• Record Label: DFA
  • Release Date: Nov 13, 2007

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. It is an expertly crafted and detailed work which accomplishes total immersion in the listener. [Review of UK release]
  2. 45:33 deftly segues from the smooth funk favored by Levan to synth-pop and Talking Heads-style polyrhythms before opening into serious space-party territory.
  3. LCD Soundsystem's many fans will want this principally for the bonus tracks but will probably already have the rest of 45:33.
  4. I can attest that the music really does move forward similarly to my own metabolism, gradually building, holding a modest climax in the middle, and ending on a long, fluffy comedown. [Review of UK release]
  5. The pace of the album (or, more accurately, the "file") is intriguing, and even though it doesn't top the band's best work, any iPod owner should be proud to have 45:33 in the library. [Review of UK release]
  6. 45:33 works both as exercise-soundtrack and discopunk-odyssey because James Murphy understands how to make people move on a basic, physical level. [Review of UK release]
  7. You can hear an early, instrumental version of 'Someone Great' here, and it's pretty melody, twinkling xylophones and pulsing synths are mesmerising enough to take your mind off the pain of physical exertion.
  8. 80
    Commissioned by Nike as an exercise mix for iPods, this euphoric, largely electronic set finds Murphy adapting DJ dynamics for the running machine.
  9. Despite its branding as work-out music, 45:33 feels more like an amazing club DJ set than something to quicken one's pace on the treadmill. [Review of UK release]
  10. LCD mastermind James Murphy took a lot of flack from indie didacts for aligning with Nike last year, but it's worth asking, no less now than then: Who else would make this good on a payday premise that just as easily could have been phoned in?
  11. A sleek melding of soul, disco, techno, Eno-esque ambient, gospel, and hi-NRG electro.
  12. 45:33 is loads of fun, a satisfying folly that's as central to an appreciation of "Sound Of Silver" as the lyric sheet.
  13. If you already have the original download from last year, there isn't a ton here that's really alluring, although the three bonus tracks are all pretty good in an of themselves. If you haven't yet heard this one, its by all means time to pick it up.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 40
  2. Negative: 3 out of 40
  1. WillJ
    Jan 6, 2008
    Tim T is a twat!
  2. SamH
    Feb 8, 2008
    Definitely a decent record if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon. But, I think critics are wanking off too much to James Definitely a decent record if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon. But, I think critics are wanking off too much to James Murphy. This is clearly much less cohesive and interesting than his full-lengths. It's just not that good. BORING. Full Review »
  3. Han
    Dec 2, 2010
    Just a heads up for Tim T and anyone who thinks that this album copied Someone Great, if you actually checked the release dates you would seeJust a heads up for Tim T and anyone who thinks that this album copied Someone Great, if you actually checked the release dates you would see that it was actually released before Sound of Silver so it didn't really just recycle it. Plus the rest of the album is good and provides a solid beat for when you are running. Full Review »