• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55

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  1. BradleyH.
    Oct 30, 2008
    I have been a huge fan off The Cure since the late 80's. 4:13 Dream is fantastic. I have been playing it constantly since I got it. I have not enjoyed a Cure album this much since Disintigration.
  2. Alex
    Oct 30, 2008
    This blew my freaking mind. "It's Over" is definitely the best album closer they've ever had, and "Scream" was surprisingly... something... surprising, I guess. Long live The Cure.
  3. MathiasD.
    Oct 31, 2008
    The Cure is the best rock band of the world and the album 4:13 is a DREAM !
  4. ShannonL.
    Oct 31, 2008
    The first listen, there were a few songs I was not so sure about. But after the 2nd and 3rd, (and 4th, 5th)time through, some of these have ended up being my favorites! As a whole, a great album that touches nicely on everything that make the Cure a great band. A mix of dreamy, silly, moody,poppy rock that is of a time and place all it's own. Siren song would fit nicely on wms, The first listen, there were a few songs I was not so sure about. But after the 2nd and 3rd, (and 4th, 5th)time through, some of these have ended up being my favorites! As a whole, a great album that touches nicely on everything that make the Cure a great band. A mix of dreamy, silly, moody,poppy rock that is of a time and place all it's own. Siren song would fit nicely on wms, Underneath the stars is lovely, Bloodflowers-esque. It's Over sounds kiss me-ish. Perfect Boy is a perfect single, and though I thought it was a throwaway song at first, This Here and Now With You is quickly becoming one of my favorites! All in all, a stellar album any Cure fan will adore. Crack-a-lackin'! Expand
  5. AaronL.
    Oct 30, 2008
    Lovely album, swirling from pop to the epic underneath the stars, not a cure classic from beginning to end but brilliant all the same, i love it!
  6. CherylG
    Nov 20, 2008
    I just can't stop listening to this album! The Cure album I've been waiting for since Wish. Bravo Robert and company!
  7. Brandon
    Oct 29, 2008
    I thought I would never say this, but 4:13 Dream might be the best Cure album yet. After all the delays, this album is well worth the wait. Underneath the Stars is possibly their strongest opening track. It only gets better thereafter. It's nice to see such a complete, satisfying album from The Cure this late in their career.
  8. Aug 25, 2015
    Just because the band's been around a while, and has developed a certain "sound" doesn't mean everything they do is old hat. I can't understand why this album has not been better appreciated. Full of energy, inventiveness, careful composition. And I haven't liked a Cure album since Wish--not even a little bit. This album is what nobody wants to call it--a return to form. I neverJust because the band's been around a while, and has developed a certain "sound" doesn't mean everything they do is old hat. I can't understand why this album has not been better appreciated. Full of energy, inventiveness, careful composition. And I haven't liked a Cure album since Wish--not even a little bit. This album is what nobody wants to call it--a return to form. I never thought I'd like another Cure album. Much less love one. Expand
  9. Xanty
    Mar 11, 2009
    I goy it, left it, heard it twice and put it down.... weeks later, I gave it another chance, and it is doing my head... taking it to the sky and back! Really good album, full with melodies, emotions, pounding heartbits and colour. I didn't think I would like a Cure album so much, without looking a copy of past glories. Buy it.
  10. kevinm.
    Nov 1, 2008
    A solid cure album. Several stand out tracks including Underneath the Stars and Sleep When I'm Dead. If you don't like this, I'm afraid you don't like the cure, and probably shouldn't be reviewing their records professionally.
  11. Fredrick
    Nov 2, 2008
    4:13 Dream is one of the strongest records The Cure have made in the past 16 years. Definately the best since Wish, although I did love Bloodflowers, Wish had a more poppy sound and as such 4:13 Dream comes closer to that. Like Wish, 4:13 Dream is a schizophrenic sounding records with lot's of different styles; there's traces of said record (The only One), Disintegration 4:13 Dream is one of the strongest records The Cure have made in the past 16 years. Definately the best since Wish, although I did love Bloodflowers, Wish had a more poppy sound and as such 4:13 Dream comes closer to that. Like Wish, 4:13 Dream is a schizophrenic sounding records with lot's of different styles; there's traces of said record (The only One), Disintegration (Underneath The Stars), Kiss Me x3 (Sirensong), Pornography (The Scream) etc. The closer It's Over is a frantic, over-the-top heavy rocker and it's AMAZING! The Cure have never ended an album like this before.. 4:13 Dream is up there with the best. It sounds surprisingly fresh and very different from past work. Worth a listen for the sceptical and worth a buy for the true fans who support them no matter if it's good or bad. Like Me. The only negative thing about it is that the songs don't have a very emotional impact, if any, on you (except maybe UTS). If the songs were more emotional it would be a 10! But as it is it's a fine, outstanding effort from the best band in the world. THE CURE! Expand
  12. SixtoL.
    Nov 12, 2008
    I'd like this album, it's not a masterpiece but you can compare it with wish have lot of musical diversity. A great album.
  13. FrogS.
    Oct 31, 2008
    Good melodies, good lyrics, good music. Too much compression- stop the loudness wars, please.
  14. sVc
    Nov 2, 2008
    This is a solid effort, but not their best. If you are a Cure fan, then it will be worth the wait. Being a huge fan of theirs from the 80's I always think their next one will be a letdown. But with the exception of "Wild Mood Swings", I've never been really disappointed. I can't say there are any songs that stand out on this, but I at least can listen to most of these songs This is a solid effort, but not their best. If you are a Cure fan, then it will be worth the wait. Being a huge fan of theirs from the 80's I always think their next one will be a letdown. But with the exception of "Wild Mood Swings", I've never been really disappointed. I can't say there are any songs that stand out on this, but I at least can listen to most of these songs and be satisfied. Expand
  15. Dec 16, 2011
    I miss the old days of The Cure when every single song on the album was beautiful and dark. These more modern pieces are good, but certainly not great.
  16. WillyV.
    Nov 3, 2008
    Don't believe the critics... The Cure is my favorite band of all time, but I tell you, this album is quite poor... I even think their predecessor (2004) was slightly better. The songs here just don't lift off... There is also probably the most stupid and boring Cure songs ever wrote here : The only one, Freakshow... Only The Reasons why, Real snow White nad The Hungry ghost are Don't believe the critics... The Cure is my favorite band of all time, but I tell you, this album is quite poor... I even think their predecessor (2004) was slightly better. The songs here just don't lift off... There is also probably the most stupid and boring Cure songs ever wrote here : The only one, Freakshow... Only The Reasons why, Real snow White nad The Hungry ghost are songs solid enough for wanting you to buy this pointless album. Expand
  17. LevL.
    Nov 1, 2008
    Bobby still desperately underinspired since at least 20 years. Pop goes pop artist !

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Smartly pivoting from 2004's oddly aggro "The Cure," Smith once again indulges in his patented bipolar cocktail of feedback-drenched swoons ('Underneath the Stars') spiked with bursts of giddy pop ('The Only One').
  2. Smith sounds less like a lovesick prince in 4:13 Dream's looping-riff viscera and swallow-you-whole echo, and more like the avenging middle-aged Roger Waters on Pink Floyd's "Animals."
  3. 4:13 Dream is admirably taut and vibrant.