• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 461 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 65 out of 461
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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    Beyond the title track theres really nothing to get from listening to this derivative Oasis offshoot
  2. Jun 5, 2022
    For me, this is the best Coldplay album with Ghost Stories!!! This album is so underrated...
  3. Sep 24, 2020
    Their least good album. I feel like they just made it for touring. They made it thinking of the tour - u can feel it in the whole album. It’s great though bc it’s the complete opposite from their previous one (darkness and sadness X happiness and colorness).
  4. Apr 21, 2020
    Coldplay's 7th Album, I have too say I'm quite disappointed with this one...But it has it's high points! 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Is a decent way to start the album, It's a nice upbeat tune. 'Birds' Is quite a good song, Especially the beautiful and upbeat part at the end. 'Hymn For The Weekend' is a type of song where you just want to scream the lyrics, which there aren't many songs onColdplay's 7th Album, I have too say I'm quite disappointed with this one...But it has it's high points! 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Is a decent way to start the album, It's a nice upbeat tune. 'Birds' Is quite a good song, Especially the beautiful and upbeat part at the end. 'Hymn For The Weekend' is a type of song where you just want to scream the lyrics, which there aren't many songs on this album that make you want to do that. 'Everglow' is a decent track, though I thought the single version was 10X better, I feel like the added instrumentals took away from the personal feeling that the song originally had, other than that it's still pretty good. 'Adventure of a Lifetime' Is very mediocre, it can get boring. 'Fun' was a decent song, the Tove Lo feature did make the song decent. 'Kaleidoscope' is a pretty beautiful tune that leads on into 'Army Of One' which is just a **** song...The first part where chris' voice is used as an instrumental is just straight up annoying, and the whole song overall is just extremely boring and repetitive..probably the worst track on the album. 'Amazing Day' is pretty good. 'Colour Spectrum' is a nice little tune that sums up all the sounds used in the album and it leads into 'Up&Up' which is a very boring song to end off the album. So overall half of the songs are just mediocre or bad, with some good ones. But the ones that are good aren't even THAT good. This might be my least favourite coldplay album out of all the coldplay album before A Head Full Of Dreams..The Top 3 Songs of the ones that a good on this album would have too be 'Birds', 'Hymn For The Weeknd' , and 'Amazing Day'. Expand
  5. Mar 27, 2020
    A Head Full of Dreams by Coldplay: 7.07

    A Head Full of Dreams: 1 :) Birds: 1 :) Hymn For the Weekend: 1 Everglow: 1 Adventure of a Lifetime: 1 :) Fun (feat. Tove Lo): 1 :) Kaleidoscope: 0.5 Army of One: 0.5 (AoO=1, T=0) Amazing Day: 1 Colour Spectrum: 0.5 Up & Up: 0.75 9.25/11 ~ .841 -> 7.07 Coldplay’s A Head Full of Dreams is a really good album. About ⅔ of its songs
    A Head Full of Dreams by Coldplay: 7.07

    A Head Full of Dreams: 1 :)
    Birds: 1 :)
    Hymn For the Weekend: 1
    Everglow: 1
    Adventure of a Lifetime: 1 :)
    Fun (feat. Tove Lo): 1 :)
    Kaleidoscope: 0.5
    Army of One: 0.5 (AoO=1, T=0)
    Amazing Day: 1
    Colour Spectrum: 0.5
    Up & Up: 0.75

    9.25/11 ~ .841 -> 7.07

    Coldplay’s A Head Full of Dreams is a really good album. About ⅔ of its songs are outstanding (A Head Full of Dreams, Adventure of a Lifetime, etc.) but it also has some weird instrumental ones. I guess it’s pretty cool that they were included, but at the same time they kinda distract from the good stuff. Plus, the surprise track they included at the end of Army of One (which I really liked) was absolutely horrible and seemed like no effort was out into the making of it, lowering the score that Army of One would have gotten. Besides that, I don’t have any complaints. A Head Full of Dreams is a great album, and makes me excited for the new Coldplay stuff that’s coming out next month! Highlights: A Head Full of Dreams, Birds, Hymn For the Weekend, Everglow, Adventure of a Lifetime, Fun (feat. Tove Lo), and Amazing Day.
  6. Nov 26, 2019
    Album with great colour. Solos are catchy with coldplay's lyrics and melodies. But too over-produced.
