
Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Serene and tranquil, but never uninteresting, 5 is a lovely album.
  2. 5 is Town and Country's most beautiful, flawless actualization of the goals they’ve been working towards since 1998, and paradoxically, a near-complete rethinking of them, as well.
  3. Magnet
    The group has dropped folky fingerpicking and bucolic string melodies in favor of episodic compositions full of complex horn and percussion textures. [#60, p.117]
  4. They aren't inept, amateurish or even exactly boring, but their parlor music takes a slow and emotionally neutral path that almost fights against engagement.
  5. Q Magazine
    It retains all the allure of the most hypnotic electronica with none of the digital cliches. [Jan 2004, p.122]
  6. Though this album may not change the minds of the numerous naysayers, it does show an interesting development in the group’s all-around craftsmanship.
  7. The Wire
    Contrasting epic, experimental freakouts with concise chamber music, 5 is a diverse album, full of gems bleeding with icy brilliance. [#235, p.69]

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