• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Despite the preponderance of sprightly tempos and sing-song hooks, nothing about 4:13 Dream feels especially light, perhaps because Robert Smith chooses to pair these purported pop songs with a heavy dose of affected angst.
  2. The Cure inventor Robert Smith remains almost immune to studio dilapidation, but if lucky No. 4:13 Dream could never hope to equal the seminal goth pop of Three Imaginary Boys (1979), Pornography (1982), and/or Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me (1987) by design of natural evolution, neither is it the Wild Mood Swings of the post-Disintegration (1989) paradigm.
  3. The lush arrangements on 4:13 Dream don't build a Wall of Sound so much as a whitewater, where heavily distorted guitar and effects share momentum with fluid melodies and memorable pop hooks.
  4. 80
    Amid the frenzied melancholy, there’s filler and a histrionic misstep or two, but for those willfully lost in the perpetual adolescence Smith has always documented, here’s the new soundtrack to Saturday night.
  5. Not all this mope-a-dope sounds fresh, but let's hope Smith doesn't find his cure for pain just yet.
  6. The songs generally hold up, but the production job remains confounding. Keith Uddin’s meaty fists have ruined this album.
  7. Sprawled over 13 tracks, The Cure have attempted a microcosm of their oeuvre in one volume and despite their lofty ambitions, the results are a decidedly mixed bag at best.
  8. Smartly pivoting from 2004's oddly aggro "The Cure," Smith once again indulges in his patented bipolar cocktail of feedback-drenched swoons ('Underneath the Stars') spiked with bursts of giddy pop ('The Only One').
  9. The album may lack the emotional heft of the Cure's more patient, atmospheric recordings, but should it wind up being the group's last, it will be remembered as more than an unnecessary footnote.
  10. If it ain’t broke you may smear it with red lipstick and back-comb its hair. But do NOT fix it.
  11. Mojo
    The four-piece line-up allows for some breathing space amid the existential shitstorm. [Dec 2008, p.101]
  12. Obviously nobody's expecting them to record anything revolutionary at this stage of their career, but it's fair to say that this album will probably only get Cure enthusiasts excited.
  13. He has regularly crept back to the light of the charts and 4:13 Dream is such an occasion. And one which, given the ’80s revival, is timed to perfection.
  14. 4:13 Dream is slightly better than the misguided hype suggests.
  15. What Smith sees in goth-metal is a mystery but, sure enough, the final third of 4:13 Dream is studded with the sort of big-haired, suffocating fluff ('The Scream', 'It's Over') that has blighted his band's reputation in recent years. A shame because, at best, when they reconcile themselves to the fact that they are essentially a pop act, albeit one whose dark side is more pronounced than most, the Cure are as thrilling now as they were in the Eighties.
  16. He isn’t mellowing with age, but serving up more Cure, as you’ve come to expect.
  17. The only problem is that the rambling approach that let Smith get these things out has kept the results from being all they might have been.
  18. The tunes are occasionally catchy, if too often merely adequate, and the instrumentation feels like a familiar, if torn, blanket when it’s not trying too hard.
  19. In the end, 4:13 Dream is nothing but a solid to shaky late period album from a band that’s due can’t really be understated.
  20. Q Magazine
    Self-parody has lately been The Cure's greatest enemy: here, happily, it's not the main attraction. [Jan 2009, p.113]
  21. Smith sounds less like a lovesick prince in 4:13 Dream's looping-riff viscera and swallow-you-whole echo, and more like the avenging middle-aged Roger Waters on Pink Floyd's "Animals."
  22. The new album has a more nuanced sound and a wealth of interesting songs.
  23. 60
    Even if he never wins back the Interpol/Bright Eyes bystanders he lost with 2004's overly heavy, underachieving self-titled punt, Smith finally rewards longtime fans with a proper Cure album, not a quasi-solo-project facsimile.
  24. Overall, 4:13 Dream is an extremely consistent album throughout its runtime.
  25. While it's too familiar to be revelatory, it's invigorating all the same.
  26. Even with a dozen records behind him, Smith, when he puts his mind to it, remains a master at crafting concise masterpieces of bouncy pop majesty.
  27. 4:13 Dream is admirably taut and vibrant.
  28. The territory is familiar, occasionally too familiar....But it’s not a comforting nostalgic reprise; it’s another plunge into the maelstrom.
  29. 80
    This is the first Cure album in a long time that’s more than just another Cure album.
  30. Under The Radar
    An every-other pattern emerges, where a lesser song is followed by a great one. [Winter 2008]
  31. 80
    While the album won’t produce any converts or even revive interest in the band’s newer music among purists, it’s an enjoyable, self-assured collection of jangly guitar pop tunes that sounds guided by the group’s own creative compass instead of fickle fans’ expectations.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
  1. Aug 25, 2015
    Just because the band's been around a while, and has developed a certain "sound" doesn't mean everything they do is old hat. I can'tJust because the band's been around a while, and has developed a certain "sound" doesn't mean everything they do is old hat. I can't understand why this album has not been better appreciated. Full of energy, inventiveness, careful composition. And I haven't liked a Cure album since Wish--not even a little bit. This album is what nobody wants to call it--a return to form. I never thought I'd like another Cure album. Much less love one. Full Review »
  2. Dec 16, 2011
    I miss the old days of The Cure when every single song on the album was beautiful and dark. These more modern pieces are good, but certainlyI miss the old days of The Cure when every single song on the album was beautiful and dark. These more modern pieces are good, but certainly not great. Full Review »
  3. Xanty
    Mar 11, 2009
    I goy it, left it, heard it twice and put it down.... weeks later, I gave it another chance, and it is doing my head... taking it to the sky I goy it, left it, heard it twice and put it down.... weeks later, I gave it another chance, and it is doing my head... taking it to the sky and back! Really good album, full with melodies, emotions, pounding heartbits and colour. I didn't think I would like a Cure album so much, without looking a copy of past glories. Buy it. Full Review »