  7. Nov 24, 2019
    Coldplay goes party pop with syrupy, gooey, wet production everywhere. Looks like singer Chris Martin has gotten over his sadness of a failed marriage and is ready to party! Unfortunately, it’s hardly endearing to listen to an extremely rich and successful band that is aging, sing about parties and strive for mainstream hits so obviously. Everglow, Adventures of a Lifetime, and Fun areColdplay goes party pop with syrupy, gooey, wet production everywhere. Looks like singer Chris Martin has gotten over his sadness of a failed marriage and is ready to party! Unfortunately, it’s hardly endearing to listen to an extremely rich and successful band that is aging, sing about parties and strive for mainstream hits so obviously. Everglow, Adventures of a Lifetime, and Fun are highlights. But much of this comes off corny with attempts at rapping and flat attempts at shaping main stream culture with phrases like “hymn for the weekend”. It’s a tad awkward to see Coldplay go from genre definers to genre band wagon jumpers with this ardent effort at mainstream success and production. The masses ended up eating this album up, but Martin just doesn’t have a lot to say here. Expand
  8. Sep 14, 2019
    Coldplay and I is I is I is I a masterpiece lot of to the get go on a trip to down the and я ну ну раноше раньше было все равно в час и
  9. May 28, 2019
    The best album of them... they just inspiring me to be better person and love everything.
  10. Nov 12, 2018
    First time i'm listen to head full of dreams, i'm thought it's just a waste album.But after few times listens whole album i changed my mind.Birds and Fun are my most favorite songs from head full of dreams.
  11. Sep 26, 2018
    I Don'T Like Pop Rock Music But This Album Was The Best Pop Rock Album I Heard. It 'S Good For Coldplay To Go Past ,Anyway It Was A Good Album.
  12. Aug 12, 2018
    Coldplay has always been producing magical music. Don't ignore these beautiful tracks, listen once and you'll love to listen them all again and again.
  13. May 9, 2018
    AHFOD is an attractive, highly-enjoyable album. This is mostly due to the consistently interesting, original modern melodic pop-rock music, which works very well throughout the album. The music on this album is warm, interesting, engaging, and very pleasant for the most part. The music works very well with the vocals and the optimistic, warm lyrics. "Head," "Hymn," "Adventure," "Army" andAHFOD is an attractive, highly-enjoyable album. This is mostly due to the consistently interesting, original modern melodic pop-rock music, which works very well throughout the album. The music on this album is warm, interesting, engaging, and very pleasant for the most part. The music works very well with the vocals and the optimistic, warm lyrics. "Head," "Hymn," "Adventure," "Army" and "UpandUp" all sound great in their own ways. "Everglow" has great piano-pop infused music, and "Birds" has a warm, pleasant energy to it.

    Lyrically, this album is nearly as impressive, and occasionally bad. "Hymn" has pretty terrible lyrics, along with (to a lesser extent) "Fun," and the second half as "Army." Still, the lyrics are rarely downright offensive or hard to listen to. Lastly, the vocals on this album are solid, and blend very well with the music and lyrics.

    AHFOD us an engaging, vibrant, warm, occasionally magical album in terms of music. It is not terrible lyrically, but it's not very interesting or original. All in all, I really do enjoy this album.
  14. Jan 27, 2018
    Going into this album, I had some expectations: it should be a bit livelier, more colourful and more visceral than their previous record, Ghost Stories (although the album's cover art pretty much gave me an answer beforehand), but I didn't want it to have the electronic excesses of Mylo Xyloto (it's a great album, but if they make a sequel, it won't be anywhere near as good as MX. ColdplayGoing into this album, I had some expectations: it should be a bit livelier, more colourful and more visceral than their previous record, Ghost Stories (although the album's cover art pretty much gave me an answer beforehand), but I didn't want it to have the electronic excesses of Mylo Xyloto (it's a great album, but if they make a sequel, it won't be anywhere near as good as MX. Coldplay took a risk and made a very experimental pop album, and it worked; that doesn't guarantee that a follow-up will).
    I was pleased by the production on a lot of these songs, and how organic they sound. You can tell that they've been made by real instruments, not by pressing a bunch of buttons on a computer. The album kicks off with an uplifting title track that was made for the arena; no wonder Coldplay opens all of their live shows with it. "Birds" has a lovely guitar melody, and is a pretty tune that bursts with colour on the chorus. "Hymn for the Weekend" brings a lot of energy, Chris Martin and Beyonce sound good together, but for me it falls a little flat due to the sub-par lyrics, and the whole song feeling like it's trying a bit too hard to make you want to dance.
