In The City on regular rotation. [#16, p.90]
  3. Urb
    A post-electronica, post-rave production that jettisons genres and cherishes uncut creativity. [Jan/Feb 2007, p.77]
  4. Vibe
    On Weekend, the group's clearly into its '90s phase, and enjoying it. [Feb 2007, p.124]
  5. A Weekend In The City is the aural adaptation, a digital manifestation, of what it’s like to be a twenty-something in Britain, today. It’s dirty, dishevelled, unsure and paranoid; fearful, easily distracted, boisterous and ashamed; reckless, wild, nervous and terrified; graceful, thought-provoking, clumsy and contradictory. And it’s very nearly perfect.
  6. Okereke now sings instead of barking, and, well, oops on him.
  7. Alternative Press
    They play things way too safe... which makes for a rather boring listening experience. [Mar 2007, p.142]
  8. Spin
    Not since U2 built an Atomic Bomb has one band tried so hard to turn each track into a breahless epic. [Feb 2007, p.84]
  9. Too often Bloc Party aim for an overly expansive epic Coldplay quality that compromises the focus of their songwriting.
  10. How good is A Weekend In The City? At times, it's brilliant: bold, forthright and honest.
  11. Rolling Stone
    Though the new bunch [of songs] are sharply executed, they cry out for killer choruses now that they're not just outcries of generational frustration. [8 Feb 2007, p.70]
  12. There's barely a song that isn't kneecapped by one of Okereke's lyrical clangers.
  13. Too often, the music on A Weekend in the City is less memorable than the ambitious subject matter.
  14. This album isn't as brash or immediate as the band's earlier work, but its gradual move from alienation to connection and hope is just as bold as Silent Alarm, and possibly even more resonant.
  15. When A Weekend in the City comes bursting out at you with a gaggle of second-album upgrades-- new tricks, new scope, new arrangements-- the bulk of them sound like good ideas: They've been executed by hard-working professionals.
  16. A Weekend in the City borders on emo in its wordy self-obsession, so even though the record is actually more sonically adventurous than its predecessor, it seems like a massive step backward.
  17. The second half of the album falls into a malaise as tempos slow and arrangements become more orthodox, placing Bloc Party closer to Coldplay than one would have thought possible two years ago.
  18. The New York Times
    Claustrophobic with multitracked vocals and baroque effects, the album lacks the wiry catchiness of hits like “Banquet.” [5 Feb 2007]
  19. It’s a difficult album to love, or even like. But, for all its faults — and there are many — there is enough here to make one think that maybe, just maybe, Bloc Party are capable of making, with their third LP, the kind of challenging yet highly accessible pop album they think they’ve made here.
  20. 'A Weekend In The City'... fails because it tells us nothing new.
  21. It's smart, strange, just different enough from its predecessor, and, eventually, absolutely stunning.
  22. Uncut
    For an album that strives to articulate the youthful pleasure-rush of love, drugs, and power, this is a worryingly pedestrian effort. [Mar 2007, p.75]
  23. 70
    At Bloc Party’s best, music and message collide with astounding force.
  24. The psychic bruising Okereke has sustained playing the East London fame game during the past 12 months has produced self-pitying lyrics that frequently state the bleeding obvious.
  25. The real achievement of 'A Weekend In The City' is its path to this conclusion, pulling hard-won moments of contentment from a maelstrom of anger and confusion.
  26. Mojo
    The album's substantial rewards lie in the unorthodox rhythms of drummer Matt Tong. [Mar 2007, p.102]
  27. The direction in which Bloc Party has traveled is entirely unsuited to its strengths.
  28. Q Magazine
    An album of palatable Radio 1-friendly alt-rock. [Mar 2007, p.110]
  29. A Weekend in the City showcases what all the band's initial buzz was about, but twists and filters what might have been expected, leaving them open to praise for different reasons.
  30. This young band has something fresh to say, which softens the letdown that their late attempt at post-punk heroism falls short.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 320 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 72 out of 320
  1. Mar 25, 2021
    Thanks to "Song for Clay" and "Hunting for Witches", this album is not entirely horrible, but the rest of it is bad, plain and simple. TheThanks to "Song for Clay" and "Hunting for Witches", this album is not entirely horrible, but the rest of it is bad, plain and simple. The lyrics are cringy, the vibes are strange. I've genuinely tried to like this album many times but as soon as track #3 starts, I feel genuine desire to experience silence rather than this record. If you were attracted by Silent Alarm, like I was, this is a disappointment. Full Review »
  2. Feb 20, 2021
    An amazing album after all but in my opinion with songs like "Hunting For Withches" or "Flux" the feeling of the album to be some melancholicAn amazing album after all but in my opinion with songs like "Hunting For Withches" or "Flux" the feeling of the album to be some melancholic and sadnnes seems to be overshadowed but NOT making it worst, only mixing feeling, which some may find confusing, normal or terrible. But for me it's perfect in the way it is. The feeling of leaving things behind, to understand life, to overthink memories; that's what "A Weekend In The City" means to me a travel to the past. And yeah the rating is quite low, is not the best album of the world but not as bad as they say Full Review »
  3. Mar 2, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. It's everything Silent Alarm wanted to be. A huge step forward, Bloc Party have perfected their craft, the music sounds sleeker, and so much more melodic. It feels like theyr are trying to follow in Radiohead's footsteps by incorporating electronic sounds and beats into the mix. The album also feels very cohesive, it has a distinct eerie and alien atmosphere throughout. The only issue are some of the lyrics, which can be very cringey, almost like theyr were written by a teenager.
    Full Review »