    Things get very melancholic on "Everglow", a lovely piano ballad in which Martin sings about a constant source of light and positivity in his life. It's a poignant moment that you just want to soak up. "Adventure of a Lifetime" and "Fun" follow, two vibrant tracks with forgettable lyrics. The former, also the lead single, fizzes with energy and has nice guitar work while the latter, featuring Tove Lo, is a slightly slower pop tune about... well, having fun. They're decent tracks, but they feel more like B-sides from Mylo Xyloto, especially "Fun".
    The subdued pseudo-interlude (regular interludes don't last 2 minutes) "Kaleidoscope" has something very alluring about it; I can't quite put my finger on it. There's something about a dramatic reading of an introspective poem over a soaring piano melody that I like so much. Barack Obama sings "Amazing Grace" on this one, too! "Army of One" explodes with synth, powerful vocals which get chopped up in some parts, and booming percussion. I love it. The hidden track here sounds like it was placed there by mistake (it sounds completely different from the main track), but it just about works. It's a suitable comedown from the dizzying heights of "Army of One".
    Coldplay grab the 'gratitude' dial and turn it all the way up on "Amazing Day", a very pretty guitar-led tune which features the perfect concert sing-along moment in the bridge. Martin really delivers with his vocal performance here. The interlude "Colour Spectrum" is a calm medley of some of the previous tracks, although if you're going to have an interlude when there's only one track left, you need to be sure you're setting up one hell of a finale. That is exactly what "Up&Up" is. Coldplay save the best for last with a dramatic rock ballad, with lyrics on hope and optimism, a triumphant guitar solo from Jonny Buckland and a second one from guest Noel Gallagher. When Martin says it's "the song that they've been waiting to write for fifteen years", I don't doubt it. The eerie "believe in love" coda at the end does a wonderful job of bringing the album to a close.
  15. Dec 31, 2017
    No pienso comparar los discos anteriores con este, ya que ni hace falta, son muy diferentes, pero eso no quita que el sello de calidad Coldplay sigue estando y hace de este album muy disfrutable.
  16. Dec 24, 2017
    Maybe has not all the magic of A rush of blood..., but songs like Hymn for a weekend gives it a kaleidoscopic touch thatr makes it enjoyable. Fans will appreciate.
  17. Oct 22, 2017
    Good sounds, good lyrics, good rhythm, this album is one of the most brilliant. How always Coldplay does a good job and give us good quality. It qualification should be 100.
  18. Oct 4, 2017
    They're probably the rock band that the pop fans like the most and this album it's going to increase this status, specially with the likes of Beyoncé and Tove Lo being guest artists. Some happiness is always good, even if the album has some depressive moments.
  19. Aug 8, 2017
    Sure, this isn't "old Coldplay" but is certanly great. They are following modern music, which is normal thing, but you can feel that "Coldplay feeling" in every song. Deserves much better reviews and score.
  20. Aug 8, 2017
    Well... The cover is looking nice (reminding me of BMTH's Semphiternal)... Birds is alright, I guess (still weaker than ALL of the AROBTTH songs)... Video to Up&Up is gorgeous, but it doesn't save the song and, of course, it doesn't save the album.
  21. Aug 4, 2017
    Not one of Coldplays most glorious releases, still far better then most of the music that is produced nowadays. It's like they've adapted the mainstream sound of pop but there's still that lovely feeling of warmth and intimacy like always in Coldplays music.
  22. Jul 26, 2017
    It seems to be exactly what it is. Many people say that an artist's album cover can describe exactly the songs it contains in it, this is the case of a full head of dreams, colorful, cheerful, and brings a message, like all Coldplay albums. It's scary to a point, when you're accustomed to the band's old-sounding, but with time you'll go to accepting this phase of Coldplay and so enjoy yourIt seems to be exactly what it is. Many people say that an artist's album cover can describe exactly the songs it contains in it, this is the case of a full head of dreams, colorful, cheerful, and brings a message, like all Coldplay albums. It's scary to a point, when you're accustomed to the band's old-sounding, but with time you'll go to accepting this phase of Coldplay and so enjoy your new jobs. 10/10 Expand
  23. Jul 2, 2017
    A fresh, bright and colorful album by the world`s best band that brings back the Mylo Xyloto vibes. Very very underrated! Every track can be listened to on and on and on...
  24. Jun 19, 2017
    I love this album so much. It is much better than Ghost Stories (in my opinion) and is right up there with Mylo Xyloto and Viva La Vida and Death and all his friends. Obviously it is hard to mix the new with the old, but I think Coldplay has really shown that by the end of the careers they will be remembered as one of the greatest live performance acts of this generation, bar none. I haveI love this album so much. It is much better than Ghost Stories (in my opinion) and is right up there with Mylo Xyloto and Viva La Vida and Death and all his friends. Obviously it is hard to mix the new with the old, but I think Coldplay has really shown that by the end of the careers they will be remembered as one of the greatest live performance acts of this generation, bar none. I have loved Coldplay since I was a child and with each new album release, it is more astounding each and every time (minus Ghost Stories, which was good but I think the weakest of all of their albums.) Expand
  25. May 24, 2017
    In my opinion this is not a great album, I really got bored when I listened to this album for the first time, there are some good songs such as Everglow or Up&Up, but I the rest of the songs disappointed me.
  26. Apr 19, 2017
    Coldplay's latest album shows some color and fun to it but lacks the magic and excitement which ended up bland and boring. Hymn for the weekend, Up&Up and Adventures of a Lifetime shows strenghth to the album but never quite live up to it. Lyrics are messy,and unfocused of what it is, Coldplay's albums from Parachutes were great up until Viva La Vida, After that their songs getsColdplay's latest album shows some color and fun to it but lacks the magic and excitement which ended up bland and boring. Hymn for the weekend, Up&Up and Adventures of a Lifetime shows strenghth to the album but never quite live up to it. Lyrics are messy,and unfocused of what it is, Coldplay's albums from Parachutes were great up until Viva La Vida, After that their songs gets uninspired and just really a mess of unmeaningful lyrics. A Head Full Of Drams shows the band at its worst and the production felt cheap and rush with 3 songs which are atleast okay/average at best, This shows concern of the of future of the band, Hoping for Mr. Martin and his gang for a comeback. BTW their live performances are kinda good. Expand
  27. Apr 11, 2017
    Coldplay failed to build upon the lackluster Ghost Stories and delivers an album with no standout songs. While the band tries to steer themselves into a pop direction, Mylo Xyloto remains their best album to serve as a model of just that. A Head Full of Dreams has brief moments of brilliance, but overall does not demonstrate the best of Coldplay's ability.
  28. Feb 26, 2017
    It's fun at first, but then after a while you realize it's just another pop piece thrown into the mix of endless albums that want people to like them just because they sound hip. Coldplay is milking money now, and has lost its original flare that everyone grew to love with its first three LPs. Everglow is about the only song I'd recommend adding to any playlist, it's about the closestIt's fun at first, but then after a while you realize it's just another pop piece thrown into the mix of endless albums that want people to like them just because they sound hip. Coldplay is milking money now, and has lost its original flare that everyone grew to love with its first three LPs. Everglow is about the only song I'd recommend adding to any playlist, it's about the closest you'll get to coldplay in this coldplay album. Expand
  29. Feb 8, 2017
    This album is just so breezy and likable. It's a little painful to listen to with headphones (there's SO MUCH BASS), but listening to it openly (e.g. in the car) is a real joy. There always seems to be a period where a band evolves into a different genre, usually becoming more poppy. This happened to Rush, it happened to Queen, and now it's happening to Coldplay. It's just a period; theThis album is just so breezy and likable. It's a little painful to listen to with headphones (there's SO MUCH BASS), but listening to it openly (e.g. in the car) is a real joy. There always seems to be a period where a band evolves into a different genre, usually becoming more poppy. This happened to Rush, it happened to Queen, and now it's happening to Coldplay. It's just a period; the band will stay like this for a while and then go back to its roots. Rush went back to its roots in the nineties, twenty hundreds, and twenty tens (e.g. Clockwork Angels), and Queen would have gone back to its roots had Freddie Mercury not died. Coldplay's going to escape this pop period; they'll just be here for a while. While they're here, though, there's a lot to enjoy. Expand
  30. Dec 11, 2016
    Coldplay is, and always has been, painfully dull. They DO make some good stuff, certain songs are good, Paradise, for one is OK, but this is just bad. Most of this album just kinda sounds like a **** really sellout Moon Shaped Pool.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27
  1. Dec 16, 2015
    Instead of its wide-eyed optimism rubbing off onto others, this album has the effect of canned laughter bouncing off the walls. It’s a hundred nutritional yoghurts being mushed into bland liquid nothingness.
  2. Dec 14, 2015
    The head feels weighed down with unresolved torment, the smile forced and awkward, the colours garish and messily-applied.
  3. Dec 11, 2015
    It’s clear that Coldplay retain their thirst, their passion for making music--it’s merely a shame that it results in such polite noises.